CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore


School of Arts and Humanities

Syllabus for

Academic Year  (2024)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Business Analytics acts an effective tool to leverage the available data in various forms to take informed decision. Students will be trained on data driven decision making. This course is a full-fledged application based course which covers various applications of Business Analytics using the available social media data. IT provides a platform to the students to apply the knowledge, skills and competences to develop digital marketing strategies.

        To provide understanding of the digital marketing for marketing success

        To facilitate the students to manage customer relationships across all digital channels

        To equip the students with the techniques that are very useful when deploying/using/maintaining a real-world database system

        To elucidate the students with the use data management tools that are widely spread in the industry

             To offer the students relevant skills to identify the alternative solutions to a particular problem and take a decision based on trade-off.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the importance of the digital marketing for marketing success

CO2: Manage customer relationships across all digital channels

CO3: Use techniques that are very useful when deploying/using/maintaining a real-world database system

CO4: Use data management tools that are widely spread in the industry

CO5: Identify the alternative solutions to a particular problem and take a decision based on trade-off.

Teaching Hours:5
Google Analytics

Introduction to digital measuring tools, Account structure, Tracking code, Dimensions & Metrics, Page views, Events, Main reports, Traffic sources and campaigns, Conversions, Ecommerce, Connecting to additional Google tools: AdWords & Search console, Customer journeys, Attribution modelling

Teaching Hours:5
Google Analytics

Introduction to digital measuring tools, Account structure, Tracking code, Dimensions & Metrics, Page views, Events, Main reports, Traffic sources and campaigns, Conversions, Ecommerce, Connecting to additional Google tools: AdWords & Search console, Customer journeys, Attribution modelling

Teaching Hours:5
Google Analytics

Introduction to digital measuring tools, Account structure, Tracking code, Dimensions & Metrics, Page views, Events, Main reports, Traffic sources and campaigns, Conversions, Ecommerce, Connecting to additional Google tools: AdWords & Search console, Customer journeys, Attribution modelling

Teaching Hours:5
YouTube Analytics

YouTube Overview, Advantages in YouTube, Build and Optimize your YouTube Account, YouTube Interface, YouTube Settings, how to Upload a Video on YouTube, Things to know about YouTube Creator Studio, Channel Creation on YouTube, how to Increase your Subscriptions? YouTube Reports & Analytics 

Teaching Hours:5
YouTube Analytics

YouTube Overview, Advantages in YouTube, Build and Optimize your YouTube Account, YouTube Interface, YouTube Settings, how to Upload a Video on YouTube, Things to know about YouTube Creator Studio, Channel Creation on YouTube, how to Increase your Subscriptions? YouTube Reports & Analytics 

Teaching Hours:5
YouTube Analytics

YouTube Overview, Advantages in YouTube, Build and Optimize your YouTube Account, YouTube Interface, YouTube Settings, how to Upload a Video on YouTube, Things to know about YouTube Creator Studio, Channel Creation on YouTube, how to Increase your Subscriptions? YouTube Reports & Analytics 

Teaching Hours:5
Facebook Analytics

Setup an Account in Facebook, The Facebook Marketing Strategy, What Makes your Facebook Page Awesome? Orientation to Facebook Brand Pages - Facebook business page setup - Types of Facebook Business pages, Facebook: Post Types and its Dimensions, All You Need to know the Best Time to Post on Facebook, Facebook Audience Insights & Analytics, Facebook Competitor Analysis, Facebook Groups, Facebook Live, Successful Case Studies on Facebook, A Successful Study on How to Make Money Through Facebook

Teaching Hours:5
Facebook Analytics

Setup an Account in Facebook, The Facebook Marketing Strategy, What Makes your Facebook Page Awesome? Orientation to Facebook Brand Pages - Facebook business page setup - Types of Facebook Business pages, Facebook: Post Types and its Dimensions, All You Need to know the Best Time to Post on Facebook, Facebook Audience Insights & Analytics, Facebook Competitor Analysis, Facebook Groups, Facebook Live, Successful Case Studies on Facebook, A Successful Study on How to Make Money Through Facebook

Teaching Hours:5
Facebook Analytics

Setup an Account in Facebook, The Facebook Marketing Strategy, What Makes your Facebook Page Awesome? Orientation to Facebook Brand Pages - Facebook business page setup - Types of Facebook Business pages, Facebook: Post Types and its Dimensions, All You Need to know the Best Time to Post on Facebook, Facebook Audience Insights & Analytics, Facebook Competitor Analysis, Facebook Groups, Facebook Live, Successful Case Studies on Facebook, A Successful Study on How to Make Money Through Facebook

Teaching Hours:5
Advanced Database Management System

Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing, Parallel DBMS, Web Databases, Audio & Video Database, Database as a Service

Teaching Hours:5
Advanced Database Management System

Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing, Parallel DBMS, Web Databases, Audio & Video Database, Database as a Service

Teaching Hours:5
Advanced Database Management System

Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing, Parallel DBMS, Web Databases, Audio & Video Database, Database as a Service

Teaching Hours:5
Advanced Database Management System

Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing, Parallel DBMS, Web Databases, Audio & Video Database, Database as a Service

Teaching Hours:5
Advanced Database Management System

Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing, Parallel DBMS, Web Databases, Audio & Video Database, Database as a Service

Teaching Hours:5
Advanced Database Management System

Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing, Parallel DBMS, Web Databases, Audio & Video Database, Database as a Service

Teaching Hours:4

Introduction to Database Management systems and NoSQL, Architecture, NoSQL Assumptions and the CAP Theorem, Strengths and weaknesses of NoSQL, difference between the SQL and NoSQL databases,  MongoDB, Functionality, Live Examples


Teaching Hours:4

Introduction to Database Management systems and NoSQL, Architecture, NoSQL Assumptions and the CAP Theorem, Strengths and weaknesses of NoSQL, difference between the SQL and NoSQL databases,  MongoDB, Functionality, Live Examples


Teaching Hours:4

Introduction to Database Management systems and NoSQL, Architecture, NoSQL Assumptions and the CAP Theorem, Strengths and weaknesses of NoSQL, difference between the SQL and NoSQL databases,  MongoDB, Functionality, Live Examples


Teaching Hours:1
Do It Yourself (DIY)

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Google Analytics  

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Facebook Analytics

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on YouTube Analytics

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Big Data (MangoDB)

Teaching Hours:1
Do It Yourself (DIY)

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Google Analytics  

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Facebook Analytics

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on YouTube Analytics

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Big Data (MangoDB)

Teaching Hours:1
Do It Yourself (DIY)

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Google Analytics  

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Facebook Analytics

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on YouTube Analytics

Live tasks and assignments / Projects on Big Data (MangoDB)

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Ryan, D. (2014 ). Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation, Kogan Page Limited.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

The Beginner's Guide to Digital Marketing (2015). Digital Marketer. Pulizzi, J. (2014) Epic Content Marketing, McGraw Hill Education

Evaluation Pattern






Maximum marks


Total Marks in Final Grade


Hands on Exercise or Practical

1& 2





Hands on Exercise or Practical

3 & 4





Hands on Exercise or Practical

5 & 6





Mini Project









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: In the era of entrepreneurship, start-up culture has pervaded the socio-economic fabric of our world and it is imperative that budding entrepreneurs are equipped with the right skill sets that will see them achieve their goals. The course will address various practical tools and techniques that will enhance the decision-making process of an entrepreneur.


Course Objectives: 

      To learn the fundamental skills that would help in the initial stages of an entrepreneur’s journey.

      To develop the skill sets required to become a successful entrepreneur.

      To comprehend the necessary procedures to start a company.

      To widen the horizon of thought and action involved in the growth of an enterprise

  • To analyse and overcome the challenges an entrepreneur faces in business

Learning Outcome

CO1: To learn the fundamental skills that would help in the initial stages of an entrepreneur's journey.

CO2: To develop the skill sets required to become a successful entrepreneur.

CO3: To comprehend the necessary procedures to start a company.

CO4: To widen the horizon of thought and action involved in the growth of an enterprise.

CO5: To analyse and overcome the challenges an entrepreneur faces in business

Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Digital Marketing- To give businesses the digital twist. The workshop will focus on how to go digital for specific industries and great tips and tricks for online content, marketing, and website building. Assessment-W2


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Digital Marketing- To give businesses the digital twist. The workshop will focus on how to go digital for specific industries and great tips and tricks for online content, marketing, and website building. Assessment-W2


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Digital Marketing- To give businesses the digital twist. The workshop will focus on how to go digital for specific industries and great tips and tricks for online content, marketing, and website building. Assessment-W2


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Making Your Business Inclusive- this workshop will focus on the ethics of running a successful business. With Diversity, Inclusion & Belongingness being a key in today's business world


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Making Your Business Inclusive- this workshop will focus on the ethics of running a successful business. With Diversity, Inclusion & Belongingness being a key in today's business world


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Making Your Business Inclusive- this workshop will focus on the ethics of running a successful business. With Diversity, Inclusion & Belongingness being a key in today's business world


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and application


How to leverage LinkedIn-Profile to Opportunities. How to create a good LinkedIn Profile; How to look for Job Opportunities & Internships on the Platform


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and application


How to leverage LinkedIn-Profile to Opportunities. How to create a good LinkedIn Profile; How to look for Job Opportunities & Internships on the Platform


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and application


How to leverage LinkedIn-Profile to Opportunities. How to create a good LinkedIn Profile; How to look for Job Opportunities & Internships on the Platform


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Essence of business decision-making process, cost benefit analysis, introduction to system thinking and mapping the system level impact.


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Essence of business decision-making process, cost benefit analysis, introduction to system thinking and mapping the system level impact.


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Essence of business decision-making process, cost benefit analysis, introduction to system thinking and mapping the system level impact.


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Business risk, mapping to uncertainty, risk mitigation tools and frame works - such as FMEA, trends of business risks, risk management


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Business risk, mapping to uncertainty, risk mitigation tools and frame works - such as FMEA, trends of business risks, risk management


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Business risk, mapping to uncertainty, risk mitigation tools and frame works - such as FMEA, trends of business risks, risk management


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Introduction to design-thinking, application of design thinking in problem identification, customer journey map, offerings


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Introduction to design-thinking, application of design thinking in problem identification, customer journey map, offerings


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Introduction to design-thinking, application of design thinking in problem identification, customer journey map, offerings


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application




Understanding the Business trends, linking the past and forecasting the future of business and technology, technology enabled platform for future business such as AI, block-chain, big data etc.,


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application




Understanding the Business trends, linking the past and forecasting the future of business and technology, technology enabled platform for future business such as AI, block-chain, big data etc.,


Teaching Hours:4


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application




Understanding the Business trends, linking the past and forecasting the future of business and technology, technology enabled platform for future business such as AI, block-chain, big data etc.,


Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading:

Evaluation Pattern

Overall Assessment Description


Component of Final Grade

Max Marks per Component

Weightage towards Final Grade

Total Marks per Component in Final Grade

7 Components


70 %




30 %







Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course is to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of financial econometric models and their applications to modeling and financial time series data including the return forecasting, volatility. While econometric theory is briefly touched on, most of the emphasis is on applied time series modeling and forecasting. Students at the end of the course will have a working knowledge of financial time series data and gain expertise in the software to conduct the analyses.


Course objectives:

        To develop simple and multiple regression models and validate the efficiency of the estimated regression models.

        To forecast financial data using econometric techniques (ARIMA) and measure their effectiveness

  • To estimate volatility of Financial time series variables 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Develop simple and multiple regression models and validate the efficiency of the estimated regression models.

CO2: Forecast financial data using econometric techniques (ARIMA) and measure their effectiveness

CO3: Estimate volatility of Financial time series variables

Teaching Hours:4

Nature and Scope of Econometrics - Introduction to what is econometrics and steps taken by an econometrician in carrying out an empirical study. Different data types – cross section, time series and panel data and problems associated with them. 



Teaching Hours:4

Nature and Scope of Econometrics - Introduction to what is econometrics and steps taken by an econometrician in carrying out an empirical study. Different data types – cross section, time series and panel data and problems associated with them. 



Teaching Hours:4

Nature and Scope of Econometrics - Introduction to what is econometrics and steps taken by an econometrician in carrying out an empirical study. Different data types – cross section, time series and panel data and problems associated with them. 



Teaching Hours:8

Estimation of model by method of ordinary least squares; properties of estimators; goodness of fit; Multiple Linear Regression Model: Estimation of parameters; properties of OLS estimators; goodness of fit - R2 and adjusted R2; Violations of CLRM Assumptions: Consequences, Detection and Remedies - Multicollinearity; heteroscedasticity 

Teaching Hours:8

Estimation of model by method of ordinary least squares; properties of estimators; goodness of fit; Multiple Linear Regression Model: Estimation of parameters; properties of OLS estimators; goodness of fit - R2 and adjusted R2; Violations of CLRM Assumptions: Consequences, Detection and Remedies - Multicollinearity; heteroscedasticity 

Teaching Hours:8

Estimation of model by method of ordinary least squares; properties of estimators; goodness of fit; Multiple Linear Regression Model: Estimation of parameters; properties of OLS estimators; goodness of fit - R2 and adjusted R2; Violations of CLRM Assumptions: Consequences, Detection and Remedies - Multicollinearity; heteroscedasticity 

Teaching Hours:8

Univariate Autoregressive Models - Univariate Moving Average Models - Autoregressive-Moving Average Models. Forecasting Univariate   financial Time Series Models- ARIMA Model- Box-Jenkins approach - Forecasting Evaluation Statistics

Teaching Hours:8

Univariate Autoregressive Models - Univariate Moving Average Models - Autoregressive-Moving Average Models. Forecasting Univariate   financial Time Series Models- ARIMA Model- Box-Jenkins approach - Forecasting Evaluation Statistics

Teaching Hours:8

Univariate Autoregressive Models - Univariate Moving Average Models - Autoregressive-Moving Average Models. Forecasting Univariate   financial Time Series Models- ARIMA Model- Box-Jenkins approach - Forecasting Evaluation Statistics

Teaching Hours:10

Volatility Clustering- Meaning and measurement - Leverage Effects- Econometric models of volatility - Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) Model- Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) Model - Extensions to GARCH-Exponential GARCH and Threshold GARCH models.

Teaching Hours:10

Volatility Clustering- Meaning and measurement - Leverage Effects- Econometric models of volatility - Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) Model- Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) Model - Extensions to GARCH-Exponential GARCH and Threshold GARCH models.

Teaching Hours:10

Volatility Clustering- Meaning and measurement - Leverage Effects- Econometric models of volatility - Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) Model- Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) Model - Extensions to GARCH-Exponential GARCH and Threshold GARCH models.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. D. N. Gujarati and D.C. Porter, Essentials of Econometrics, McGraw Hill, 5th edition, International Edition
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Chris Brooks, Introductory Econometrics to Finance - Cambridge University Press, 2002
  2. Christopher Dougherty, Introduction to Econometrics, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, Indian Edition, 2007.
  3. Jan Kmenta, Elements of Econometrics, Indian Reprint, Khosla Publishing House,2nd edition, 2008.
Evaluation Pattern

CIA I:  30 marks (100% weightage) CIAII :  30 marks (100% weightage) CIA III : 30 marks (100% weightage) Attendance and class participation: 10 marks (100% weightage) 


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


 Course Description: 

HR managers are the key to the success of talent acquisition and management for the organization. They are responsible for providing the organization with the proper key performance indicators to show that the organization is in alignment with its mission, values and goals. HR is also responsible for ensuring that supervisors and managers as well as rank and file employees understand the corporate policies and procedures. They have the responsibility to ensure that these processes are applied consistently and correctly. HR has the responsibility to learn the language of business so that they can communicate with the management of the organization in their space rather than that of HR and emerge as a true business partner.


Course Objectives:


  •  To extend HR Concepts and theories to real life situations. 
  •  To take part in designing and executing various learning activities.
  •  To develop written and oral communication skills. 
  • To build different perspectives on HR related issues and challenges



Learning Outcome

CO1: Analyze the various aspects of talent management in organizations.

CO2: Compare and contrast different practices adopted by the organization to address the HR issues.

CO3: Explain the content on different aspects of talent acquisition and management practices.

CO4: Develop novel approaches and methodologies in talent acquisition

Teaching Hours:6
Recruitment Ad Design


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Matching brand promise and employer branding, designing appropriate ads with respect to size, content, branding, placement.


Teaching Hours:6
Recruitment Ad Design


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Matching brand promise and employer branding, designing appropriate ads with respect to size, content, branding, placement.


Teaching Hours:6
Recruitment Ad Design


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Matching brand promise and employer branding, designing appropriate ads with respect to size, content, branding, placement.


Teaching Hours:6
Recruitment Ad Design


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Matching brand promise and employer branding, designing appropriate ads with respect to size, content, branding, placement.


Teaching Hours:6
Evaluating Resumes


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Selection of keywords based on JD and JS, Filtering, looking for gaps in CVs, comparison of Cvs, shortlisting of CVs


Teaching Hours:6
Evaluating Resumes


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Selection of keywords based on JD and JS, Filtering, looking for gaps in CVs, comparison of Cvs, shortlisting of CVs


Teaching Hours:6
Evaluating Resumes


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Selection of keywords based on JD and JS, Filtering, looking for gaps in CVs, comparison of Cvs, shortlisting of CVs


Teaching Hours:6
Evaluating Resumes


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Selection of keywords based on JD and JS, Filtering, looking for gaps in CVs, comparison of Cvs, shortlisting of CVs


Teaching Hours:6
Preliminary Interview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing preliminary interview questions based on the CV given, conducting telephonic preliminary interviews, and evaluation of the candidate based on preliminary interview.


Teaching Hours:6
Preliminary Interview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing preliminary interview questions based on the CV given, conducting telephonic preliminary interviews, and evaluation of the candidate based on preliminary interview.


Teaching Hours:6
Preliminary Interview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing preliminary interview questions based on the CV given, conducting telephonic preliminary interviews, and evaluation of the candidate based on preliminary interview.


Teaching Hours:6
Preliminary Interview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing preliminary interview questions based on the CV given, conducting telephonic preliminary interviews, and evaluation of the candidate based on preliminary interview.


Teaching Hours:6
Selection Testing


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing various types of selection tests based on the job requirements provided. 


Teaching Hours:6
Selection Testing


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing various types of selection tests based on the job requirements provided. 


Teaching Hours:6
Selection Testing


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing various types of selection tests based on the job requirements provided. 


Teaching Hours:6
Selection Testing


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Designing various types of selection tests based on the job requirements provided. 


Teaching Hours:4
Evaluation Forms


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Design candidate evaluation forms for various positions in various organizations.

Teaching Hours:4
Evaluation Forms


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Design candidate evaluation forms for various positions in various organizations.

Teaching Hours:4
Evaluation Forms


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Design candidate evaluation forms for various positions in various organizations.

Teaching Hours:4
Evaluation Forms


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Design candidate evaluation forms for various positions in various organizations.

Teaching Hours:2
Interviewing Skills


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Examine various interviewing techniques, designing a structured interview schedule for various positions, interviewing through Skype.


Teaching Hours:2
Interviewing Skills


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Examine various interviewing techniques, designing a structured interview schedule for various positions, interviewing through Skype.


Teaching Hours:2
Interviewing Skills


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Examine various interviewing techniques, designing a structured interview schedule for various positions, interviewing through Skype.


Teaching Hours:2
Interviewing Skills


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Examine various interviewing techniques, designing a structured interview schedule for various positions, interviewing through Skype.


Text Books And Reference Books:


Evaluation Pattern



Component of Assessment

Description of the Assessment

Units covered

Maximum Marks


Total Marks


Designing a recruitment advertisement 






Examining Selection Processes






Project Report – Based on Primary Research 






Activity Based Learning












School Guidelines & Cohort guidelines applicable for the assessments


Student must maintain 90% attendance in classes in the two-week preceding the submission date of each CIA


Use of AI tools should be strictly as per university guidelines


For any report/ written submission, similarity should be less than 15 %


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Marketing excellence is a prerequisite for success in any business, from startups to the world’s most established enterprises, yet the art and science of marketing is constantly evolving. Students are required to know the essential principles and practices of marketing in the digital economy.

Course Objectives:

      To discuss how the digital economy works and develop the critical insights necessary to succeed in e-commerce and digital and social media marketing.

  • To estimate related technologies exert a profound influence on how business and social institutions evolve, how they are challenged—and sometimes, even displaced

Learning Outcome

CO1: Students are able to discuss how the digital economy works and develop the critical insights necessary to succeed in e-commerce and digital and social media marketing.

CO2: Students are able to estimate related technologies exert a profound influence on how business and social institutions evolve, how they are challenged and sometimes, even displaced

Teaching Hours:6

Introduction to GRAVITY (Geography, Resistance, Adjacency, Vicinity, Isolation, Topography and You), privacy concerns, Fake News detection. 

Teaching Hours:6

Introduction to GRAVITY (Geography, Resistance, Adjacency, Vicinity, Isolation, Topography and You), privacy concerns, Fake News detection. 

Teaching Hours:6

Introduction to GRAVITY (Geography, Resistance, Adjacency, Vicinity, Isolation, Topography and You), privacy concerns, Fake News detection. 

Teaching Hours:6

Introduction to GRAVITY (Geography, Resistance, Adjacency, Vicinity, Isolation, Topography and You), privacy concerns, Fake News detection. 

Teaching Hours:6

Frictions and Commerce, Variety and the Digital Economy, Online-Offline Interaction and the Omni Channel World, Reputation and Reviews, Networks

Teaching Hours:6

Frictions and Commerce, Variety and the Digital Economy, Online-Offline Interaction and the Omni Channel World, Reputation and Reviews, Networks

Teaching Hours:6

Frictions and Commerce, Variety and the Digital Economy, Online-Offline Interaction and the Omni Channel World, Reputation and Reviews, Networks

Teaching Hours:6

Frictions and Commerce, Variety and the Digital Economy, Online-Offline Interaction and the Omni Channel World, Reputation and Reviews, Networks

Teaching Hours:6

Social media selection techniques, copyright issues in online marketing. 

Teaching Hours:6

Social media selection techniques, copyright issues in online marketing. 

Teaching Hours:6

Social media selection techniques, copyright issues in online marketing. 

Teaching Hours:6

Social media selection techniques, copyright issues in online marketing. 

Teaching Hours:6

Content marketing, social media content development, Memes marketing, troll marketing, product placement in social media content 

Teaching Hours:6

Content marketing, social media content development, Memes marketing, troll marketing, product placement in social media content 

Teaching Hours:6

Content marketing, social media content development, Memes marketing, troll marketing, product placement in social media content 

Teaching Hours:6

Content marketing, social media content development, Memes marketing, troll marketing, product placement in social media content 

Teaching Hours:4

Networks Effects, Social Advertising and Social Targeting

Teaching Hours:4

Networks Effects, Social Advertising and Social Targeting

Teaching Hours:4

Networks Effects, Social Advertising and Social Targeting

Teaching Hours:4

Networks Effects, Social Advertising and Social Targeting

Teaching Hours:2

Viral Product Features and Viral Content, Organic Celebrity, Persuasion, and Sentiment, Online Community and Models of Influence

Teaching Hours:2

Viral Product Features and Viral Content, Organic Celebrity, Persuasion, and Sentiment, Online Community and Models of Influence

Teaching Hours:2

Viral Product Features and Viral Content, Organic Celebrity, Persuasion, and Sentiment, Online Community and Models of Influence

Teaching Hours:2

Viral Product Features and Viral Content, Organic Celebrity, Persuasion, and Sentiment, Online Community and Models of Influence

Evaluation Pattern

CIA1- 30 marks

CIA2- 15 marks 

CIA3- 15 marks

CIA4- 30 marks

Class Participation and Attendance-20



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

An Organization consists of different departments and processes. Managers at all level must understand how a company’s departments and processes “fit” together to achieve its goal. It focuses on all the functional areas of business and presents a cohesive strategic management model from a strategic perspective. The subject provides an insight on the strategy adopted by the companies in response to environmental change. The course provides a comprehensive and integrated presentation of current strategic management thinking in a clear and succinct format.


Course Objective:

·       To learn the fundamentals of strategic management using the case method.

·       To understand the fundamental principles & interrelationships among business functions such as: R & D, Production, Marketing, Customer Service, finance, human resources and Information Technology

·       To understand the interrelationships of business to individuals, other organizations, government and society.

Learning Outcome

CLO1: Explain the strategy adopted by the companies in response to environmental changes.

CLO2: Illustrate the manner in which strategic and competitive advantage is developed.

CLO3: Explain various methods and techniques for internal analysis.

CLO4: Determine how positioning of the firm in the industry help to determine the competitive advantage.

CLO5: Outline the tools and technique for strategic analysis to understand different business strategies.

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Defining strategy- levels at which strategy operates- approaches to strategic decision making, the strategic management process- Strategic intent: Vision, mission and objectives

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:11
Environmental and Industry Analysis

The organizations environment- External and internal environment, components of external and internal environment- Environment scanning- Organizations responses to the environment, A framework for industry analysis, Michael porter’s analysis- usefulness of Industry analysis- Competitive analysis: Forces shaping competition in an industry- interpreting the Five force models- Strategic group, and competitor analysis- Internal analysis: Resource based strategy- the resource based view, Resources- capabilities and competencies- approaches to internal analysis

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:6
Strategy Formulation and Choice

Corporate level strategy: Introduction- The balanced scorecard- Grand strategies- Growth/Expansion strategy- Diversification Strategy- Stability strategy- Retrenchment strategy- combination strategy, BCG matrix, Global Strategies for corporates– Objective and modes of entry

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:7
Corporate Restructuring

The concept of corporate restructuring- the process of restructuring- mergers and acquisition- takeovers- cooperative strategies- Reasons for strategic alliances- risks and costs of strategic alliances

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:8
Strategy Implementation and Functional Strategies

Issues in strategy implementation- Activating strategy and resource allocation- strategy-structure relationship- the functional structure- divisionalisation- Functional level strategies:

Operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy and Human resource strategy 

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:9
Behavioral Implementation

Corporate governance and strategic management- strategic leadership- corporate culture and strategic management- corporate politics and power- personal values and business ethics

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:6
Strategic evaluation and control

Importance, barriers- evaluation criteria- strategic control- operational control- evaluation techniques for operational control- characteristics of an effective control system

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and technology management

Designing a technology strategy- Technology forecasting and R & D Strategies- Strategies for acquisition and absorption of technology- Social audit

Text Books And Reference Books:

Rao, V.S.P., & Krishna, V.H., (2013).Strategic Management: Text and Cases. New Delhi: Excel Books.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Amason, A.C. (2011). Strategic Management :From theory to Practice(1st ed.). New York: Routledge. 

2.     Barney, J.B. &Hesterly, W.S.(2011).Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage: Concepts & Cases(4th ed.). Prentice Hall.

3.     Dess, G., Eisner, A., Lumpkin, G.T., &Namara, G.M. (2011).Strategic Management: creating competitive advantages (6thed.).McGraw Hill Education.

4.     Hill, C.W.L., & Jones, G.R. (2012). Strategic Management-An Integrated Approach (10thed.).South Western: Cengage Learning.

Evaluation Pattern

Component of Final Grade



Max Marks


Total marks in final grade


Group Assignment






Mid Semester Examination



50 %



Individual Assignment






End Semester Examination









100 %








BBA532 - TAXATION LAWS (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

India has a well-developed tax structure with a three-tier federal structure,comprising the Union Government, the State Governments and the Urban/Rural Local Bodies. The power to levy taxes and duties is distributed among the three tiers of Governments, in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Constitution. The study of tax laws is of a great importance for Management students as it exposes students to the tax environment in India. This course is introduced as part of the BBA program to give an overall idea about the theoretical and practical aspects of direct and indirect taxes in India. The content of the course is arranged in such a manner that it gives an outline of the Income tax law and GST Law in an analytical and simple manner.

Course Objectives:

  1. To demonstrate the concepts of Direct Taxation, Tax regime, Law and Practice in India.  
  2. To outline the basic concepts and Practice of Goods and Service Tax in India.
  3. To apply the knowledge in computing Taxable Income.
  4. To exhibit tax planning skills to minimize tax liability by adhering to the provisions of legal enactments governing Taxes in India.
  5. To explain the Law and Practice of Customs Act  in India

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate the understanding of basic concepts of Direct Taxation especially Income Tax Law and Practice in India.

CO2: Application of the knowledge in computing Taxable Income

CO3: Assess various tax planning measures to minimize tax liability

CO4: Apply the basic concepts and Practice of Goods and Service Tax in India.

CO5: Explain the law and practice of the Customs Act in India.

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Taxation

Legal enactments governing Income Tax in India, An overview of basic Concepts- Assessee, Person, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Agricultural Income, Income, GTI, Total Income, Average Rate Of Tax. Determination of residential status, Kinds of income, incidence of tax.

Tax free incomes. Capital and Revenue Expenditure. Comparison between Tax structure in India and other countries. (Self-study)

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Salary

Chargeability, Treatment of Various Allowances, Perquisites, and their Valuation, Treatment of Provident Fund, profit in Lieu of salary, Deductions from Gross Salary (Practical Problems). Retirement Benefits Computation of taxable salary.

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:6
Income from House Property

Chargeability, annual value and its determination, deemed ownership deductions from annual value, Computation of taxable income under the head house property (theory with problems)

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains of Business and Profession

Meaning of Business and Profession, Incomes Chargeable under this head

Computation of Taxable Income from business (Sole proprietorship firms) and profession.

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Gains

Meaning of important terms, Short term and Long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition of capital assets, Computation of capital gains, exemptions from LTGC only deductions u/s 54, 54B, 54EC and 54F (theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:8
Income from Other Sources, deductions and Gross Total Income

Incomes taxable under income from other sources, deductions allowed (applicable only to individuals) Section 80C to 80U, Computation of GTI

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:7
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Overview of GST, Dual structure, GST council, Definition of Supply, Levy and Tax and Input tax credit. (Theory with simple problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Teaching Hours:8
Customs Duty

Basic concepts, Types of customs duty, Assessable value and computation of total customs duty, Baggage and Courier.

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Gaur, V.P. & Narang, B.K. (2024), Income Tax Law and practice. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Singhania,(AY 2022-2023) Income tax law and practice , Taxman publishers, NewDelhi
  2. Income tax law and Practice (2020), Dr. Mehrotra and Goyal, Sahitya Bhavan Publications
  3. Datey V S (2022-23), GST Laws and Practice with Customs and Foreign Tax Practice, Taxman Publications, New Delhi
  4. Singhania,(2022-23) Income tax law and practice , Taxman publishers, NewDelhi
  5. Income tax law and Practice (2020), Dr. Mehrotra and Goyal, Sahitya Bhavan  Publications 
  6. Datey V S (2022-23), GST Laws and Practice with Customs and Foreign Tax Practice, Taxman Publications, New Delhi.
Evaluation Pattern




Maximum marks


Total Marks in Final Grade


 Written assignment   Individual submission






Mid semester Examination







 Written assignment   Individual submission







2 Hours written examination














Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course provides a comprehensive coverage of theory, tools and techniques relating to investments, focusing mainly on stock(capital) market instruments. It also explains provides an insight to the regulatory framework, theoretical expositions and practical applications of investment of portfolio management. tools and techniques 

Course Learning Objectives: This course aims:

  1. To illustrate various investment avenues available for investors
  2. To apply fundamental analysis/ technical analysis on listed companies in India
  3. To evaluate Equity share/ bond based on valuation techniques 
  4. To appraise various types of derivatives available for hedging.
  5. To construct and revise portfolios by analysis and evaluation of risk – return trade-off.

Learning Outcome

CO1: To classify investment options for different classes of investors

CO2: To examine the fundamental and technical analysis results for buy/sell/hold decisions

CO3: To evaluate a given stock or bond based on its valuation

CO4: To appraise the effectiveness of derivatives as hedging tool for investors

CO5: To construct and revise portfolios based on risk return analysis

Teaching Hours:7
Introduction to Investments

Financial Meaning of investment - significance of savings and investment - understanding of security, portfolio, speculation, gambling, and arbitrage mechanisms - Risk- systematic risk and unsystematic risk-Interest rate risk, inflation risk etc.-financial and business risk Legal framework of securities market, Comparison between investment and speculation and its significance in Indian financial system, Profile of Indian investors and factors influencing investment decisions. Financial positions, tax positions, risk perception and attitude - Risk-Return relationship. 

Teaching Hours:7
Introduction to Investments

Financial Meaning of investment - significance of savings and investment - understanding of security, portfolio, speculation, gambling, and arbitrage mechanisms - Risk- systematic risk and unsystematic risk-Interest rate risk, inflation risk etc.-financial and business risk Legal framework of securities market, Comparison between investment and speculation and its significance in Indian financial system, Profile of Indian investors and factors influencing investment decisions. Financial positions, tax positions, risk perception and attitude - Risk-Return relationship. 

Teaching Hours:7
Introduction to Investments

Financial Meaning of investment - significance of savings and investment - understanding of security, portfolio, speculation, gambling, and arbitrage mechanisms - Risk- systematic risk and unsystematic risk-Interest rate risk, inflation risk etc.-financial and business risk Legal framework of securities market, Comparison between investment and speculation and its significance in Indian financial system, Profile of Indian investors and factors influencing investment decisions. Financial positions, tax positions, risk perception and attitude - Risk-Return relationship. 

Teaching Hours:7
Security analysis: Fundamental

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical


Fundamental analysis – company, industry and economy analysis - Tools for economic analysis- analysis of GDP-Monetary policy, Inflation Interest rates International influences- links between economy and industry sectors-prediction about market behaviour. Compounding Effect, Investible grade attributes, Analysis of annual reports- P&L, Balance sheet, Cash flow. Financial Ratios. Margin of Safety. Single security Analysis: Return and Risk.

Teaching Hours:7
Security analysis: Fundamental

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical


Fundamental analysis – company, industry and economy analysis - Tools for economic analysis- analysis of GDP-Monetary policy, Inflation Interest rates International influences- links between economy and industry sectors-prediction about market behaviour. Compounding Effect, Investible grade attributes, Analysis of annual reports- P&L, Balance sheet, Cash flow. Financial Ratios. Margin of Safety. Single security Analysis: Return and Risk.

Teaching Hours:7
Security analysis: Fundamental

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical


Fundamental analysis – company, industry and economy analysis - Tools for economic analysis- analysis of GDP-Monetary policy, Inflation Interest rates International influences- links between economy and industry sectors-prediction about market behaviour. Compounding Effect, Investible grade attributes, Analysis of annual reports- P&L, Balance sheet, Cash flow. Financial Ratios. Margin of Safety. Single security Analysis: Return and Risk.

Teaching Hours:12
Security analysis: Technical


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical

Assumptions in technical analysis, Charting techniques and patterns: points and figures chart, bar chart, Japanese Candlesticks , Single candlesticks pattern- Marubozu, Spinning Top, Dojis, Paper Umbrella, Hammer, Hanging Man, Shooting Star. Multiple candlesticks patterns- Engulfing, Piercing, Dark cloud cover, Harami, Gaps, Morning Star, Evening Star, Dow theory and Dow Patterns. contrary opinions theory, Trends, Indicators and trading signals: Support and Resistance, ROC, RSI, Moving average analysis, Simple Moving Average, EMA,MACD.

Teaching Hours:12
Security analysis: Technical


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical

Assumptions in technical analysis, Charting techniques and patterns: points and figures chart, bar chart, Japanese Candlesticks , Single candlesticks pattern- Marubozu, Spinning Top, Dojis, Paper Umbrella, Hammer, Hanging Man, Shooting Star. Multiple candlesticks patterns- Engulfing, Piercing, Dark cloud cover, Harami, Gaps, Morning Star, Evening Star, Dow theory and Dow Patterns. contrary opinions theory, Trends, Indicators and trading signals: Support and Resistance, ROC, RSI, Moving average analysis, Simple Moving Average, EMA,MACD.

Teaching Hours:12
Security analysis: Technical


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical

Assumptions in technical analysis, Charting techniques and patterns: points and figures chart, bar chart, Japanese Candlesticks , Single candlesticks pattern- Marubozu, Spinning Top, Dojis, Paper Umbrella, Hammer, Hanging Man, Shooting Star. Multiple candlesticks patterns- Engulfing, Piercing, Dark cloud cover, Harami, Gaps, Morning Star, Evening Star, Dow theory and Dow Patterns. contrary opinions theory, Trends, Indicators and trading signals: Support and Resistance, ROC, RSI, Moving average analysis, Simple Moving Average, EMA,MACD.

Teaching Hours:10
Security Pricing and Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical 

Factors influencing valuation - methods of equity valuation - Earning Valuation modal - use of P/E ratio, Dividend modal - Zero and constant growth modals. Intrinsic value method, Calculation of present and forecasted price of the stock. Valuation of fixed income instruments – present and future value - Calculation of simple, holding period and maturity yield, annuities. Calculation of portfolio networth. 

Teaching Hours:10
Security Pricing and Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical 

Factors influencing valuation - methods of equity valuation - Earning Valuation modal - use of P/E ratio, Dividend modal - Zero and constant growth modals. Intrinsic value method, Calculation of present and forecasted price of the stock. Valuation of fixed income instruments – present and future value - Calculation of simple, holding period and maturity yield, annuities. Calculation of portfolio networth. 

Teaching Hours:10
Security Pricing and Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/Analytical 

Factors influencing valuation - methods of equity valuation - Earning Valuation modal - use of P/E ratio, Dividend modal - Zero and constant growth modals. Intrinsic value method, Calculation of present and forecasted price of the stock. Valuation of fixed income instruments – present and future value - Calculation of simple, holding period and maturity yield, annuities. Calculation of portfolio networth. 

Teaching Hours:6
Future and Option

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/ Analytical


Introduction to derivatives – Features – Types – Commodity derivatives and Financial derivatives – Kinds of commodity derivatives – Commodity derivative market in India -  Kinds of financial derivatives – financial derivative market in India. Futures – meaning, index futures, valuation of index future. Arbitrage, hedging, advantages of index futures.
Options – meaning and salient features, call and put options, market structure, futures v/s options. Option trading strategies. 

Teaching Hours:6
Future and Option

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/ Analytical


Introduction to derivatives – Features – Types – Commodity derivatives and Financial derivatives – Kinds of commodity derivatives – Commodity derivative market in India -  Kinds of financial derivatives – financial derivative market in India. Futures – meaning, index futures, valuation of index future. Arbitrage, hedging, advantages of index futures.
Options – meaning and salient features, call and put options, market structure, futures v/s options. Option trading strategies. 

Teaching Hours:6
Future and Option

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual/ Analytical


Introduction to derivatives – Features – Types – Commodity derivatives and Financial derivatives – Kinds of commodity derivatives – Commodity derivative market in India -  Kinds of financial derivatives – financial derivative market in India. Futures – meaning, index futures, valuation of index future. Arbitrage, hedging, advantages of index futures.
Options – meaning and salient features, call and put options, market structure, futures v/s options. Option trading strategies. 

Teaching Hours:12
Portfolio Theory, Models and Analysis

Meaning, return on portfolio, risk on portfolio, portfolio managers, SEBI guidelines for portfolio managers, portfolio management services. Efficient Market Hypothesis,Portfolio theory - contribution of William Sharpe and Harry Markowitz,- Single index model, capital asset pricing modal and arbitrage pricing theory.

Teaching Hours:12
Portfolio Theory, Models and Analysis

Meaning, return on portfolio, risk on portfolio, portfolio managers, SEBI guidelines for portfolio managers, portfolio management services. Efficient Market Hypothesis,Portfolio theory - contribution of William Sharpe and Harry Markowitz,- Single index model, capital asset pricing modal and arbitrage pricing theory.

Teaching Hours:12
Portfolio Theory, Models and Analysis

Meaning, return on portfolio, risk on portfolio, portfolio managers, SEBI guidelines for portfolio managers, portfolio management services. Efficient Market Hypothesis,Portfolio theory - contribution of William Sharpe and Harry Markowitz,- Single index model, capital asset pricing modal and arbitrage pricing theory.

Teaching Hours:6
Portfolio Evaluation

Portfolio evaluation: Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen ratio. International Portfolio Investment and management – Risk and return in international diversification. Trends in portfolio management, strategies: active and passive strategies, fees.

Teaching Hours:6
Portfolio Evaluation

Portfolio evaluation: Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen ratio. International Portfolio Investment and management – Risk and return in international diversification. Trends in portfolio management, strategies: active and passive strategies, fees.

Teaching Hours:6
Portfolio Evaluation

Portfolio evaluation: Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen ratio. International Portfolio Investment and management – Risk and return in international diversification. Trends in portfolio management, strategies: active and passive strategies, fees.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Chandra P.(2017) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Mcgraw Hill India

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Kevin S. (2015) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management PHI learning  Pvt Ltd

2.Madhumati, R.M. (2008). Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education 

3.Fischer D.E. (2009). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.  Pearson EducationBhalla, V.K. (2008). Investment Management. New Delhi: S. Chand.

4.Avadhani, V.A. (2008). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. New Delhi: Himalaya publications 


Evaluation Pattern
Component of Final Grade Max Marks per Component Weightage towards Final Grade Total Marks per Component in Final Grade
CIA-I (10+10) 20 20% 20
CIA-II 50 25% 25
CIA-III 20 20% 20
End Semester 50 30% 30
Attendance 5 5% 5
Total     100


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: Understanding consumer behavior is one of the fundamental requirements for any marketer. Consumer Behavior and Research is an in-depth exploration of

the psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence consumer decision-making processes. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of how

consumers behave, why they make certain choices, and how businesses can effectively target and engage with their target audience. It also covers the extensive understanding of the

concept of consumer research and its application during this changing marketing era. This course equips students with the knowledge and skills to conduct research in consumer

behavior, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.

Course Objectives: This course intends

● To understand the concept of Consumer Behavior in the field of Marketing

● To apply the concept of consumer behavior in terms of consumer research

● To analyse the consumer decision process for different organizations.

● To evaluate the internal and external factors affecting consumer behavior in detail

● To elaborate on the recent changes in consumer behavior.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Assess the basics of consumer behavior and identify the relevance of the subject in the realm of contemporary business and marketing.

CO2: Ability to select research process in consumer behaviour, and apply findings to marketing practice

CO3: Analyse the consumer decision making process to improvise the marketer s understanding about consumers

CO4: Assess the individual and external factors affecting consumer behaviour for better decision in the field of marketing management

CO5: Elaborate critically on the changed consumer behavior to match with the contemporary marketing and business world.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Consumer Behavior

Meaning, Types of consumers, Interdisciplinary nature of CB, Scope and Application of CB, Market segmentation and CB, Use of Information Technology and AI in Consumer Profiling and Engagement.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Consumer Behavior

Meaning, Types of consumers, Interdisciplinary nature of CB, Scope and Application of CB, Market segmentation and CB, Use of Information Technology and AI in Consumer Profiling and Engagement.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Consumer Behavior

Meaning, Types of consumers, Interdisciplinary nature of CB, Scope and Application of CB, Market segmentation and CB, Use of Information Technology and AI in Consumer Profiling and Engagement.

Teaching Hours:12
Consumer Decision making Process

Problem recognition, Pre purchase search, purchasing process, Post purchase behaviour. Levels of Consumer decision making (Consumer Involvement). Model of Consumer Decision making -Black Box Model, Howard - Sheth Model.

Teaching Hours:12
Consumer Decision making Process

Problem recognition, Pre purchase search, purchasing process, Post purchase behaviour. Levels of Consumer decision making (Consumer Involvement). Model of Consumer Decision making -Black Box Model, Howard - Sheth Model.

Teaching Hours:12
Consumer Decision making Process

Problem recognition, Pre purchase search, purchasing process, Post purchase behaviour. Levels of Consumer decision making (Consumer Involvement). Model of Consumer Decision making -Black Box Model, Howard - Sheth Model.

Teaching Hours:10
Factors affecting Consumer Behavior

Individual determinants of Consumer behaviour - Personality, Motivation, Perception, Learning, Attitudes; External Determinants of CB: Family, Age and Gender Functions, FLC stages, Family decision making, Dynamics of husband wife decision making. Role of child in decision making, women’s buying behaviour

Teaching Hours:10
Factors affecting Consumer Behavior

Individual determinants of Consumer behaviour - Personality, Motivation, Perception, Learning, Attitudes; External Determinants of CB: Family, Age and Gender Functions, FLC stages, Family decision making, Dynamics of husband wife decision making. Role of child in decision making, women’s buying behaviour

Teaching Hours:10
Factors affecting Consumer Behavior

Individual determinants of Consumer behaviour - Personality, Motivation, Perception, Learning, Attitudes; External Determinants of CB: Family, Age and Gender Functions, FLC stages, Family decision making, Dynamics of husband wife decision making. Role of child in decision making, women’s buying behaviour

Teaching Hours:10
Influence of Social Class and Culture

Categories, Measurement ofsocial class, Life style profiles, VALS, AIOS, Social class mobility.Characteristics, Measurement of Culture – Content analysis, Consumer Fieldwork. Subculture – religious, regional, racial, age and gender, culture – religious, regional, racial, age and gender

Teaching Hours:10
Influence of Social Class and Culture

Categories, Measurement ofsocial class, Life style profiles, VALS, AIOS, Social class mobility.Characteristics, Measurement of Culture – Content analysis, Consumer Fieldwork. Subculture – religious, regional, racial, age and gender, culture – religious, regional, racial, age and gender

Teaching Hours:10
Influence of Social Class and Culture

Categories, Measurement ofsocial class, Life style profiles, VALS, AIOS, Social class mobility.Characteristics, Measurement of Culture – Content analysis, Consumer Fieldwork. Subculture – religious, regional, racial, age and gender, culture – religious, regional, racial, age and gender

Teaching Hours:5
Recent Trends in Consumer Behaviour

Characteristics of New consumers in new times – Increased transparency, Online buying, Omnipresent marketing communication, Anonymous identity, DIY inclination, inclination for green products, Value based purchase, Customer automated decisions. Challenges of changed consumer behaviour for Marketers.

Teaching Hours:5
Recent Trends in Consumer Behaviour

Characteristics of New consumers in new times – Increased transparency, Online buying, Omnipresent marketing communication, Anonymous identity, DIY inclination, inclination for green products, Value based purchase, Customer automated decisions. Challenges of changed consumer behaviour for Marketers.

Teaching Hours:5
Recent Trends in Consumer Behaviour

Characteristics of New consumers in new times – Increased transparency, Online buying, Omnipresent marketing communication, Anonymous identity, DIY inclination, inclination for green products, Value based purchase, Customer automated decisions. Challenges of changed consumer behaviour for Marketers.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Consumer Research

Marketing Research: Overview of Marketing Research, Marketing Information System, Marketing Research and Consumer Research, New Product Development Research,Pricing Research and Advertising Research. Research Design: Exploratory, Causative, Conclusive and Experimental Designs. Marketing Research Process: Sampling Design and Sample Size Determination. 

Design Of Questionnaire: Measurement and Scaling Techniques, Multi-Dimensional Scaling, Reliability and Validity Analysis, Cleaning and Transforming Data, Cross Tabulation, t-test and z-test, Chi-square, Regression and Correlation, Application of Factor Analysis.

Consumer Research – concept and its importance, Difference between Consumer Research and Marketing Research, Process of Consumer Research, Qualitative and Quantitative consumer research, Methods of Consumer Research, Ethics in consumer research.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Consumer Research

Marketing Research: Overview of Marketing Research, Marketing Information System, Marketing Research and Consumer Research, New Product Development Research,Pricing Research and Advertising Research. Research Design: Exploratory, Causative, Conclusive and Experimental Designs. Marketing Research Process: Sampling Design and Sample Size Determination. 

Design Of Questionnaire: Measurement and Scaling Techniques, Multi-Dimensional Scaling, Reliability and Validity Analysis, Cleaning and Transforming Data, Cross Tabulation, t-test and z-test, Chi-square, Regression and Correlation, Application of Factor Analysis.

Consumer Research – concept and its importance, Difference between Consumer Research and Marketing Research, Process of Consumer Research, Qualitative and Quantitative consumer research, Methods of Consumer Research, Ethics in consumer research.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Consumer Research

Marketing Research: Overview of Marketing Research, Marketing Information System, Marketing Research and Consumer Research, New Product Development Research,Pricing Research and Advertising Research. Research Design: Exploratory, Causative, Conclusive and Experimental Designs. Marketing Research Process: Sampling Design and Sample Size Determination. 

Design Of Questionnaire: Measurement and Scaling Techniques, Multi-Dimensional Scaling, Reliability and Validity Analysis, Cleaning and Transforming Data, Cross Tabulation, t-test and z-test, Chi-square, Regression and Correlation, Application of Factor Analysis.

Consumer Research – concept and its importance, Difference between Consumer Research and Marketing Research, Process of Consumer Research, Qualitative and Quantitative consumer research, Methods of Consumer Research, Ethics in consumer research.

Teaching Hours:5
Application of Consumer Research

Role of Consumer in New Product development Research, Pricing Research and Advertising

Research and Rural Marketing research.

Teaching Hours:5
Application of Consumer Research

Role of Consumer in New Product development Research, Pricing Research and Advertising

Research and Rural Marketing research.

Teaching Hours:5
Application of Consumer Research

Role of Consumer in New Product development Research, Pricing Research and Advertising

Research and Rural Marketing research.

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Schiffman, L.G., Kanuk L. L, & Kumar S. R (2010) Consumer Behaviour (10th ed). Prentice Hall.

2. Naresh K. Malhotra, Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Pearson Education, Asia.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Blyth, J. (2008) Consumer Behavior. London: Thomson Learning.

2. Lantos, G.P. (2010). Consumer Behaviour in Action- Real Life Applications for Marketing Managers. New York: M.E Sharpe.

3. Nair S.R (2010). Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perceptive. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.

4. Engel J.F., Kollat D. T, & Minar P. W (2008). Consumer Behaviour Hinsdale IL Dryden Press.

5. Howard J.A, Sheth J.N. (2008). Theory of Buyer Behaviour: Scott Foresman Glenview.

Evaluation Pattern







Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: Firms become increasingly involved in the global economy, issues in global financial management become more important. Events taking place on the global financial management from trade disputes to currency crises – make the issues of international transactions and exposure more challenging.  Students need to acquire knowledge on the functioning of trade globally and its financial implications. Knowledge of foreign exchange activities and the hedging of foreign exchange exposures and other related aspects of risk coverage while doing international business shall be imparted. The objective is to blend sound theoretical knowledge of foreign exchange economics with practical and procedural aspects of risk management strategies and project appraisal from a global investment perspective.

Course Objectives:

  1. To equip the students, understand the global financial markets and its significance from global business context 
  2. To analyse the implications of Balance of Payments on international transactions and economic exposure of business undertakings
  3. To devise strategies and appraise the finance implications of strategies on international transactions 
  4. To justify the international project investment decisions based on value created by specific   project investments 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of International Financial Markets and its environment

CO2: Analyze the implications of Balance of Payments in Translation, Transaction, and Economic exposure.

CO3: Interpret the impact of risk management strategies on foreign exchange risk exposure.

CO4: Evaluate the projects from Multinational Investment Perspective and its value creation.

Teaching Hours:7
International Financial Markets

 Introduction, Motives for investing & borrowing in Foreign markets, International business methods, how financial markets affect an MNC’s value. Evolution of the International Monetary system, Bimetallism, Classical Gold standard, Interwar period, Bretton woods system, Flexible Exchange rate regime. The current exchange rate agreements, European monetary system, Mexican peso crisis, Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange rate regime

Teaching Hours:7
International Financial Markets

 Introduction, Motives for investing & borrowing in Foreign markets, International business methods, how financial markets affect an MNC’s value. Evolution of the International Monetary system, Bimetallism, Classical Gold standard, Interwar period, Bretton woods system, Flexible Exchange rate regime. The current exchange rate agreements, European monetary system, Mexican peso crisis, Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange rate regime

Teaching Hours:7
International Financial Markets

 Introduction, Motives for investing & borrowing in Foreign markets, International business methods, how financial markets affect an MNC’s value. Evolution of the International Monetary system, Bimetallism, Classical Gold standard, Interwar period, Bretton woods system, Flexible Exchange rate regime. The current exchange rate agreements, European monetary system, Mexican peso crisis, Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange rate regime

Teaching Hours:10
Balance of Payments

Concept of Balance of payments, Concept and Principles behind compilation of BoP account, Components of BoP and factors affecting them, Importance and Limitations of BoP statistics, Relationship of BoP with other Economic Variables.

Teaching Hours:10
Balance of Payments

Concept of Balance of payments, Concept and Principles behind compilation of BoP account, Components of BoP and factors affecting them, Importance and Limitations of BoP statistics, Relationship of BoP with other Economic Variables.

Teaching Hours:10
Balance of Payments

Concept of Balance of payments, Concept and Principles behind compilation of BoP account, Components of BoP and factors affecting them, Importance and Limitations of BoP statistics, Relationship of BoP with other Economic Variables.

Teaching Hours:10
Foreign Exchange Market

The structure of the FOREX markets, Functions of Foreign exchange markets, The foreign exchange rates, Arbitrage, The spot market, Cross rates of exchange, Bid-ask spreads, The forward market, The regulations. Derivatives, Foreign currency futures, foreign currency options.

Teaching Hours:10
Foreign Exchange Market

The structure of the FOREX markets, Functions of Foreign exchange markets, The foreign exchange rates, Arbitrage, The spot market, Cross rates of exchange, Bid-ask spreads, The forward market, The regulations. Derivatives, Foreign currency futures, foreign currency options.

Teaching Hours:10
Foreign Exchange Market

The structure of the FOREX markets, Functions of Foreign exchange markets, The foreign exchange rates, Arbitrage, The spot market, Cross rates of exchange, Bid-ask spreads, The forward market, The regulations. Derivatives, Foreign currency futures, foreign currency options.

Teaching Hours:8
Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting

Interest rate parity, purchasing power parity, The Fisher effects, Forecasting exchange rates – Efficient market approach, Fundamental approach, Technical approach, Performance of forecasters

Teaching Hours:8
Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting

Interest rate parity, purchasing power parity, The Fisher effects, Forecasting exchange rates – Efficient market approach, Fundamental approach, Technical approach, Performance of forecasters

Teaching Hours:8
Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting

Interest rate parity, purchasing power parity, The Fisher effects, Forecasting exchange rates – Efficient market approach, Fundamental approach, Technical approach, Performance of forecasters

Teaching Hours:7
Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure

Management of foreign exchange risk, Management of translation Exposure - Management of transaction Exposure - Management of Economic Exposure

Teaching Hours:7
Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure

Management of foreign exchange risk, Management of translation Exposure - Management of transaction Exposure - Management of Economic Exposure

Teaching Hours:7
Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure

Management of foreign exchange risk, Management of translation Exposure - Management of transaction Exposure - Management of Economic Exposure

Teaching Hours:8
Foreign Exchange Risk Management Strategy

Foreign Exchange Risk and Risk Management in the short-run- Intermediate Run and Long run -Hedging against foreign exchange exposure – Forward Market- Futures Market- Options Market- Currency Swaps-Interest Rate Swap-Hedging through currency of invoicing- Hedging through mixed currency invoicing –Country risk analysis.

Teaching Hours:8
Foreign Exchange Risk Management Strategy

Foreign Exchange Risk and Risk Management in the short-run- Intermediate Run and Long run -Hedging against foreign exchange exposure – Forward Market- Futures Market- Options Market- Currency Swaps-Interest Rate Swap-Hedging through currency of invoicing- Hedging through mixed currency invoicing –Country risk analysis.

Teaching Hours:8
Foreign Exchange Risk Management Strategy

Foreign Exchange Risk and Risk Management in the short-run- Intermediate Run and Long run -Hedging against foreign exchange exposure – Forward Market- Futures Market- Options Market- Currency Swaps-Interest Rate Swap-Hedging through currency of invoicing- Hedging through mixed currency invoicing –Country risk analysis.

Teaching Hours:10
International Project Appraisal

Back ground of cost of capital- Cost of Capital of MNCs- MNCs Capital structure decisions- Project Appraisal in the International Context- Diversification of Projects Exchange Rate Risk

and Cost of Capital- Methods of International Capital Budgeting-Financing the Multinational Corporation

Teaching Hours:10
International Project Appraisal

Back ground of cost of capital- Cost of Capital of MNCs- MNCs Capital structure decisions- Project Appraisal in the International Context- Diversification of Projects Exchange Rate Risk

and Cost of Capital- Methods of International Capital Budgeting-Financing the Multinational Corporation

Teaching Hours:10
International Project Appraisal

Back ground of cost of capital- Cost of Capital of MNCs- MNCs Capital structure decisions- Project Appraisal in the International Context- Diversification of Projects Exchange Rate Risk

and Cost of Capital- Methods of International Capital Budgeting-Financing the Multinational Corporation

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Jeevanandam. C. (2020). Foreign Exchange and Risk Management. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & sons.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Shapiro, A. C. (2016). Multinational Financial Management. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Apte, P. G. (2020). International Financial Management. New Delhi: McGraw-Hill Publication.
  3. Jeff Madura (2018). International Financial Management. New Delhi: Cengage Publishers.
  4. Cheol Eun, Bruce Resnick (2018), International Financial Management, New Delhi, McGraw-Hill
  5. Reid W. Click., Joshua D.Coval  (2011). International Financial Management. New Delhi: Himalya Publications.
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern



Maximum Marks


Total Marks in Grade













End Semester Exam











Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

The course offers an understanding of the relevance of remuneration and rewards to employees. The course discusses the concepts, applications and research that go into the formulation of compensation philosophy for organisations. It discusses the wage salary and administration in the Indian context. The course equips students with tools to effectively manage rewards for individuals and groups in organizations to attract, motivate and retain them. 

Course Objectives:

       To understand of compensation philosophy, policy, practices, programs and processes.

       To analyze and integrate compensation concepts to solve compensation related 

       problems in organizations

       To recognize how pay decisions help the organization achieve a competitive advantage.

       To examine the pay grade structures for various positions by business organization.

       To design rational and contemporary compensation systems in organizations. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Assess the compensation philosophy, strategies and policies for an organisation.

CO2: Examine the components of financial and non-financial rewards and their aim.

CO3: Evaluate the implication of wage administration on stakeholders like employers, employees and government.

CO4: Examine the methods of job evaluation in the organisation.

CO5: Design financial and non-financial rewards for an organization.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit I: The Foundation of Reward Management

Concept, Transactional and Transformational aspects of RM; The Total Reward Process; Motivational, Financial and Non-Financial Rewards; Factors Affecting Levels of Pay, Reward Philosophy, Strategy, and Policy- The 3-P compensation concept

Teaching Hours:10
Unit I: The Foundation of Reward Management

Concept, Transactional and Transformational aspects of RM; The Total Reward Process; Motivational, Financial and Non-Financial Rewards; Factors Affecting Levels of Pay, Reward Philosophy, Strategy, and Policy- The 3-P compensation concept

Teaching Hours:10
Unit I: The Foundation of Reward Management

Concept, Transactional and Transformational aspects of RM; The Total Reward Process; Motivational, Financial and Non-Financial Rewards; Factors Affecting Levels of Pay, Reward Philosophy, Strategy, and Policy- The 3-P compensation concept

Teaching Hours:8
Unit II: Job Analysis

Definition, Process, Job description: elements and concepts; Job Evaluation-Definition, Purpose, Methods, Job analysis: Bedrock or Bureaucracy.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit II: Job Analysis

Definition, Process, Job description: elements and concepts; Job Evaluation-Definition, Purpose, Methods, Job analysis: Bedrock or Bureaucracy.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit II: Job Analysis

Definition, Process, Job description: elements and concepts; Job Evaluation-Definition, Purpose, Methods, Job analysis: Bedrock or Bureaucracy.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III: Wage and Salary Administration

Nature and purpose, Wage levels and Wage structure; Wage determination process; Theory of Wages: Types of Wages. National wage policy, Wage policy at company level: internal equity, external equity, personal equity, ability to pay, cost of living, merit and seniority progression, pay structure, pay components and methods of pay. wage boards: structure, scope and functions – Pay Commissions.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III: Wage and Salary Administration

Nature and purpose, Wage levels and Wage structure; Wage determination process; Theory of Wages: Types of Wages. National wage policy, Wage policy at company level: internal equity, external equity, personal equity, ability to pay, cost of living, merit and seniority progression, pay structure, pay components and methods of pay. wage boards: structure, scope and functions – Pay Commissions.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III: Wage and Salary Administration

Nature and purpose, Wage levels and Wage structure; Wage determination process; Theory of Wages: Types of Wages. National wage policy, Wage policy at company level: internal equity, external equity, personal equity, ability to pay, cost of living, merit and seniority progression, pay structure, pay components and methods of pay. wage boards: structure, scope and functions – Pay Commissions.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit IV: Pay for Performance

Pay for Performance Plans – Short-term: Merit Pay, Lump-sum Bonuses, Individual Spot awards, Individual Incentive Plans; Team incentive plans: Types- Gain sharing, profit sharing, earnings at-risk plans, group incentive plans, and Long-term incentive plans: Employee Stock Ownership Plans; Performance plans, Broad-based option plans (BBOPs)

Teaching Hours:10
Unit IV: Pay for Performance

Pay for Performance Plans – Short-term: Merit Pay, Lump-sum Bonuses, Individual Spot awards, Individual Incentive Plans; Team incentive plans: Types- Gain sharing, profit sharing, earnings at-risk plans, group incentive plans, and Long-term incentive plans: Employee Stock Ownership Plans; Performance plans, Broad-based option plans (BBOPs)

Teaching Hours:10
Unit IV: Pay for Performance

Pay for Performance Plans – Short-term: Merit Pay, Lump-sum Bonuses, Individual Spot awards, Individual Incentive Plans; Team incentive plans: Types- Gain sharing, profit sharing, earnings at-risk plans, group incentive plans, and Long-term incentive plans: Employee Stock Ownership Plans; Performance plans, Broad-based option plans (BBOPs)

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: Special Aspects of Reward Management

Executive and International compensation; Employee and Executive Share schemes; Boardroom pay. Special groups, compensation strategy for special groups: supervisors, corporate directors, executives, scientists and engineers in high technology, industries, salesforce, contingent workers.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: Special Aspects of Reward Management

Executive and International compensation; Employee and Executive Share schemes; Boardroom pay. Special groups, compensation strategy for special groups: supervisors, corporate directors, executives, scientists and engineers in high technology, industries, salesforce, contingent workers.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: Special Aspects of Reward Management

Executive and International compensation; Employee and Executive Share schemes; Boardroom pay. Special groups, compensation strategy for special groups: supervisors, corporate directors, executives, scientists and engineers in high technology, industries, salesforce, contingent workers.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit VI: Managing Employee Benefits and Rewards

Managing Employee Benefits: Nature and types of benefits, employee benefits programs security benefits, retirement security benefits, health care benefits, time–off benefits, benefits administrations, employee benefits required by law, discretionary major employee benefits, employee services designing a benefits package.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit VI: Managing Employee Benefits and Rewards

Managing Employee Benefits: Nature and types of benefits, employee benefits programs security benefits, retirement security benefits, health care benefits, time–off benefits, benefits administrations, employee benefits required by law, discretionary major employee benefits, employee services designing a benefits package.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit VI: Managing Employee Benefits and Rewards

Managing Employee Benefits: Nature and types of benefits, employee benefits programs security benefits, retirement security benefits, health care benefits, time–off benefits, benefits administrations, employee benefits required by law, discretionary major employee benefits, employee services designing a benefits package.

Teaching Hours:4
Unit VII: New Trends in Compensation

Salary transparency; Personalized Compensation, Employee Choice, Remote Workforce Compensation Plans, Different Types of Flexible Plans, Company Pay Ratio, Gender Pay Gap

Teaching Hours:4
Unit VII: New Trends in Compensation

Salary transparency; Personalized Compensation, Employee Choice, Remote Workforce Compensation Plans, Different Types of Flexible Plans, Company Pay Ratio, Gender Pay Gap

Teaching Hours:4
Unit VII: New Trends in Compensation

Salary transparency; Personalized Compensation, Employee Choice, Remote Workforce Compensation Plans, Different Types of Flexible Plans, Company Pay Ratio, Gender Pay Gap

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Milkovich, Newman & Gerhart, Compensation, TMH, 2011, 10th Edition

2. Armstrong, M., & Murlis, H. (2014). Reward Management- Remuneration Strategy and Practice (4th edi), Crest Publishing House.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  • Armstrong, M. (2015). Handbook of Reward Management Practice:
  • Improving performance through reward (Fifth edition.). London: Kogan Page.
  • Singh, B.D. (2017). Compensation and reward management. Bangalore: Excel books.
  • Berger, L. A., & Berger, D. R. (2015). The Compensation Handbook: A State-of-the-Art Guide to Compensation Strategy and Design (Sixth edition.). New York: McGraw Hill.
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern: 70 CIA:30 ESE






Maximum marks



Final Grade

CIA1 oneortwo components











CIA3 oneortwo components























Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course explores the significance of branding with the emerging managerial, relational and social perspectives. The course provides an understanding of different brand positioning strategies and how it influences consumer brand image. Further, the course also provides a detailed methodology of identifying various reasons for brand failure and suggest methods to overcome it. 

Course Objectives:

      To identify the various concepts of brand management

      To demonstrate an understanding of the major paradigms of brand building

      To interpret the relevant theories and concepts to various practices of brand building.

  • To examine the reasons for the success or/and failure of major brands.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify the various concepts of brand management

CO2: Create an understanding of the major paradigms of brand building

CO3: Examine the relevant theories and concepts to various practices of brand building.

CO4: Evaluate the reasons for the success or/and failure of major brands.

Teaching Hours:12
UNIT 1-Introduction

Concept of ‘Brand’: Brand VS Product, Why Brand? Can everything be branded? Identification of branding challenges and opportunities; Strategic brand Management Process, Customer based brand equity; sources of brand equity, CRM, brand resonance model, Brand equity VS Customer equity

Teaching Hours:12
UNIT 1-Introduction

Concept of ‘Brand’: Brand VS Product, Why Brand? Can everything be branded? Identification of branding challenges and opportunities; Strategic brand Management Process, Customer based brand equity; sources of brand equity, CRM, brand resonance model, Brand equity VS Customer equity

Teaching Hours:12
UNIT 1-Introduction

Concept of ‘Brand’: Brand VS Product, Why Brand? Can everything be branded? Identification of branding challenges and opportunities; Strategic brand Management Process, Customer based brand equity; sources of brand equity, CRM, brand resonance model, Brand equity VS Customer equity

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT II-Brand Positioning

Points of parity & points of difference, positioning guidelines, brand value chain model, brand mantras, internal branding.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT II-Brand Positioning

Points of parity & points of difference, positioning guidelines, brand value chain model, brand mantras, internal branding.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT II-Brand Positioning

Points of parity & points of difference, positioning guidelines, brand value chain model, brand mantras, internal branding.

Teaching Hours:6
UNIT III-Brand Elements

Brand elements- Options & tactics, criteria for choosing it, Integrated marketing communication-Challenges in designing brand building communications, major marketing communication options, criteria for IMC programs

Teaching Hours:6
UNIT III-Brand Elements

Brand elements- Options & tactics, criteria for choosing it, Integrated marketing communication-Challenges in designing brand building communications, major marketing communication options, criteria for IMC programs

Teaching Hours:6
UNIT III-Brand Elements

Brand elements- Options & tactics, criteria for choosing it, Integrated marketing communication-Challenges in designing brand building communications, major marketing communication options, criteria for IMC programs

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT IV-Secondary Brand Associations

Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations – company, country of origin, channels of distribution, co-branding, licensing, celebrity endorsement, Sporting, cultural or other events, Third party sources.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT IV-Secondary Brand Associations

Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations – company, country of origin, channels of distribution, co-branding, licensing, celebrity endorsement, Sporting, cultural or other events, Third party sources.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT IV-Secondary Brand Associations

Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations – company, country of origin, channels of distribution, co-branding, licensing, celebrity endorsement, Sporting, cultural or other events, Third party sources.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT V-Managing Brand Equity

What it means: how to build it; Understanding and measuring brand equity using Inter-brand methodologies, Monitoring brands, Brand audit-Brand inventory, and brand exploratory, Qualitative & Quantitative Research techniques.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT V-Managing Brand Equity

What it means: how to build it; Understanding and measuring brand equity using Inter-brand methodologies, Monitoring brands, Brand audit-Brand inventory, and brand exploratory, Qualitative & Quantitative Research techniques.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT V-Managing Brand Equity

What it means: how to build it; Understanding and measuring brand equity using Inter-brand methodologies, Monitoring brands, Brand audit-Brand inventory, and brand exploratory, Qualitative & Quantitative Research techniques.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT VI-Managing Brand Extensions

Brand Hierarchy- Design of a brand strategy-Brand Extension: Types of Brand Extension, Line and Category Extension, Pros and Cons of Brand Extension-Need for extension, Multi-Brand Strategy, Geographical Expansion.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT VI-Managing Brand Extensions

Brand Hierarchy- Design of a brand strategy-Brand Extension: Types of Brand Extension, Line and Category Extension, Pros and Cons of Brand Extension-Need for extension, Multi-Brand Strategy, Geographical Expansion.

Teaching Hours:8
UNIT VI-Managing Brand Extensions

Brand Hierarchy- Design of a brand strategy-Brand Extension: Types of Brand Extension, Line and Category Extension, Pros and Cons of Brand Extension-Need for extension, Multi-Brand Strategy, Geographical Expansion.

Teaching Hours:10
UNIT VII-Contemporary Perspectives in Branding

Managing brands Over Time- Brand Architecture: Handling a Large Portfolio, Multi-Brand Portfolio. Brand Hierarchy, Revitalizing brands: Re-launch, Rejuvenation, when brand is dying or stagnating, or when the market is dying or stagnating. Managing special brands- Heritage brands, Luxury brands, premium brands, Service brands, Private labels, Industrial brands, Internet brands, TOM (Top of mind recall) brands. Brand building in Indian context.

Teaching Hours:10
UNIT VII-Contemporary Perspectives in Branding

Managing brands Over Time- Brand Architecture: Handling a Large Portfolio, Multi-Brand Portfolio. Brand Hierarchy, Revitalizing brands: Re-launch, Rejuvenation, when brand is dying or stagnating, or when the market is dying or stagnating. Managing special brands- Heritage brands, Luxury brands, premium brands, Service brands, Private labels, Industrial brands, Internet brands, TOM (Top of mind recall) brands. Brand building in Indian context.

Teaching Hours:10
UNIT VII-Contemporary Perspectives in Branding

Managing brands Over Time- Brand Architecture: Handling a Large Portfolio, Multi-Brand Portfolio. Brand Hierarchy, Revitalizing brands: Re-launch, Rejuvenation, when brand is dying or stagnating, or when the market is dying or stagnating. Managing special brands- Heritage brands, Luxury brands, premium brands, Service brands, Private labels, Industrial brands, Internet brands, TOM (Top of mind recall) brands. Brand building in Indian context.

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.     Keller, K.L. (2013). Strategic Brand Management(3rd edi). Prentice Hall of India.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Aaker, D.A. (2011). Brand Relevance: Making CompetitorsIrrelevant, Jossey-Bass.
  2. Aaker, D.A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity. New York: Free Press.
  3. Aaker, D.A. (1996). Building Strong Brands .New York: Free Press.
  4. Aaker, D.A., &Joachimsthaler. E. (2000).  Brand Leadership. New York: Free Press.
  5. Kapferer, Jean- Noel. (1997). Strategic Brand Management. Dover, NH Kogan Page.
  6. Holt, D.B. (nd). How Brands Become Icons. The Principles of Cultural Branding, Harvard Business School Press.
  7. Deming, S. (2007).The Brand who Cried Wolf. Wiley Publishers.
  8. Ries, A.I., & Trout, J. (nd). Positioning: The Battle of Minds.
Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 - 20 marks (100% weightage)

CIA 2 - mid semester (50 marks) (50% weightage)

CIA 3 - 20 marks (100% weightage)

ESE - 50 marks (60% weightage)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: 

Strategic Financial Management emphasizes on the application of financial management techniques strategically to achieve the objectives of the organization. The course emphasizes how strategic financial decisions should be taken by the managers/budding entrepreneurs/businessmen with reference to classical theory and contemporary research. The course intends to apply various strategies involved in financial decision-making process and update the students on the availability of various sources of financing, choosing appropriate sources of financing to have optimum capital structure.  It also covers various techniques in managing an organization’s financial resources through better investment decisions (techniques), achieve its business objectives and maximize its value which will help the students take effective strategic financial decisions.



Course Objectives: 

        To extend finance skill of the students pertaining to different techniques of financial management strategically to achieve the objectives of the organization.

        To equip students to identify, evaluate and develop strategies relating to financing decisions.

        To compare leasing, buying and hire purchase decisions to choose the most feasible financing decision.

        To develop the students’ expertise in corporate value drivers and its impact on valuation of the company

        To appraise the techniques of working capital management.



Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the process of strategic planning and its impact on the financial performance of the companies

CO2: Identify and apply investing, financing and dividend strategies in financial decision-making process.

CO3: Compare lease, buying and hire purchase decisions to choose the most effective financing decision

CO4: Explore corporate value drivers and its impact on valuation of the company

CO5: Evaluate the techniques of working capital management

Teaching Hours:12
Financial Planning and Risk Analysis

Formulation of Strategies & policies, objectives & goals - Components of financial strategy- Strategic planning process, Interface between corporate strategy and financing strategy, sustainable financial strategies - Statistical techniques for Risk Analysis – Probability defined –- Standard Deviation – Co efficient of Variation–Risk adjusted discount rate – Certainty Equivalent– Decision Tree analysis - Sensitivity analysis  - Simulation analysis

Teaching Hours:12
Financial Planning and Risk Analysis

Formulation of Strategies & policies, objectives & goals - Components of financial strategy- Strategic planning process, Interface between corporate strategy and financing strategy, sustainable financial strategies - Statistical techniques for Risk Analysis – Probability defined –- Standard Deviation – Co efficient of Variation–Risk adjusted discount rate – Certainty Equivalent– Decision Tree analysis - Sensitivity analysis  - Simulation analysis

Teaching Hours:12
Financial Planning and Risk Analysis

Formulation of Strategies & policies, objectives & goals - Components of financial strategy- Strategic planning process, Interface between corporate strategy and financing strategy, sustainable financial strategies - Statistical techniques for Risk Analysis – Probability defined –- Standard Deviation – Co efficient of Variation–Risk adjusted discount rate – Certainty Equivalent– Decision Tree analysis - Sensitivity analysis  - Simulation analysis

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Structure theories and planning

Concept and its importance, process of capital structure decisions. Theories of Capital Structure - Net Income, Net Operating Income, Traditional and MM Theories. Capital Structure and Value of the firm. Agency cost and its effect on value. Capital Structure policies in practice.

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Structure theories and planning

Concept and its importance, process of capital structure decisions. Theories of Capital Structure - Net Income, Net Operating Income, Traditional and MM Theories. Capital Structure and Value of the firm. Agency cost and its effect on value. Capital Structure policies in practice.

Teaching Hours:8
Capital Structure theories and planning

Concept and its importance, process of capital structure decisions. Theories of Capital Structure - Net Income, Net Operating Income, Traditional and MM Theories. Capital Structure and Value of the firm. Agency cost and its effect on value. Capital Structure policies in practice.

Teaching Hours:8
Dividend Theory and policy

Concept and importance. Models to maximize the market value of equity shares – Walter, Gordon and MM Models, Stability of dividend indicators, Analysis of dividend policy in practice. 

Teaching Hours:8
Dividend Theory and policy

Concept and importance. Models to maximize the market value of equity shares – Walter, Gordon and MM Models, Stability of dividend indicators, Analysis of dividend policy in practice. 

Teaching Hours:8
Dividend Theory and policy

Concept and importance. Models to maximize the market value of equity shares – Walter, Gordon and MM Models, Stability of dividend indicators, Analysis of dividend policy in practice. 

Teaching Hours:8
Working Capital Finance

Financing of Working Capital, sources of working capital finance, determination of optimum cash balance, practical problems on receivables management, determination of optimum stock levels, Integrating Working Capital and Capital Investment Process

Teaching Hours:8
Working Capital Finance

Financing of Working Capital, sources of working capital finance, determination of optimum cash balance, practical problems on receivables management, determination of optimum stock levels, Integrating Working Capital and Capital Investment Process

Teaching Hours:8
Working Capital Finance

Financing of Working Capital, sources of working capital finance, determination of optimum cash balance, practical problems on receivables management, determination of optimum stock levels, Integrating Working Capital and Capital Investment Process

Teaching Hours:12
Asset Based Financing

Leasing – Meaning, Importance, Types, Tax & Accounting considerations. Evaluation of lease from the point of Lessor & Lessee. Lease vs. Buy Decision. Hire-Purchase (HP) – Meaning – Features – Difference between HP & Credit sale Differences between Leasing & HP Differences between Leasing & Installment system RBI guidelines for HP & Problems of HP in India 

Teaching Hours:12
Asset Based Financing

Leasing – Meaning, Importance, Types, Tax & Accounting considerations. Evaluation of lease from the point of Lessor & Lessee. Lease vs. Buy Decision. Hire-Purchase (HP) – Meaning – Features – Difference between HP & Credit sale Differences between Leasing & HP Differences between Leasing & Installment system RBI guidelines for HP & Problems of HP in India 

Teaching Hours:12
Asset Based Financing

Leasing – Meaning, Importance, Types, Tax & Accounting considerations. Evaluation of lease from the point of Lessor & Lessee. Lease vs. Buy Decision. Hire-Purchase (HP) – Meaning – Features – Difference between HP & Credit sale Differences between Leasing & HP Differences between Leasing & Installment system RBI guidelines for HP & Problems of HP in India 

Teaching Hours:12
Corporate Value Drivers / Value based management

Corporate Financial Strategy and Corporate Value. Business valuation. Key value drivers.  Return on Investments (ROI). Return on equity (ROE). Cash flow (CF). Shareholder value added (SVA). Key steps in firm forecasting analysis on EVA and SVA. Value creation and value destruction. Cash value added (CVA). Economic value added (EVA). Market value added (MVA). VBM implementation in SFM.  Principles of strategy evaluation based on EVA, SVA, CVA, CFROI  and SFROI models. Drivers influencing EVA, MVA, SVA, CVA,CFROI and SFROI. 

Teaching Hours:12
Corporate Value Drivers / Value based management

Corporate Financial Strategy and Corporate Value. Business valuation. Key value drivers.  Return on Investments (ROI). Return on equity (ROE). Cash flow (CF). Shareholder value added (SVA). Key steps in firm forecasting analysis on EVA and SVA. Value creation and value destruction. Cash value added (CVA). Economic value added (EVA). Market value added (MVA). VBM implementation in SFM.  Principles of strategy evaluation based on EVA, SVA, CVA, CFROI  and SFROI models. Drivers influencing EVA, MVA, SVA, CVA,CFROI and SFROI. 

Teaching Hours:12
Corporate Value Drivers / Value based management

Corporate Financial Strategy and Corporate Value. Business valuation. Key value drivers.  Return on Investments (ROI). Return on equity (ROE). Cash flow (CF). Shareholder value added (SVA). Key steps in firm forecasting analysis on EVA and SVA. Value creation and value destruction. Cash value added (CVA). Economic value added (EVA). Market value added (MVA). VBM implementation in SFM.  Principles of strategy evaluation based on EVA, SVA, CVA, CFROI  and SFROI models. Drivers influencing EVA, MVA, SVA, CVA,CFROI and SFROI. 

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Pandey I.M (2016). Financial Management- 11thEdition, Vikas Publishing House
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. M Y Khan and P K Jain (2017). Financial Management, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
  2. Rajni et al. (2011). Strategic Financial Management, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India
  3. Ruth Bender. (2013). Corporate Financial Strategy, Routledge, Taylor and Francis
  4. Weaver and Weston (2007). Strategic Financial Management: Application of Corporate Finance, 6th Edition, Cengage Learning. 
  5. Kohn Meir, (2000). Financial Institutions and markets, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
  6. Prasanna Chandra (2007). Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1: Maximum Marks - 20 ; Weightage - 100%                                           = 20 Marks

CIA 2: Maximum Marks - 50 ; Weightage - 50%                                            = 25 Marks

CIA 3: Maximum Marks - 20 ; Weightage - 100%                                          = 20 Marks

End Semester Examination: Maximum Marks - 50 ; Weightage - 60%             = 30 Marks

Attendance: Maximum Marks - 5                                                                  = 05 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:  The development of many multinational companies in the world economy has led and compelled companies to develop a strategic perspective in their HR approach to the international assignments and hence making it imperative for the organizations to examine the activities of the people working in the multi-cultural organizations. The course provides basic knowledge about the enduring concepts in internationalization of business and its implication on Human Resources Management Practices. It provides an understanding of challenges in sustaining international operations through assignments and managing recruitment, staffing, training and development, compensation management. The course also focuses on the expatriate management techniques and the ethical practices of a business enterprise across the world.

Course Objectives:

•To provide an understanding of various international aspects of human resources management.

•To identify and examine the cross cultural and ethical issues, varying management practices and diverse systems related to internationalization of business.

•To examine and analyze the economic, social, psychological, legal, technological and ethical requirements for HR functions in a multinational context.

•To analyze the use of  IHRM practices and techniques in managing global workplace

•To evaluate various factors creating organizational competitive advantage through the international development of a cadre of cross-culturally savvy managers.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Compare and contrast the differences between and domestic and international HRM in terms of its applications and implications.

CO2: Examine the cross-cultural differences and ethical issues involved in managing people at global workplace.

CO3: Analyze and evaluate the business issues and challenges in economic, social, psychological, technical, ethical and legal aspects of global businesses from an HR perspective

CO4: Evaluate the application and implications of IHRM practices and techniques adopted by different companies in managing business operations and people based on the international framework

CO5: Develop IHRM policies to integrate business objectives and the activities of people at global workplace

Teaching Hours:8
Globalization and IHRM

Globalization, Evolution of global HRM, global versus domestic HRM, mapping global HRM, The nature and importance of culture, country and regional cultures, country culture versus MNE culture, cultural convergence or divergence, impact of culture on IHRM, Research in IHRM.

Teaching Hours:8
Globalization and IHRM

Globalization, Evolution of global HRM, global versus domestic HRM, mapping global HRM, The nature and importance of culture, country and regional cultures, country culture versus MNE culture, cultural convergence or divergence, impact of culture on IHRM, Research in IHRM.

Teaching Hours:8
Globalization and IHRM

Globalization, Evolution of global HRM, global versus domestic HRM, mapping global HRM, The nature and importance of culture, country and regional cultures, country culture versus MNE culture, cultural convergence or divergence, impact of culture on IHRM, Research in IHRM.

Teaching Hours:8
International workforce planning and staffing

International workforce planning, staffing-choices and implication for MNEs.

Teaching Hours:8
International workforce planning and staffing

International workforce planning, staffing-choices and implication for MNEs.

Teaching Hours:8
International workforce planning and staffing

International workforce planning, staffing-choices and implication for MNEs.

Teaching Hours:8
International recruitment, selection and repatriation

Staffing with expatriates, the international recruitment function, mistakes and failures, successful expatriation and best practices.

Teaching Hours:8
International recruitment, selection and repatriation

Staffing with expatriates, the international recruitment function, mistakes and failures, successful expatriation and best practices.

Teaching Hours:8
International recruitment, selection and repatriation

Staffing with expatriates, the international recruitment function, mistakes and failures, successful expatriation and best practices.

Teaching Hours:10
International training and management development

The training function, virtual and global teams, global leadership development, cross cultural preparation, knowledge management and MNEs.

Teaching Hours:10
International training and management development

The training function, virtual and global teams, global leadership development, cross cultural preparation, knowledge management and MNEs.

Teaching Hours:10
International training and management development

The training function, virtual and global teams, global leadership development, cross cultural preparation, knowledge management and MNEs.

Teaching Hours:10
International compensation and Performance Management

International remuneration, compensation and benefits, determinants of compensation, international compensation and benefits management, Performance management function and MNEs, international assignees and PA.

Teaching Hours:10
International compensation and Performance Management

International remuneration, compensation and benefits, determinants of compensation, international compensation and benefits management, Performance management function and MNEs, international assignees and PA.

Teaching Hours:10
International compensation and Performance Management

International remuneration, compensation and benefits, determinants of compensation, international compensation and benefits management, Performance management function and MNEs, international assignees and PA.

Teaching Hours:8
Well-being of International workforce, and international HRIS

Well-being of the International workforce, Health and safety, crisis management, global HR support service and information systems.

Teaching Hours:8
Well-being of International workforce, and international HRIS

Well-being of the International workforce, Health and safety, crisis management, global HR support service and information systems.

Teaching Hours:8
Well-being of International workforce, and international HRIS

Well-being of the International workforce, Health and safety, crisis management, global HR support service and information systems.

Teaching Hours:8
Comparative IHRM

HRM issues in Europe, North America, Asia, IHRM department, professionalization of IHRM, Future of IHRM.


Teaching Hours:8
Comparative IHRM

HRM issues in Europe, North America, Asia, IHRM department, professionalization of IHRM, Future of IHRM.


Teaching Hours:8
Comparative IHRM

HRM issues in Europe, North America, Asia, IHRM department, professionalization of IHRM, Future of IHRM.


Text Books And Reference Books:

1.Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., & Engle, A. D. (2019). International Human Resource Management (7th Ed.). New Delhi: Cengage Learning.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Punnett, B. J. (2019). International perspectives on organizational behavior (4th Edition.). New York: Routledge.

2.Edwards, T., &Ress, C. (2017). International Human Resource Management: Globalization, National Systems and Multinational Companies (Third Ed.). New York: Pearson.

3.Wintersberger, Daniel. (2017). International Human Resource Management: A Case Study Approach. U K: Kogan Page


Evaluation Pattern



Maximum marks


Total Marks in Final Grade


























Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course provides an in-depth understanding of various concepts related to the HRD initiatives that are practiced in organizations. It focuses on the study and practice for increasing the learning capacity of individuals, groups, and organizations. It explains the process of development and application of functional knowledge through interventions in order to optimize human and organizational growth and effectiveness. 

Course Objectives:


  • To provide an understanding of fundamental concepts, methods and approaches to HRD.

  • To identify the skill gap and requirements for training and development activities across the various functional areas of management

  • To plan and organize an appropriate training programme to enhance their specific skills.

  • To evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes in organizations through application of functional knowledge.

  • To propose various initiatives like Coaching, Mentoring & counseling for developing human resources and solving various problems in organizations.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify the training need requirements across various functional areas.

CO2: Plan and organize training programmes to meet the individual and organizational requirements.

CO3: Analyze the challenges in implementing the training programmes and provide solutions for the same.

CO4: Compare the differences between training and development programmes and other concepts like coaching, mentoring and counseling.

CO5: Design an appropriate HRD intervention to solve real time organizational problems.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to HRD


Unit I:  Introduction to HRD                                                                                            8 Hrs


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Definition, Objectives, Scope and Importance of HRD; HRD philosophy, Features of HRD, HRD Mechanisms, Integrated HRD systems, HRD field and climate, Organizational strategy and HRD intervention, HRD Audit.


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to HRD


Unit I:  Introduction to HRD                                                                                            8 Hrs


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Definition, Objectives, Scope and Importance of HRD; HRD philosophy, Features of HRD, HRD Mechanisms, Integrated HRD systems, HRD field and climate, Organizational strategy and HRD intervention, HRD Audit.


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to HRD


Unit I:  Introduction to HRD                                                                                            8 Hrs


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Definition, Objectives, Scope and Importance of HRD; HRD philosophy, Features of HRD, HRD Mechanisms, Integrated HRD systems, HRD field and climate, Organizational strategy and HRD intervention, HRD Audit.


Teaching Hours:8
Pre-Training Work


Training, development and education, Training policies, objectives and strategies, Importance of TNI, Pre-training activities, Identifying training needs, Training at different levels, Business goals vs training. 


Teaching Hours:8
Pre-Training Work


Training, development and education, Training policies, objectives and strategies, Importance of TNI, Pre-training activities, Identifying training needs, Training at different levels, Business goals vs training. 


Teaching Hours:8
Pre-Training Work


Training, development and education, Training policies, objectives and strategies, Importance of TNI, Pre-training activities, Identifying training needs, Training at different levels, Business goals vs training. 


Teaching Hours:8
Curriculum and Pedagogy

Training specification, training design, impediments to effective training, specification of training methods, seven principles of good practice, expectation of participants, qualities of good trainers.

Teaching Hours:8
Curriculum and Pedagogy

Training specification, training design, impediments to effective training, specification of training methods, seven principles of good practice, expectation of participants, qualities of good trainers.

Teaching Hours:8
Curriculum and Pedagogy

Training specification, training design, impediments to effective training, specification of training methods, seven principles of good practice, expectation of participants, qualities of good trainers.

Teaching Hours:8
Training Evaluation

Purpose of training evaluation, principles of evaluation, process of evaluation, clients in training process, training evaluation models.

Teaching Hours:8
Training Evaluation

Purpose of training evaluation, principles of evaluation, process of evaluation, clients in training process, training evaluation models.

Teaching Hours:8
Training Evaluation

Purpose of training evaluation, principles of evaluation, process of evaluation, clients in training process, training evaluation models.

Teaching Hours:10
Coaching & Mentoring

Roles of Managers, Coaching, Competencies of coaches, developing a coaching eye, coaching style of leadership, management support in coaching, managing the role stretch of executives. Leaders and Managers, leadership characteristics, developing leadership potential, mentoring, mentoring vs coaching, implementing mentoring practices..

Teaching Hours:10
Coaching & Mentoring

Roles of Managers, Coaching, Competencies of coaches, developing a coaching eye, coaching style of leadership, management support in coaching, managing the role stretch of executives. Leaders and Managers, leadership characteristics, developing leadership potential, mentoring, mentoring vs coaching, implementing mentoring practices..

Teaching Hours:10
Coaching & Mentoring

Roles of Managers, Coaching, Competencies of coaches, developing a coaching eye, coaching style of leadership, management support in coaching, managing the role stretch of executives. Leaders and Managers, leadership characteristics, developing leadership potential, mentoring, mentoring vs coaching, implementing mentoring practices..

Teaching Hours:8

Quality of work life, counseling, prerequisites of employee counseling, guidelines to effective counseling, counseling techniques, types of counseling, counseling process, stress management interventions, benefits of counseling. 

Teaching Hours:8

Quality of work life, counseling, prerequisites of employee counseling, guidelines to effective counseling, counseling techniques, types of counseling, counseling process, stress management interventions, benefits of counseling. 

Teaching Hours:8

Quality of work life, counseling, prerequisites of employee counseling, guidelines to effective counseling, counseling techniques, types of counseling, counseling process, stress management interventions, benefits of counseling. 

Teaching Hours:10
Developing Commitment and Motivation

Organizational commitment, types of commitment, determinants of organizational commitment, creating a suitable environment, developing commitment in individual employees, Motives and applied motivation.

Teaching Hours:10
Developing Commitment and Motivation

Organizational commitment, types of commitment, determinants of organizational commitment, creating a suitable environment, developing commitment in individual employees, Motives and applied motivation.

Teaching Hours:10
Developing Commitment and Motivation

Organizational commitment, types of commitment, determinants of organizational commitment, creating a suitable environment, developing commitment in individual employees, Motives and applied motivation.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Haldar, U.K. (2013). Human Resource Development (1sted.).New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Gupta, S.K., & Joshi, R. (2013).Human Resource Development (3rded.).Bengaluru, India: Kalyani.

  2. Mankin, D. (2013). Human Resource Development.New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.

  3. SubbaRao, P. (2014). Human Resource Development (2nded.).Bengaluru, India: Himalaya.

  4. Wayne F. Cascio, John Bourdreau, (2014), Investing in People: Financial Impact of Human Resource Initiatives ( 2nd ed.), Pearson Education Inc.,

  5. Madeleine Homan, Linda J. Miller (2008), Coaching in Organizations Best Coaching practices from the Ken Blanchard Companies.

Evaluation Pattern

Component of Final Grade

Max Marks per Component

Weightage towards Final Grade

Total Marks per Component in Final Grade



100 %




50 %




100 %


End Semester


60 %




5 %







Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course focuses on the conceptual framework for international marketing and the business environment (economic, socio-cultural, political, legal and regulatory) in which global companies must operate. It provides the student with the knowledge and tools for assessing and analysing international market opportunities and threats, as well as the ability to formulate marketing strategies and programs with a global perspective. It presents the interplay of dynamic driving forces in the global business environment, the rapid economic integration of the world, and how these factors impact on the formulation and implementation of international marketing strategies.

Course Objectives: 

●To understand the manifestations of international markets 

●To analyze the various aspects of international marketing

●To apply the management functions of international marketing 

●To construct and compare the strategic issues and choices available for managers in international marketing


Learning Outcome

CO 1: Understand the manifestations of international markets

CO 2: Analyse the various aspects in international marketing

CO 3: Apply the management functions of international marketing

CO 4: Construct and compare the strategy issues and choices available for managers in international marketing

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to International Marketing

Definition, Objectives, Scope, Importance, Challenges, International Organization – WTO, IDA, IFC, IBRD, ICSID, IMF, UNCTAD, UNIDO, Driving and Restraining forces

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to International Marketing

Definition, Objectives, Scope, Importance, Challenges, International Organization – WTO, IDA, IFC, IBRD, ICSID, IMF, UNCTAD, UNIDO, Driving and Restraining forces

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to International Marketing

Definition, Objectives, Scope, Importance, Challenges, International Organization – WTO, IDA, IFC, IBRD, ICSID, IMF, UNCTAD, UNIDO, Driving and Restraining forces

Teaching Hours:10
Global Marketing Environment

Global Economic Environment, Global trade environment, Socio Environment, Cultural environment, Cultural Dynamics in Global markets, Political environment, International legal rules and regulatory environments.

Teaching Hours:10
Global Marketing Environment

Global Economic Environment, Global trade environment, Socio Environment, Cultural environment, Cultural Dynamics in Global markets, Political environment, International legal rules and regulatory environments.

Teaching Hours:10
Global Marketing Environment

Global Economic Environment, Global trade environment, Socio Environment, Cultural environment, Cultural Dynamics in Global markets, Political environment, International legal rules and regulatory environments.

Teaching Hours:10
Approaching Global Markets

Analysing and Targeting Global Market Opportunities, Global Customers, Global Marketing Environment, Global Marketing information systems and Market research, segmentation, targeting and positioning, importing, exporting and sourcing.

Teaching Hours:10
Approaching Global Markets

Analysing and Targeting Global Market Opportunities, Global Customers, Global Marketing Environment, Global Marketing information systems and Market research, segmentation, targeting and positioning, importing, exporting and sourcing.

Teaching Hours:10
Approaching Global Markets

Analysing and Targeting Global Market Opportunities, Global Customers, Global Marketing Environment, Global Marketing information systems and Market research, segmentation, targeting and positioning, importing, exporting and sourcing.

Teaching Hours:5
Global market entry strategies

Licensing, investment and strategic alliances. Global Marketing Strategy-Global entry and Expansion Strategies, Competitive analysis and strategy.


Teaching Hours:5
Global market entry strategies

Licensing, investment and strategic alliances. Global Marketing Strategy-Global entry and Expansion Strategies, Competitive analysis and strategy.


Teaching Hours:5
Global market entry strategies

Licensing, investment and strategic alliances. Global Marketing Strategy-Global entry and Expansion Strategies, Competitive analysis and strategy.


Teaching Hours:10
Global Marketing Mix

Brand and product decisions in global marketing, Pricing decisions, global marketing channels and physical distributions, Global marketing Communication decisions, global marketing and the digital revolution.

Teaching Hours:10
Global Marketing Mix

Brand and product decisions in global marketing, Pricing decisions, global marketing channels and physical distributions, Global marketing Communication decisions, global marketing and the digital revolution.

Teaching Hours:10
Global Marketing Mix

Brand and product decisions in global marketing, Pricing decisions, global marketing channels and physical distributions, Global marketing Communication decisions, global marketing and the digital revolution.

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and leadership in the twenty first century

Strategic elements of competitive advantage, leadership, organization and corporate social responsibility

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and leadership in the twenty first century

Strategic elements of competitive advantage, leadership, organization and corporate social responsibility

Teaching Hours:7
Strategy and leadership in the twenty first century

Strategic elements of competitive advantage, leadership, organization and corporate social responsibility

Teaching Hours:10
Legal and Ethical in International Marketing

Introduction, Nature of International Business Disputes and Proposed Action, Legal Concepts, International Dispute settlement Machinery, Ethical Consideration in Marketing Communication.

Teaching Hours:10
Legal and Ethical in International Marketing

Introduction, Nature of International Business Disputes and Proposed Action, Legal Concepts, International Dispute settlement Machinery, Ethical Consideration in Marketing Communication.

Teaching Hours:10
Legal and Ethical in International Marketing

Introduction, Nature of International Business Disputes and Proposed Action, Legal Concepts, International Dispute settlement Machinery, Ethical Consideration in Marketing Communication.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Keegan, Warren J., & Green, Mark C. (2017) Global Marketing , Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall International

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Donald L. Brady (2015) Essentials of International marketing, Routledge,Cengage Learning

2. Daniel W Baack, Eric G. Harris, Donald Baack (2012), International Marketing, SAGE Publications

3. Mathur U C (2008) International Marketing Management, SAGE Publications.

4. Pervez N. Ghauri, Philip R.Cateora,(2006) International Marketing, McGrawhill Education


Evaluation Pattern

CIA- 70 marks

ETE-30 marks

Total-100 marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


     The goal of the course is to present a basic introduction to database management systems, with an emphasis on database design methodologies (ER diagrams and normalization theory), database query languages (relational algebra and SQL) and Big Data. Students will design and implement a simple database system to deepen their understanding of the basic database concepts and theories. After taking this course, the students will have the capability of developing various database applications such as enterprise information systems, e-commerce systems, business management systems and business analytics.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of objectives of data management evolution & its application in Business Analytics.

CO2: Apply data management models across a range of functional areas like Marketing Finance, HR, and Operations.

CO3: Evaluate various data model approaches & techniques and select the most appropriate for the given business decision making problem.

CO4: Develop logical data models & database development / management process.

CO5: Construct conceptual data models for modelling & simulation in Data Science research.

Teaching Hours:8

Definition of data, uses & need of data in organizations, Need for Information, Qualities of Information, Definition of DBMS, Entities & their attributes, advantages & disadvantages of DBMS,  DBMS Architecture, Functions of DBMS, Data Models: The hierarchical model, The network model, the relational model and OORDBMS

Teaching Hours:8

Definition of data, uses & need of data in organizations, Need for Information, Qualities of Information, Definition of DBMS, Entities & their attributes, advantages & disadvantages of DBMS,  DBMS Architecture, Functions of DBMS, Data Models: The hierarchical model, The network model, the relational model and OORDBMS

Teaching Hours:8

Definition of data, uses & need of data in organizations, Need for Information, Qualities of Information, Definition of DBMS, Entities & their attributes, advantages & disadvantages of DBMS,  DBMS Architecture, Functions of DBMS, Data Models: The hierarchical model, The network model, the relational model and OORDBMS

Teaching Hours:12
DB Design (Practical)

Understanding the need for Data base, mapping user’s output needs with database design, Feasibility Study Understanding fields, record, file and database, Designing front end and back end user interface, integration of backend database with online and traditional interfaces using MS ACCESS, Definition and need of Normalization, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form. Relations, domains & keys.

Teaching Hours:12
DB Design (Practical)

Understanding the need for Data base, mapping user’s output needs with database design, Feasibility Study Understanding fields, record, file and database, Designing front end and back end user interface, integration of backend database with online and traditional interfaces using MS ACCESS, Definition and need of Normalization, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form. Relations, domains & keys.

Teaching Hours:12
DB Design (Practical)

Understanding the need for Data base, mapping user’s output needs with database design, Feasibility Study Understanding fields, record, file and database, Designing front end and back end user interface, integration of backend database with online and traditional interfaces using MS ACCESS, Definition and need of Normalization, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form. Relations, domains & keys.

Teaching Hours:8
Relational Model & SQL

Understanding the history of RDBMS, its role and importance of creating robust database, RDBMS Terminology, CODD's rule for RDBMS, Concept of Relational Model, and SQL: SQL Database creation & manipulation views & queries on RDBMS

Teaching Hours:8
Relational Model & SQL

Understanding the history of RDBMS, its role and importance of creating robust database, RDBMS Terminology, CODD's rule for RDBMS, Concept of Relational Model, and SQL: SQL Database creation & manipulation views & queries on RDBMS

Teaching Hours:8
Relational Model & SQL

Understanding the history of RDBMS, its role and importance of creating robust database, RDBMS Terminology, CODD's rule for RDBMS, Concept of Relational Model, and SQL: SQL Database creation & manipulation views & queries on RDBMS

Teaching Hours:8
Database Recovery & Backup, Performance

Introduction to database Recovery, Concurrency, Control Techniques, Locking mechanism, Dead Locks, Techniques of backup, RAID configuration, Database Security techniques and storage technique- DAS, NAS, SAS.

Teaching Hours:8
Database Recovery & Backup, Performance

Introduction to database Recovery, Concurrency, Control Techniques, Locking mechanism, Dead Locks, Techniques of backup, RAID configuration, Database Security techniques and storage technique- DAS, NAS, SAS.

Teaching Hours:8
Database Recovery & Backup, Performance

Introduction to database Recovery, Concurrency, Control Techniques, Locking mechanism, Dead Locks, Techniques of backup, RAID configuration, Database Security techniques and storage technique- DAS, NAS, SAS.

Teaching Hours:8
Big Data

Introduction to Big Data, Characterize the phenomena of Big Data and Big Data Analytics,  Analyse and apply different visual analytics concepts and tools for a big data sets, Analyse and apply different concepts, methods, and tools for analysing big data in organizational contexts, critically assess the ethical and legal issues in Big Data Analytics 

Teaching Hours:8
Big Data

Introduction to Big Data, Characterize the phenomena of Big Data and Big Data Analytics,  Analyse and apply different visual analytics concepts and tools for a big data sets, Analyse and apply different concepts, methods, and tools for analysing big data in organizational contexts, critically assess the ethical and legal issues in Big Data Analytics 

Teaching Hours:8
Big Data

Introduction to Big Data, Characterize the phenomena of Big Data and Big Data Analytics,  Analyse and apply different visual analytics concepts and tools for a big data sets, Analyse and apply different concepts, methods, and tools for analysing big data in organizational contexts, critically assess the ethical and legal issues in Big Data Analytics 

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to MongoDB

What is MongoDB? - Why MongoDB? Using JSON, Creating or Generating a Unique Key, Support for Dynamic Queries, Storing Binary Data, Replication, Sharding, Updating Information In-Place - Terms used in RDBMS and MongoDB, Data Types in MongoDB – CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete): Insert (), Update (), Save (), Remove (), find () – Arrays- MapReduce Functions- Aggregation- Java Scripting



Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to MongoDB

What is MongoDB? - Why MongoDB? Using JSON, Creating or Generating a Unique Key, Support for Dynamic Queries, Storing Binary Data, Replication, Sharding, Updating Information In-Place - Terms used in RDBMS and MongoDB, Data Types in MongoDB – CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete): Insert (), Update (), Save (), Remove (), find () – Arrays- MapReduce Functions- Aggregation- Java Scripting



Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to MongoDB

What is MongoDB? - Why MongoDB? Using JSON, Creating or Generating a Unique Key, Support for Dynamic Queries, Storing Binary Data, Replication, Sharding, Updating Information In-Place - Terms used in RDBMS and MongoDB, Data Types in MongoDB – CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete): Insert (), Update (), Save (), Remove (), find () – Arrays- MapReduce Functions- Aggregation- Java Scripting



Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Casandra

Data Types, CRUD: Insert, Update, Delete, Select -Collections: Set, List, Map- Using a Counter -Time To Live (TTL)- Alter: Alter Table to Change the Data Type of a Column, Alter Table to Delete a Column, Drop a Table, Drop a Database

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Casandra

Data Types, CRUD: Insert, Update, Delete, Select -Collections: Set, List, Map- Using a Counter -Time To Live (TTL)- Alter: Alter Table to Change the Data Type of a Column, Alter Table to Delete a Column, Drop a Table, Drop a Database

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Casandra

Data Types, CRUD: Insert, Update, Delete, Select -Collections: Set, List, Map- Using a Counter -Time To Live (TTL)- Alter: Alter Table to Change the Data Type of a Column, Alter Table to Delete a Column, Drop a Table, Drop a Database

Text Books And Reference Books:

Database systems : The Complete Book , Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom ; New Delhi Pearson India , 2014 · 2nd ed.

Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan. “Database System Concepts”. McGraw-Hill Education, 2015

Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellappan, “Big Data and Analytics”, Wiley Publication, 2017

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellappan, “Big Data and Analytics”, Wiley Publication, 2017

Evaluation Pattern





Maximum marks


Total Marks in Final Grade


MCQ’s on Introduction to Data Management






Data Base Design & Development using ER Diagram & ‘Oracle / MySQL Software’ Hands on Exercise

2 & 3





Big Data Design & Development using ‘MongoDB Software’ Hands on Exercise

4 & 5





Mini Project

6 & 7







Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course introduces undergraduate students to Data Visualization. This course is intended to teach students how to create meaningful charts and figures that can simultaneously convey useful information and be pleasing to the eye. Students will learn to use TABLEAU, programming language R to develop graphics. The course is divided into three general themes 1. Generating Meaningful and Insightful Graphics using TABLEAU  2. Statistical Programming in R 3. Data Visualization & Dashboard using R & TABLEAU. The course aims to offer an interactive environment where students feel comfortable to generate and share ideas. Students will be motivated to discuss topics reviewed in class and to critically assess how others have used data visualization to convey the results of their analyses. 

  • To understand the principles and techniques of effective data visualization, including perception, cognition, and design.
  • To develop skills in selecting appropriate visualizations to represent different types of data and insights effectively.
  • To explore various data visualization tools and technologies, such as Tableau, and R libraries.
  • To create interactive and engaging visualizations that communicate complex information clearly and intuitively.

To apply data storytelling techniques to convey compelling narratives through visualizations, enhancing data-driven decision-making processes.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Explore data using various statistical graphs.

CO2: Understand the principles of data visualization

CO3: Build static & interactive visualization reports.

CO4: Develop a model with live data visualization dashboards

CO5: Apply storytelling techniques to design narratives around data visualizations

Teaching Hours:8
Working with Data using TABLEAU

Introduction & need for data visualization, classification of data visualization, granularity of the data, data Types, derived variables, univariate analysis, joins and blends – joining tables, Cross database joins, blending data sources, filtering data, data transformation

Teaching Hours:8
Working with Data using TABLEAU

Introduction & need for data visualization, classification of data visualization, granularity of the data, data Types, derived variables, univariate analysis, joins and blends – joining tables, Cross database joins, blending data sources, filtering data, data transformation

Teaching Hours:8
Working with Data using TABLEAU

Introduction & need for data visualization, classification of data visualization, granularity of the data, data Types, derived variables, univariate analysis, joins and blends – joining tables, Cross database joins, blending data sources, filtering data, data transformation

Teaching Hours:8
Data Visualization using TABLEAU

Different types of Chart (Scatterplot, Corrplot, Heatmap, Stackbar, Treemap, Sunburst) Network Graphs, Animated chart using gganimate, tweenr, segmented analysis, correlation analysis, crosstab analysis, multivariate analysis

Teaching Hours:8
Data Visualization using TABLEAU

Different types of Chart (Scatterplot, Corrplot, Heatmap, Stackbar, Treemap, Sunburst) Network Graphs, Animated chart using gganimate, tweenr, segmented analysis, correlation analysis, crosstab analysis, multivariate analysis

Teaching Hours:8
Data Visualization using TABLEAU

Different types of Chart (Scatterplot, Corrplot, Heatmap, Stackbar, Treemap, Sunburst) Network Graphs, Animated chart using gganimate, tweenr, segmented analysis, correlation analysis, crosstab analysis, multivariate analysis

Teaching Hours:8
Dashboard & Story Telling using TABLEAU

Designing dashboards in Tableau, tiled versus floating, manipulating objects on the dashboard, building the views, creating the dashboard framework, implementing actions to guide the story, interlude – context filtering, Designing for different displays and devices

Teaching Hours:8
Dashboard & Story Telling using TABLEAU

Designing dashboards in Tableau, tiled versus floating, manipulating objects on the dashboard, building the views, creating the dashboard framework, implementing actions to guide the story, interlude – context filtering, Designing for different displays and devices

Teaching Hours:8
Dashboard & Story Telling using TABLEAU

Designing dashboards in Tableau, tiled versus floating, manipulating objects on the dashboard, building the views, creating the dashboard framework, implementing actions to guide the story, interlude – context filtering, Designing for different displays and devices

Teaching Hours:9
Statistical Data Analysis using R

Descriptive statistics, summarization of different types of data, hypothesis testing, parametric test & non-parametric data, multivariate analysis. 

Teaching Hours:9
Statistical Data Analysis using R

Descriptive statistics, summarization of different types of data, hypothesis testing, parametric test & non-parametric data, multivariate analysis. 

Teaching Hours:9
Statistical Data Analysis using R

Descriptive statistics, summarization of different types of data, hypothesis testing, parametric test & non-parametric data, multivariate analysis. 

Teaching Hours:9
Visualizing Data with R

Loading tables and CSV Files, loading excel files, exporting data, the grammar of graphics, Basic plots and data structures, Intermediate plotting with ggplot2, Time series with dygraphs, Interactive ggplots with ggiraph, data manipulation verbs from dplyr and tidyr, gathering data, cleaning data, and tidying data

Teaching Hours:9
Visualizing Data with R

Loading tables and CSV Files, loading excel files, exporting data, the grammar of graphics, Basic plots and data structures, Intermediate plotting with ggplot2, Time series with dygraphs, Interactive ggplots with ggiraph, data manipulation verbs from dplyr and tidyr, gathering data, cleaning data, and tidying data

Teaching Hours:9
Visualizing Data with R

Loading tables and CSV Files, loading excel files, exporting data, the grammar of graphics, Basic plots and data structures, Intermediate plotting with ggplot2, Time series with dygraphs, Interactive ggplots with ggiraph, data manipulation verbs from dplyr and tidyr, gathering data, cleaning data, and tidying data

Teaching Hours:9
Dashboard using R

Introduction to R Shiny, Static report using flexdashboard package, understanding input elements, building simple interactive visuals, filtering charts using input controls, automatically creating visuals for any input data, advanced interactivity using observe functions, guidelines for visuals & dashboard

Teaching Hours:9
Dashboard using R

Introduction to R Shiny, Static report using flexdashboard package, understanding input elements, building simple interactive visuals, filtering charts using input controls, automatically creating visuals for any input data, advanced interactivity using observe functions, guidelines for visuals & dashboard

Teaching Hours:9
Dashboard using R

Introduction to R Shiny, Static report using flexdashboard package, understanding input elements, building simple interactive visuals, filtering charts using input controls, automatically creating visuals for any input data, advanced interactivity using observe functions, guidelines for visuals & dashboard

Teaching Hours:9
Visualization using Text Data

Creating word cloud using Text data, plotting simple maps using Online API, layered grammar of graphics

Teaching Hours:9
Visualization using Text Data

Creating word cloud using Text data, plotting simple maps using Online API, layered grammar of graphics

Teaching Hours:9
Visualization using Text Data

Creating word cloud using Text data, plotting simple maps using Online API, layered grammar of graphics

Text Books And Reference Books:

Sinha, C. (2017). Tableau 10 for Beginners, Ohio Computer Academy

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Milligan, Joshua N. (2019). Learning Tableau 2019, 3rd Edition, Packt Publishers.

Evaluation Pattern

Component of Assessment

Description of the Assessment

Units covered

Maximum Marks


Total Marks


Solving the given problem using Tableau, Proposing data-driven solutions,Presentations on solution proposals

Unit 1,2


100 %



Proposing data-driven solutions,Presentations on solution proposals using Tableau

Unit 3





Solving business problems with R visuals, Group project presentations, discussions Interpreting statistical results using R

Unit 4,5





Proposing interactive dashboard solutions, Applying text data visualizations to business problems through story telling using R or Tableau in the form of report submission

Unit 6,7








Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will provide students with skills and knowledge of Python programming and experience in designing and developing business analytics applications. This course equips a motivated student with little or no prior programming experience with a working knowledge of the Python programming language and the Pandas package, for the purpose of descriptive data analytics. These skills are foundational for anyone interested in a career in data science, and they are beneficial for every manager in today’s data-rich economy. Python is one of the world’s most popular programming languages due to its simplicity, versatility, efficiency, and community support. Recent surveys have found it to be the most highly demanded programming language among job postings in data science. Pandas is a Python package that makes analyzing data easy, and it is widely used by data scientists at Google, Facebook, JP Morgan, and a host of other major companies.

 Course Objectives:

1. To understand basic operators functions using Python Programming. 

2. To  Illustrate the conditional expressions using Python Programming

3. To apply simple Graphical User Interfaces using Python Programming 

4. To analyze the quantitative data using Python Programming.




Learning Outcome

CO1: Outline  basic operators and functions using Python Programming

CO2: Illustrate the conditional expressions using Python Programming

CO3: Apply the  basic skill of designing Graphical User Interfaces in Python

CO4: Analyze the quantitative data using  Python Programming

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to Python Programming

Introduction to Python, use IDLE to develop programs, Basic coding skills, working with data types and variables, working with numeric data, working with string data, Python functions, Boolean expressions, selection structure, iteration structure

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to Python Programming

Introduction to Python, use IDLE to develop programs, Basic coding skills, working with data types and variables, working with numeric data, working with string data, Python functions, Boolean expressions, selection structure, iteration structure

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to Python Programming

Introduction to Python, use IDLE to develop programs, Basic coding skills, working with data types and variables, working with numeric data, working with string data, Python functions, Boolean expressions, selection structure, iteration structure

Teaching Hours:9
Data Collections and Language Component

Define and use functions and modules, working with recursion, Basic skills for working with lists, work with a list of lists, work with tuples, work with dates and times, Introduction to file I/O, use text files, use CSV files, use binary files, handle a single exception, handle multiple exceptions

Teaching Hours:9
Data Collections and Language Component

Define and use functions and modules, working with recursion, Basic skills for working with lists, work with a list of lists, work with tuples, work with dates and times, Introduction to file I/O, use text files, use CSV files, use binary files, handle a single exception, handle multiple exceptions

Teaching Hours:9
Data Collections and Language Component

Define and use functions and modules, working with recursion, Basic skills for working with lists, work with a list of lists, work with tuples, work with dates and times, Introduction to file I/O, use text files, use CSV files, use binary files, handle a single exception, handle multiple exceptions

Teaching Hours:9
Data Manipulation in Python

Conditional execution, Boolean expressions, simple if statement, if/else, compound Boolean expressions, nested conditions, decision statements, conditional expressions. Iterations, while statement, definite vs indefinite loops, nested loops, abnormal loop termination

Teaching Hours:9
Data Manipulation in Python

Conditional execution, Boolean expressions, simple if statement, if/else, compound Boolean expressions, nested conditions, decision statements, conditional expressions. Iterations, while statement, definite vs indefinite loops, nested loops, abnormal loop termination

Teaching Hours:9
Data Manipulation in Python

Conditional execution, Boolean expressions, simple if statement, if/else, compound Boolean expressions, nested conditions, decision statements, conditional expressions. Iterations, while statement, definite vs indefinite loops, nested loops, abnormal loop termination

Teaching Hours:8
GUI Programming in Python using Tkinter

Tkinter Introduction, Working with widgets: button, labels, text boxes, Check button, etc.

Teaching Hours:8
GUI Programming in Python using Tkinter

Tkinter Introduction, Working with widgets: button, labels, text boxes, Check button, etc.

Teaching Hours:8
GUI Programming in Python using Tkinter

Tkinter Introduction, Working with widgets: button, labels, text boxes, Check button, etc.

Teaching Hours:9
Python Packages/Libraries


NumPy: Arrays and Vectorized Computation, Data Manipulation with pandas, Data Visualization with matplotlib, Machine Learning with scikit-learn.

Teaching Hours:9
Python Packages/Libraries


NumPy: Arrays and Vectorized Computation, Data Manipulation with pandas, Data Visualization with matplotlib, Machine Learning with scikit-learn.

Teaching Hours:9
Python Packages/Libraries


NumPy: Arrays and Vectorized Computation, Data Manipulation with pandas, Data Visualization with matplotlib, Machine Learning with scikit-learn.

Teaching Hours:10
Python and Data Analytics

Predictive Model Building:  Supervised Learning models, Unsupervised Learning models, and Model Selection and Evaluation.

Teaching Hours:10
Python and Data Analytics

Predictive Model Building:  Supervised Learning models, Unsupervised Learning models, and Model Selection and Evaluation.

Teaching Hours:10
Python and Data Analytics

Predictive Model Building:  Supervised Learning models, Unsupervised Learning models, and Model Selection and Evaluation.

Teaching Hours:9
Python Application in Business Analytics

Python for Text Analytics, Handling Qualitative Data, Python for Spatial Analytical, Web Scraping Data & its application in Business with Use Case / Case Study

Teaching Hours:9
Python Application in Business Analytics

Python for Text Analytics, Handling Qualitative Data, Python for Spatial Analytical, Web Scraping Data & its application in Business with Use Case / Case Study

Teaching Hours:9
Python Application in Business Analytics

Python for Text Analytics, Handling Qualitative Data, Python for Spatial Analytical, Web Scraping Data & its application in Business with Use Case / Case Study

Text Books And Reference Books:

Guttag, John (2013), Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python. Spring edition. MIT Press.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Mark Lutz (2010), Programming Python, 4th Edition, O'Reilly Media

2. Richard L. Halterman. (2011), Learning to Program with Python, 

3. David Beazley and Brian K. Jones (2013), Python Cookbook : Recipes for Mastering Python 3, O’Reilly Atlas

Evaluation Pattern



Total Marks


Google Class Room



Google Class Room



Google Class Room



Google Class Room





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Internship project is an opportunity to students to learn the real-time structure, operations and practices of organization by undertaking training in business organization for a month and half period of time. During this period students spend in various functional departments of organization and reporting their learnings to their guides.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Learn about the organization's structure, products and services

CO2: Learn the various processes and systems within the company and their related area of operations.

CO3: Learn the work and culture of the organization

CO4: Analyse whether the companies visions, missions, core values and strategies are in proper alignment

CO5: Learn about the various functional departments such as Marketing, Finance, H.R., etc,.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:20
Internship Opportunity

Identifying companies for internship, obtaining approval from guide, Undertaking internship in stipulated time period. Learning company vision, mission and strategic goals. Working with various functional departments. Preparing weekly report and get approval.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Teaching Hours:10
Report making

Preparing consolidated blue book report. Preparation of final hard copy report. Viva voce examination.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Department Guidelines

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Department Guidelines

Evaluation Pattern


Viva Voce 50 marks 

Report Valuation 30 marks

Guide marks 20 marks  




Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Financial econometrics is the intersection of statistical techniques and finance. It provides a set of empirical tools to analyze historical financial data, model underlying economic mechanisms, and predict future price trends. This course covers both few topics of time series and panel data techniques. The course prepares students to conduct empirical research in an academic or business setting. Eviews or R Programming or Gretl software’s will be used for the class.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand a solid knowledge about basic themes in financial econometrics.

CO2: know and be able to use concepts and notation that is frequently used in financial econometrics

CO3: conduct empirical applications of financial theory based on real financial data using statistical/econometric techniques

CO4: Effectively apply the methods in own empirical research

CO5: familiar with and be able to use key capabilities of the statistical packages like Eviews or Grettl

Teaching Hours:2
Introduction to Econometrics

Level of Knowledge: Theory


Introduction to Econometrics • Need for Econometric Analysis • Basic Terminologies • Types of Data • Steps in Econometric Analysis

Teaching Hours:2
Introduction to Econometrics

Level of Knowledge: Theory


Introduction to Econometrics • Need for Econometric Analysis • Basic Terminologies • Types of Data • Steps in Econometric Analysis

Teaching Hours:2
Introduction to Econometrics

Level of Knowledge: Theory


Introduction to Econometrics • Need for Econometric Analysis • Basic Terminologies • Types of Data • Steps in Econometric Analysis

Teaching Hours:6
Bivariate and Multivariate Models

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Bivariate and Multivariate Models - Cointegration: Background; why and when to do? • Granger’s causality test – What it signifies? 

Teaching Hours:6
Bivariate and Multivariate Models

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Bivariate and Multivariate Models - Cointegration: Background; why and when to do? • Granger’s causality test – What it signifies? 

Teaching Hours:6
Bivariate and Multivariate Models

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Bivariate and Multivariate Models - Cointegration: Background; why and when to do? • Granger’s causality test – What it signifies? 

Teaching Hours:4
Bivariate and Multivariate Models

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Bivariate and Multivariate Models - VECM – How error correction happens? • VAR • Wald test - testing Joint significance • Impulse Response Function • Variance Decomposition

Teaching Hours:4
Bivariate and Multivariate Models

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Bivariate and Multivariate Models - VECM – How error correction happens? • VAR • Wald test - testing Joint significance • Impulse Response Function • Variance Decomposition

Teaching Hours:4
Bivariate and Multivariate Models

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Bivariate and Multivariate Models - VECM – How error correction happens? • VAR • Wald test - testing Joint significance • Impulse Response Function • Variance Decomposition

Teaching Hours:8
Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Panel data Analysis • Advantages; Types of Panel data • Panel Unit Root analysis • Pooled OLS; Fixed Effect and Random Effect model • Hausman test

Teaching Hours:8
Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Panel data Analysis • Advantages; Types of Panel data • Panel Unit Root analysis • Pooled OLS; Fixed Effect and Random Effect model • Hausman test

Teaching Hours:8
Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Panel data Analysis • Advantages; Types of Panel data • Panel Unit Root analysis • Pooled OLS; Fixed Effect and Random Effect model • Hausman test

Teaching Hours:6
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Dynamic panel data (DPD) setup. Correlation between the lagged dependent variable and error term. Nickell bias. Anderson and Hsiao estimator. GMM estimation notes. 

Teaching Hours:6
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Dynamic panel data (DPD) setup. Correlation between the lagged dependent variable and error term. Nickell bias. Anderson and Hsiao estimator. GMM estimation notes. 

Teaching Hours:6
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Dynamic panel data (DPD) setup. Correlation between the lagged dependent variable and error term. Nickell bias. Anderson and Hsiao estimator. GMM estimation notes. 

Teaching Hours:4
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Arellano-Bond estimator. System DPD estimator.  

Teaching Hours:4
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Arellano-Bond estimator. System DPD estimator.  

Teaching Hours:4
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Arellano-Bond estimator. System DPD estimator.  

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2002) Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. MIT Press.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.      Baltagi, B. (2008). Econometric analysis of panel data. John Wiley & Sons..


2.      Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2009) Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach. 4 th Edition. South-Western College Publ.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Patter:

CIA 1 - 30 Marks

CIA 2 - 30 Marks

CIA 3 - 30 Marks

Class Participation - 10 Marks

Total Max Marks = 100 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: HR managers are the key to the success of talent acquisition and management for the organization. They are responsible for providing the organization with the proper key performance indicators to show that the organization is in alignment with its mission, values and goals. HR is also responsible for ensuring that supervisors and managers as well as rank and file employees understand the corporate policies and procedures. They have the responsibility to ensure that these processes are applied consistently and correctly. HR has the responsibility to learn the language of business so that they can communicate with the management of the organization in their space rather than that of HR and emerge as a true business partner.

 Course Objectives: 

       Extend HR Concepts and theories to real life situations. 

       Take part in designing and executing various learning activities related to HR function

       Evaluate different perspectives of HR related issues and challenges

       Develop written and oral communication skills.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Compare the concepts and theories studied in the classroom with the real time business situation.

CO2: Analyse various functions of HR and its significance to organization.

CO3: Assess the various issues and challenges related to Human Resource Management.

CO4: Propose solutions to real time problems

Teaching Hours:6
Salary Fitment


Level of Knowledge: Application



Deciding the salary to be offered to a candidate based on job evaluation techniques and salary fitment

Teaching Hours:6
Salary Fitment


Level of Knowledge: Application



Deciding the salary to be offered to a candidate based on job evaluation techniques and salary fitment

Teaching Hours:6
Salary Fitment


Level of Knowledge: Application



Deciding the salary to be offered to a candidate based on job evaluation techniques and salary fitment

Teaching Hours:6
Salary Fitment


Level of Knowledge: Application



Deciding the salary to be offered to a candidate based on job evaluation techniques and salary fitment

Teaching Hours:6
Closing an Offer


Level of Knowledge: Application




Negotiating with candidates, realistic job previews, closing an offer and follow-up with candidates to the date of joining.


Teaching Hours:6
Closing an Offer


Level of Knowledge: Application




Negotiating with candidates, realistic job previews, closing an offer and follow-up with candidates to the date of joining.


Teaching Hours:6
Closing an Offer


Level of Knowledge: Application




Negotiating with candidates, realistic job previews, closing an offer and follow-up with candidates to the date of joining.


Teaching Hours:6
Closing an Offer


Level of Knowledge: Application




Negotiating with candidates, realistic job previews, closing an offer and follow-up with candidates to the date of joining.


Teaching Hours:6
Goal Setting


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing performance management forms and setting KRAs, aligning with organizational objectives, provide constructive feedback.


Teaching Hours:6
Goal Setting


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing performance management forms and setting KRAs, aligning with organizational objectives, provide constructive feedback.


Teaching Hours:6
Goal Setting


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing performance management forms and setting KRAs, aligning with organizational objectives, provide constructive feedback.


Teaching Hours:6
Goal Setting


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing performance management forms and setting KRAs, aligning with organizational objectives, provide constructive feedback.


Teaching Hours:6
HR Policy Formulation


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing various types of policy and documenting the same. 


Teaching Hours:6
HR Policy Formulation


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing various types of policy and documenting the same. 


Teaching Hours:6
HR Policy Formulation


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing various types of policy and documenting the same. 


Teaching Hours:6
HR Policy Formulation


Level of Knowledge: Application




Designing various types of policy and documenting the same. 


Teaching Hours:4
Grievance Redressal


Level of Knowledge: Application



Design grievance redressal procedure for various organizations

Teaching Hours:4
Grievance Redressal


Level of Knowledge: Application



Design grievance redressal procedure for various organizations

Teaching Hours:4
Grievance Redressal


Level of Knowledge: Application



Design grievance redressal procedure for various organizations

Teaching Hours:4
Grievance Redressal


Level of Knowledge: Application



Design grievance redressal procedure for various organizations

Teaching Hours:2
Exit Interview


Level of Knowledge: Application




Design exit process forms and flowchart, conduct exit interviews.


Teaching Hours:2
Exit Interview


Level of Knowledge: Application




Design exit process forms and flowchart, conduct exit interviews.


Teaching Hours:2
Exit Interview


Level of Knowledge: Application




Design exit process forms and flowchart, conduct exit interviews.


Teaching Hours:2
Exit Interview


Level of Knowledge: Application




Design exit process forms and flowchart, conduct exit interviews.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading



Evaluation Pattern


Component of Assessment

Units covered

Maximum Marks


Total Marks






























100 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Marketing analytics enables marketers to measure, manage and analyze marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). Beyond the obvious sales and lead generation applications, marketing analytics can offer profound insights into customer preferences and trends, which can be further utilized for future marketing and business decisions.


Course Objectives:

  •  To understand how to use marketing analytics to predict outcomes and systematically allocate resources. 
  • To measure brand and customer assets, understand regression analysis, and design experiments as a way to evaluate and optimize marketing campaigns. 
  • To measure, manage and analyze marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI).

Learning Outcome

CO1: Students are able to understand how to use marketing analytics to predict outcomes and systematically allocate resources.

CO2: Students are able to measure brand and customer assets, understand regression analysis, and design experiments as a way to evaluate and optimize marketing campaigns.

CO3: Students are able to measure, manage and analyze marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI).

Teaching Hours:6
Basics of Forecasting Models

Identify the necessary components of a forecasting model based on patterns in the history data and evaluate the performance of a forecasting model using both in-sample and out-of-sample metrics.


Teaching Hours:6
Basics of Forecasting Models

Identify the necessary components of a forecasting model based on patterns in the history data and evaluate the performance of a forecasting model using both in-sample and out-of-sample metrics.


Teaching Hours:6
Basics of Forecasting Models

Identify the necessary components of a forecasting model based on patterns in the history data and evaluate the performance of a forecasting model using both in-sample and out-of-sample metrics.


Teaching Hours:6
Basics of Forecasting Models

Identify the necessary components of a forecasting model based on patterns in the history data and evaluate the performance of a forecasting model using both in-sample and out-of-sample metrics.


Teaching Hours:6
Customer Analytics: Predicting Individual Customer Behavior

Exploring Data with Visualization and Descriptive Statistics from Analysis to Action.



Teaching Hours:6
Customer Analytics: Predicting Individual Customer Behavior

Exploring Data with Visualization and Descriptive Statistics from Analysis to Action.



Teaching Hours:6
Customer Analytics: Predicting Individual Customer Behavior

Exploring Data with Visualization and Descriptive Statistics from Analysis to Action.



Teaching Hours:6
Customer Analytics: Predicting Individual Customer Behavior

Exploring Data with Visualization and Descriptive Statistics from Analysis to Action.



Teaching Hours:6
Managing Customer Equity

Managing customer equity, acquisition, retention, & market value, and customer valuation. The process of decomposing customer value into its underlying components. Linking Customer Analytics to Customer Value 

Teaching Hours:6
Managing Customer Equity

Managing customer equity, acquisition, retention, & market value, and customer valuation. The process of decomposing customer value into its underlying components. Linking Customer Analytics to Customer Value 

Teaching Hours:6
Managing Customer Equity

Managing customer equity, acquisition, retention, & market value, and customer valuation. The process of decomposing customer value into its underlying components. Linking Customer Analytics to Customer Value 

Teaching Hours:6
Managing Customer Equity

Managing customer equity, acquisition, retention, & market value, and customer valuation. The process of decomposing customer value into its underlying components. Linking Customer Analytics to Customer Value 

Teaching Hours:6
Marketing Mix Modeling

Develop forecasting models, Using forecasting models to make decisions regarding the marketing mix activity, and pricing information from competitors, and build a series of regression models to evaluate the impact of the brand’s actions and competitors’ actions.

Teaching Hours:6
Marketing Mix Modeling

Develop forecasting models, Using forecasting models to make decisions regarding the marketing mix activity, and pricing information from competitors, and build a series of regression models to evaluate the impact of the brand’s actions and competitors’ actions.

Teaching Hours:6
Marketing Mix Modeling

Develop forecasting models, Using forecasting models to make decisions regarding the marketing mix activity, and pricing information from competitors, and build a series of regression models to evaluate the impact of the brand’s actions and competitors’ actions.

Teaching Hours:6
Marketing Mix Modeling

Develop forecasting models, Using forecasting models to make decisions regarding the marketing mix activity, and pricing information from competitors, and build a series of regression models to evaluate the impact of the brand’s actions and competitors’ actions.

Teaching Hours:4
Marketing Experiments

Effectiveness of different marketing strategies and forecast expected ROI, design basic experiments to assess marketing efforts and invest effectively, gap between your test results and field implementation, and explore how web experiments can be implemented cheaply and quickly.  

Teaching Hours:4
Marketing Experiments

Effectiveness of different marketing strategies and forecast expected ROI, design basic experiments to assess marketing efforts and invest effectively, gap between your test results and field implementation, and explore how web experiments can be implemented cheaply and quickly.  

Teaching Hours:4
Marketing Experiments

Effectiveness of different marketing strategies and forecast expected ROI, design basic experiments to assess marketing efforts and invest effectively, gap between your test results and field implementation, and explore how web experiments can be implemented cheaply and quickly.  

Teaching Hours:4
Marketing Experiments

Effectiveness of different marketing strategies and forecast expected ROI, design basic experiments to assess marketing efforts and invest effectively, gap between your test results and field implementation, and explore how web experiments can be implemented cheaply and quickly.  

Teaching Hours:2
Regression Basics

Identify variables influencing consumer behavior in the real world, weather and price promotion impacting the prices of the products. Use of Regression and the relationship. Setting up regressions and interpreting outputs, exploring confounding effects and biases, and distinguishing between economic and statistical significance. 

Teaching Hours:2
Regression Basics

Identify variables influencing consumer behavior in the real world, weather and price promotion impacting the prices of the products. Use of Regression and the relationship. Setting up regressions and interpreting outputs, exploring confounding effects and biases, and distinguishing between economic and statistical significance. 

Teaching Hours:2
Regression Basics

Identify variables influencing consumer behavior in the real world, weather and price promotion impacting the prices of the products. Use of Regression and the relationship. Setting up regressions and interpreting outputs, exploring confounding effects and biases, and distinguishing between economic and statistical significance. 

Teaching Hours:2
Regression Basics

Identify variables influencing consumer behavior in the real world, weather and price promotion impacting the prices of the products. Use of Regression and the relationship. Setting up regressions and interpreting outputs, exploring confounding effects and biases, and distinguishing between economic and statistical significance. 

Evaluation Pattern

Four CIAs with total marks of 100


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Production and Operations Management (POM) is concerned with the management of resources and activities that produce and deliver goods and services for customers.  Efficient and effective operations can provide an organization with major competitive advantages since the ability to respond to customer and market requirements quickly, at a low cost, and with high quality, is vital to attaining profitability and growth through increased market share. The course focuses on the basic concepts, issues, and techniques for efficient and effective management of production and operations.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Compare the key concepts and issues of production and operations management in manufacturing and service organizations

CO2: Identify the strategic role of production and operations management in attaining competitive advantage for a firm.

CO3: Analyse and relate production and operations management with other key departments of a firm.

CO4: Assess emerging and important topics related to production and operations management.

CO5: Design, manage and control the best processes so that value-addition occurs in the most efficient and effective way.

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Production and Operations Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Historical‌ ‌Development,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Classification‌ ‌of‌ Production‌ ‌System,‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Concept‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Distinction‌ ‌between‌ ‌Manufacturing‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Service‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌A‌ ‌Framework‌ ‌for‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Operations.‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Managing‌ ‌Global‌ ‌Operations,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management.‌ ‌ ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Plant Location and Plant Layout

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌meaning‌ ‌Need‌ ‌for‌ ‌selecting‌ ‌a‌ ‌suitable‌ ‌location,‌ ‌Factors‌ ‌influencing‌ ‌plant‌, Location – Cost Volume/Break-Even Analysis, Factor Rating, Centre of Gravity Method, Weber’s theory of location. ‌ ‌General‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Specific‌ ‌locational‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ manufacturing‌ ‌organization‌ ‌and‌ ‌for‌ ‌Service‌ ‌organization.‌  ‌Objectives,‌ ‌principles‌ ‌and‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌plant‌ ‌layout.‌ ‌Process‌ ‌layout – Practical Problem related to Layout Improvement – Material Improvement Cost Minimisation,‌ ‌Product‌ ‌Layout – Assembly Line Balancing,‌ ‌Determination of Cycle Time and Efficiency of Assembly Line, Combination‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Fixed‌ ‌position‌ ‌layout,‌ ‌Group‌ ‌layout, Physical‌ ‌Facilities.

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Materials Management

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Scope‌ ‌or‌ ‌functions‌ ‌of‌ ‌Materials‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Purchasing and ‌Stores‌ ‌Management. EOQ, ‌Inventory‌ ‌control techniques (ABC Analysis, FSN, VED, HML, SOS, SDE, GOLF & XYZ Analysis), Vendor selection, development and‌ vendor rating, ‌Standardization,‌ ‌Simplification,‌ ‌Value‌ ‌analysis / Value Engineering, ‌Just‌ ‌in‌ ‌time and ‌Ergonomics.‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Material Handling

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌and‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling,‌ ‌Selection‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌ Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Evaluation‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌system,‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌equipment’s,‌ ‌ Guidelines‌ ‌for‌ ‌Effective‌ ‌Utilization‌ ‌of‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling‌ ‌Equipment,‌ ‌Relationship‌ ‌between‌ ‌Plant‌ ‌ Layout‌ ‌and‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Handling. ‌

Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:9
Production Planning and Control

Introduction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Meaning,‌ ‌Need,‌ ‌Objectives,‌ ‌Phases‌ ‌of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Functions of‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌Scheduling‌ ‌Systems,‌ ‌Aggregate‌ ‌ Planning – Level and Chase Strategy (practical problem related to both the strategy),‌ ‌Master‌ ‌Production‌ ‌Schedule‌ ‌(MPS),‌ ‌Material‌ ‌Requirement‌ ‌Planning‌ ‌(MRP) – Tree Diagram, Time Phased Product Structure, Gross MRP, Net MRP‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌Planning,‌ ‌Routing,‌ ‌Scheduling – Johnson’s Rule of Scheduling.


Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:10
Quality Control

‌Quality,‌ ‌Fundamental‌ ‌factors‌ ‌affecting‌ ‌quality,‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌need‌ ‌for‌ ‌controlling,‌ Quality‌ ‌Inspection,‌ ‌Types‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Steps‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌control,‌ ‌Objectives‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Benefits‌ ‌of‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Seven‌ ‌Tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Control,‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Variation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Quality,‌ ‌Statistical‌ ‌Process‌ ‌Control – Control Charts, Control Chart for Variables (x-bar chart, R Chart), control chart for attributes (P-chart, C-chart),‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌circles.‌ Concept of Quality Assurance and ‌Total‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌Management.‌

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Teaching Hours:5
Maintenance Management

Introduction,‌ ‌Objective,‌ ‌types,‌ ‌maintenance‌ ‌planning‌ ‌and‌ ‌scheduling,‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌Scientific‌ Maintenance‌ Methods-‌ ‌Six‌ ‌Sigma‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Enterprise‌ ‌Asset‌ ‌Management‌ ‌(EAM),‌ ‌Lean‌ ‌Maintenance,‌ ‌Computer‌ ‌Aided‌ ‌Maintenance.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Kumar, S.A & Suresh, N. (2017). Production and Operations Management, New age International publishers.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Aswathappa,‌ ‌K.‌ ‌&‌ ‌Reddy,‌ ‌G.S.,‌ ‌Reddy,‌ ‌M.K.‌ ‌(2016).‌ ‌‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management‌,‌ ‌Himalaya‌ ‌Publishers.‌ ‌

2.Khanna,‌ ‌R.B.‌ ‌(2016).‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ PHI‌ ‌Learning‌ ‌Pvt.‌ ‌ Ltd., New Delhi

3. Krajewski,‌ ‌Lee‌ ‌J.,‌ ‌Ritzman,‌ ‌Larry‌ ‌P.,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Manoj‌ ‌K.‌ ‌Malhotra‌ ‌(2013).‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management:‌ ‌Processes‌ ‌and‌ ‌Value‌ ‌Chains,‌ ‌8/e;‌ ‌New‌ ‌Delhi:‌ ‌Pearson‌ ‌Education.‌ ‌ ‌Richard,‌ ‌B.‌ ‌Chase,‌ ‌

4.Ravi‌ ‌Shankar,‌ ‌F.‌ ‌Robert,‌ ‌Jacobs‌ ‌and‌ ‌Nicholas,‌ ‌J.‌ ‌Aquilano‌ ‌(2018).‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌and‌ ‌Supply‌ ‌Management‌ ‌12/e;‌ ‌New‌ ‌Delhi:‌ ‌Tata‌ ‌McGraw-Hill‌ ‌

5.Singh,‌ ‌S.P.‌ ‌(2014)‌ ‌Production‌ ‌and‌ ‌Operations‌ ‌Management,‌ ‌1/e,‌ ‌New‌ ‌Delhi:‌ ‌Vikas‌ ‌Publishing ‌House‌

6. Paneerselvam R (2016), Production and Operations Management, 3/e, PHI Learning, New Delhi

7. Richard Chase, Nicholas Acquilano et al (2015), Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, 11/e, The Mc Graw Hill Company

Evaluation Pattern

CIA assessment pattern

CIA 1: 20  (100%) : 20 marks

CIA 2: 50 (50%) 25 marks

CIA 3: 20 (100%) : 20 marks,

ESE : 50( 60%): 30 marks

Attendance: 5 marks.

CIA: ESE = 70:30

Total 100 marks

BBA632 - BUSINESS LAWS (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:  A law that governs the dealings regarding commercial matters, quietly known as business law. Business Law, a branch of civil law comprises governance of commercial and business transactions in both the public and private realms. Business law helps to resolve the business disputes, maintain order and build an acceptable  standards when it come close to the other business, government and customers. A better understanding of legal matters also provides a manager with a framework on which a decision can be made. This course covers important sub branches of Business Laws,  such as Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law, Consumer Protection Law, Competition Law, Law of Sale of Goods and Cyber Law etc.


Course Objectives:


        To illustrate  the  legal provisions of  key aspects  of business laws


        To outline the framework of Contract Law in India


        To explain the legal provisions relating to Patents, Trade Marks and Copy Rights in India


        To demonstrate an understanding of regulatory framework of Sale of Goods

              To identify the  causes of the problem faced by consumers and competitors  and analyze the remedies provided for violations of legal provisions

Learning Outcome

CO1: Illustrate the legal provisions of key aspects of business laws

CO2: Outline the framework of Contract Law in India

CO3: Explain the legal provisions relating to Patents, Trade Marks and Copy Rights in India

CO4: Demonstrate an understanding of the regulatory framework for Sale of Goods

CO5: Identify the causes of the problem faced by consumers and competitors and analyze the remedies provided for violations of legal provisions

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Law of Contracts


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual




Meaning and Scope of Business Law – Sources of Indian Business Law. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872: Definition – types of contracts- Essentials of a Contracts. Discharge of a contract and remedies for breach of contract. Government Contracts: Article 299: Constitution of India. Concept of Equity, Fairness and Reasonableness, Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel vs. Executive Necessity, No person liability. E-Contracts: Meaning & need for Digital Goods, Unfair terms in E-contract. Indian Evidence Act: Basic Concepts.


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:5
Contract of Guarantee


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Rights of Surety, Liability of Surety, and Discharge of Surety. 


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:10
Intellectual Property Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Meaning and scope of intellectual properties – The Patent Act of 1970 and its amendments as per WTO agreement, background, objects, definition, inventions, patentee, true and first inventor, procedure for grant of process and product patents, WTO rules as to patents, rights to patentee – infringement– remedies. The Copyright Act, 1957- Meaning – Its uses and rights. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 - meaning, registration, procedures – infringement– Authorities concerned –Remedies.


Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:8
Competition Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Competition Act, 2002- Concept of Competition, Development of Competition Law, overview of MRTP Act 2002, Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of dominant position, combination, regulation of combinations, Competition Commission of India; Appearance before Commission, Compliance of Competition Law. Types of Offence and penalty. 

Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Sale of Goods and Negotiable Instruments Law

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930- Definition of Goods, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Rights & Liabilities of a Buyer & Seller, Rights of an Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Statutory definitions, promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable. Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument. Types of Offences and Penalties. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:10
Law of Consumer Protection

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual: Consumer Protection Act 1986: Background – définitions– consumer, consumer dispute, Complaint Procedure, defect, deficiency, and service, Remedies, Consumer Protection Council, Consumer Redress Agencies, District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Teaching Hours:5
Cyber Laws

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives, definitions and salient features, provisions pertaining to piracy and related offences and personalities. 


Text Books And Reference Books:

Gulshan, S.S. (2013). Business & Corporate Law, Excel Books, New Delhi.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Anson, W. R. (2009). Law of contract (29th edition), Oxford University Press, Oxford, New Delhi.
  2. Avtar, S. (2011). Principles of Mercantile Law (9th Edition), Eastern Book Company, New Delhi.
  3. Kapoor, N.D (2012.). Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
  4. Padmanabhan, A. (2012. Intellectual property rights: Infringement and remedies, LexisNexis Butterworth’s, Nagpur.
  5. Tulsian, P.C. (2013). Business Laws, 5th Edition), Tata-McGraw Hill Education Limited, New Delhi


Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 – 20 Marks

CIA 2 – 50 Marks 

CIA 3 – 20 Marks

CIA 4, ESE – 50 Marks  



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This is an elective course offered in the sixth semester to students of marketing specialization. Students learn various aspects of the evolution, growth and development of marketing communications


Course Objectives:


        To identify the promotional elements in the marketing programmes


        To demonstrate the role of various communication models.


        To examine the role and functions of specialized marketing organizations.

        To curate the process of budgeting for IMC

            To interpret social insights of research to build creative strategy for IMC.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify the promotional elements in the marketing programmes

CO2: To interpret social insights of research to build creative strategy for IMC.T

CO3: To demonstrate the role of various communication models.

CO4: To curate the process of budgeting for IMC

CO5: To examine the role and functions of specialized marketing organizations.

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to IMC


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC), Evolution and Importance of IMC, Elements of the Marketing Mix and its impact on IMC, Target Marketing, Segmentation and Positioning strategies and its application in IMC 

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to IMC


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC), Evolution and Importance of IMC, Elements of the Marketing Mix and its impact on IMC, Target Marketing, Segmentation and Positioning strategies and its application in IMC 

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to IMC


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC), Evolution and Importance of IMC, Elements of the Marketing Mix and its impact on IMC, Target Marketing, Segmentation and Positioning strategies and its application in IMC 

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to IMC


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC), Evolution and Importance of IMC, Elements of the Marketing Mix and its impact on IMC, Target Marketing, Segmentation and Positioning strategies and its application in IMC 

Teaching Hours:6
Elements of the Promotional Mix


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Sales Promotion, PR, Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing – elements, process and techniques. Advertising in brief (types of advertising and advertisement) 

Teaching Hours:6
Elements of the Promotional Mix


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Sales Promotion, PR, Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing – elements, process and techniques. Advertising in brief (types of advertising and advertisement) 

Teaching Hours:6
Elements of the Promotional Mix


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Sales Promotion, PR, Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing – elements, process and techniques. Advertising in brief (types of advertising and advertisement) 

Teaching Hours:6
Elements of the Promotional Mix


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Sales Promotion, PR, Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing – elements, process and techniques. Advertising in brief (types of advertising and advertisement) 

Teaching Hours:8


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

Approaches – AIDA and DAGMAR, Ad Messages - Writing an Ad Copy , Elements of an Advertising message (headline, illustration and identification) Copy Structure , Storyboard formation, Testing, validation and reliability of ads , Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Advertising Regulatory agencies of advertising in India

Teaching Hours:8


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

Approaches – AIDA and DAGMAR, Ad Messages - Writing an Ad Copy , Elements of an Advertising message (headline, illustration and identification) Copy Structure , Storyboard formation, Testing, validation and reliability of ads , Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Advertising Regulatory agencies of advertising in India

Teaching Hours:8


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

Approaches – AIDA and DAGMAR, Ad Messages - Writing an Ad Copy , Elements of an Advertising message (headline, illustration and identification) Copy Structure , Storyboard formation, Testing, validation and reliability of ads , Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Advertising Regulatory agencies of advertising in India

Teaching Hours:8


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

Approaches – AIDA and DAGMAR, Ad Messages - Writing an Ad Copy , Elements of an Advertising message (headline, illustration and identification) Copy Structure , Storyboard formation, Testing, validation and reliability of ads , Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Advertising Regulatory agencies of advertising in India

Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Types of Ad agencies, Services offered by various agencies, Criteria for selecting the agencies and evaluation. Structure of advertising industry (earlier role of client and agency personnel), choosing an Advertising Agency, Account planning and Account brief. Developing Media plan – strategy, scheduling, reach & frequency, Creativity and advertising, Elements of creative strategies and its implementation, Media Evaluation – Print, Broadcast media, Support media in advertising, Ad campaigns and measuring effectiveness (earlier evaluation and approval process)


Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Types of Ad agencies, Services offered by various agencies, Criteria for selecting the agencies and evaluation. Structure of advertising industry (earlier role of client and agency personnel), choosing an Advertising Agency, Account planning and Account brief. Developing Media plan – strategy, scheduling, reach & frequency, Creativity and advertising, Elements of creative strategies and its implementation, Media Evaluation – Print, Broadcast media, Support media in advertising, Ad campaigns and measuring effectiveness (earlier evaluation and approval process)


Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Types of Ad agencies, Services offered by various agencies, Criteria for selecting the agencies and evaluation. Structure of advertising industry (earlier role of client and agency personnel), choosing an Advertising Agency, Account planning and Account brief. Developing Media plan – strategy, scheduling, reach & frequency, Creativity and advertising, Elements of creative strategies and its implementation, Media Evaluation – Print, Broadcast media, Support media in advertising, Ad campaigns and measuring effectiveness (earlier evaluation and approval process)


Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Types of Ad agencies, Services offered by various agencies, Criteria for selecting the agencies and evaluation. Structure of advertising industry (earlier role of client and agency personnel), choosing an Advertising Agency, Account planning and Account brief. Developing Media plan – strategy, scheduling, reach & frequency, Creativity and advertising, Elements of creative strategies and its implementation, Media Evaluation – Print, Broadcast media, Support media in advertising, Ad campaigns and measuring effectiveness (earlier evaluation and approval process)


Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

 IMC Planning process model, Models of Communication Process, Importance of setting specific objectives and Problems encountered, Methods of Budget Setting, Process of Budget Setting , Budget setting for promotional mix elements 


Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

 IMC Planning process model, Models of Communication Process, Importance of setting specific objectives and Problems encountered, Methods of Budget Setting, Process of Budget Setting , Budget setting for promotional mix elements 


Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

 IMC Planning process model, Models of Communication Process, Importance of setting specific objectives and Problems encountered, Methods of Budget Setting, Process of Budget Setting , Budget setting for promotional mix elements 


Teaching Hours:10


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application (National)

 IMC Planning process model, Models of Communication Process, Importance of setting specific objectives and Problems encountered, Methods of Budget Setting, Process of Budget Setting , Budget setting for promotional mix elements 


Teaching Hours:12
UNIT VI Monitoring, Evaluation and Control:

Measuring Promotional Programme Effectiveness, Methods to monitor the effectiveness of an IMC campaign 

Teaching Hours:12
UNIT VI Monitoring, Evaluation and Control:

Measuring Promotional Programme Effectiveness, Methods to monitor the effectiveness of an IMC campaign 

Teaching Hours:12
UNIT VI Monitoring, Evaluation and Control:

Measuring Promotional Programme Effectiveness, Methods to monitor the effectiveness of an IMC campaign 

Teaching Hours:12
UNIT VI Monitoring, Evaluation and Control:

Measuring Promotional Programme Effectiveness, Methods to monitor the effectiveness of an IMC campaign 

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Belch, George E., Michael A. Belch. Purani, Keyoor (2022), Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 12th Ed. India: McGraw-Hill


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Shimp, T. A(2014) Integrated Marketing Communication in Advertising and Promotion, 8th Ed,Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
  2. Philip J. Kitchen; Patrick De Pelsmacker (2004), Integrated Marketing Communications: A Primer, Routledge


Evaluation Pattern

Component of Assessment

Description of the Assessment

Units covered

Maximum Marks


Total Marks


Design an IMC plan to generate awareness about the cause that the NGO has been set up for






Analysis of the IMC based case study






Preparing and  presentation of the IMC plan.






Developing a comprehensive Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plan for a fictional product or service





BBA642F - DERIVATIVES (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course presents and analyses derivatives, such as forwards, futures, and options. These instruments have become prevalent investment tools over the past several decades. They allow one to tailor the amount and kind of risk one takes, be it risk associated with changes in interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices, commodity prices, inflation, weather, etc. Institutions and investors use them, sometimes to hedge (reduce) unwanted risks, sometimes to take on additional risks motivated by views regarding future market movements. The evolution of this subject has been attracting the interest of both practitioners and academia. Therefore, the course is a blend of theory and application. Real data analysis is an important part of this course. A student completing this course will be familiar with the main current derivatives practices and risk management techniques.

Course Objectives:

· To understand the concepts of both financial and commodity derivatives.

· To hedge risk and practice risk management using derivatives.

· To explain the use of options and futures contracts for tactical portfolio strategies purpose

· To analyse the pricing of derivatives, including familiarity with some central techniques, like the binomial model and the Black-Scholes model, and options

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand concepts of derivatives.

CO2: Analyze the risk management process using derivatives

CO3: Explain the pricing of options and futures contracts

CO4: Evaluate swaps as a hedging technique and prepare margins for cash segment and derivatives

Teaching Hours:6

Derivatives - Introduction, economic benefits of derivatives - Types of derivatives - Features of the derivatives market - Factors contributing to the growth of derivatives - functions of derivative markets - Exchange traded versus OTC derivatives - traders in derivatives markets - Derivatives market in India. (Only Theory)

Teaching Hours:6

Derivatives - Introduction, economic benefits of derivatives - Types of derivatives - Features of the derivatives market - Factors contributing to the growth of derivatives - functions of derivative markets - Exchange traded versus OTC derivatives - traders in derivatives markets - Derivatives market in India. (Only Theory)

Teaching Hours:6

Derivatives - Introduction, economic benefits of derivatives - Types of derivatives - Features of the derivatives market - Factors contributing to the growth of derivatives - functions of derivative markets - Exchange traded versus OTC derivatives - traders in derivatives markets - Derivatives market in India. (Only Theory)

Teaching Hours:6

Derivatives - Introduction, economic benefits of derivatives - Types of derivatives - Features of the derivatives market - Factors contributing to the growth of derivatives - functions of derivative markets - Exchange traded versus OTC derivatives - traders in derivatives markets - Derivatives market in India. (Only Theory)

Teaching Hours:8
Unit II

Forward Contracts: Meaning, purpose, advantages, and problems Structure of Forward Contract, Forward Trading Mechanism, Payoff.

Future Contracts: Meaning the difference between forward and future contracts, Specifications of future contracts, Types of Future Contracts, Market Participants in Future Contracts, Trading Mechanism of Future Contracts, Margins, and marking-to-market (Problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Unit II

Forward Contracts: Meaning, purpose, advantages, and problems Structure of Forward Contract, Forward Trading Mechanism, Payoff.

Future Contracts: Meaning the difference between forward and future contracts, Specifications of future contracts, Types of Future Contracts, Market Participants in Future Contracts, Trading Mechanism of Future Contracts, Margins, and marking-to-market (Problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Unit II

Forward Contracts: Meaning, purpose, advantages, and problems Structure of Forward Contract, Forward Trading Mechanism, Payoff.

Future Contracts: Meaning the difference between forward and future contracts, Specifications of future contracts, Types of Future Contracts, Market Participants in Future Contracts, Trading Mechanism of Future Contracts, Margins, and marking-to-market (Problems)

Teaching Hours:8
Unit II

Forward Contracts: Meaning, purpose, advantages, and problems Structure of Forward Contract, Forward Trading Mechanism, Payoff.

Future Contracts: Meaning the difference between forward and future contracts, Specifications of future contracts, Types of Future Contracts, Market Participants in Future Contracts, Trading Mechanism of Future Contracts, Margins, and marking-to-market (Problems)

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III

Valuation of Future Contracts - Cost of Carry Models- Hedging using futures -Stock Hedging- Portfolio Hedging.,.– Arbitrage opportunities.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III

Valuation of Future Contracts - Cost of Carry Models- Hedging using futures -Stock Hedging- Portfolio Hedging.,.– Arbitrage opportunities.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III

Valuation of Future Contracts - Cost of Carry Models- Hedging using futures -Stock Hedging- Portfolio Hedging.,.– Arbitrage opportunities.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III

Valuation of Future Contracts - Cost of Carry Models- Hedging using futures -Stock Hedging- Portfolio Hedging.,.– Arbitrage opportunities.

Teaching Hours:8

Swaps - features and uses of swaps - Mechanics of interest rate swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps – currency swaps – valuation of currency swaps, Interest rate derivative-Swaption, FRA, CAPS, and FLOORS.

Teaching Hours:8

Swaps - features and uses of swaps - Mechanics of interest rate swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps – currency swaps – valuation of currency swaps, Interest rate derivative-Swaption, FRA, CAPS, and FLOORS.

Teaching Hours:8

Swaps - features and uses of swaps - Mechanics of interest rate swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps – currency swaps – valuation of currency swaps, Interest rate derivative-Swaption, FRA, CAPS, and FLOORS.

Teaching Hours:8

Swaps - features and uses of swaps - Mechanics of interest rate swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps – currency swaps – valuation of currency swaps, Interest rate derivative-Swaption, FRA, CAPS, and FLOORS.

Teaching Hours:12
Options and its Strategies

Options: Meaning of options contract, options terminologies, Types of Options, Payoff and Payoff Diagrams, Moneyness in options (ITM, ATM, OTM). Factors affecting Options

premium, Exchange traded options. Call and Put options and payoffs. Options Trading Strategies: Uncovered, Covered, Spread, Combination

Teaching Hours:12
Options and its Strategies

Options: Meaning of options contract, options terminologies, Types of Options, Payoff and Payoff Diagrams, Moneyness in options (ITM, ATM, OTM). Factors affecting Options

premium, Exchange traded options. Call and Put options and payoffs. Options Trading Strategies: Uncovered, Covered, Spread, Combination

Teaching Hours:12
Options and its Strategies

Options: Meaning of options contract, options terminologies, Types of Options, Payoff and Payoff Diagrams, Moneyness in options (ITM, ATM, OTM). Factors affecting Options

premium, Exchange traded options. Call and Put options and payoffs. Options Trading Strategies: Uncovered, Covered, Spread, Combination

Teaching Hours:12
Options and its Strategies

Options: Meaning of options contract, options terminologies, Types of Options, Payoff and Payoff Diagrams, Moneyness in options (ITM, ATM, OTM). Factors affecting Options

premium, Exchange traded options. Call and Put options and payoffs. Options Trading Strategies: Uncovered, Covered, Spread, Combination

Teaching Hours:10
Option Pricing

Put-Call Parity Theory, Binomial Options Pricing Model, Black-Scholes Options Pricing model, Greek Options

Teaching Hours:10
Option Pricing

Put-Call Parity Theory, Binomial Options Pricing Model, Black-Scholes Options Pricing model, Greek Options

Teaching Hours:10
Option Pricing

Put-Call Parity Theory, Binomial Options Pricing Model, Black-Scholes Options Pricing model, Greek Options

Teaching Hours:10
Option Pricing

Put-Call Parity Theory, Binomial Options Pricing Model, Black-Scholes Options Pricing model, Greek Options

Teaching Hours:6
Unit VII

Commodity derivatives: commodity futures market-exchanges for commodity futures in India, Forward Market Commissions and regulation-commodities traded – trading and settlements – physical delivery of commodities. (Only Theory).

Teaching Hours:6
Unit VII

Commodity derivatives: commodity futures market-exchanges for commodity futures in India, Forward Market Commissions and regulation-commodities traded – trading and settlements – physical delivery of commodities. (Only Theory).

Teaching Hours:6
Unit VII

Commodity derivatives: commodity futures market-exchanges for commodity futures in India, Forward Market Commissions and regulation-commodities traded – trading and settlements – physical delivery of commodities. (Only Theory).

Teaching Hours:6
Unit VII

Commodity derivatives: commodity futures market-exchanges for commodity futures in India, Forward Market Commissions and regulation-commodities traded – trading and settlements – physical delivery of commodities. (Only Theory).

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Options Futures & Other Derivatives - John C. Hull, 6/e, Pearson Education.

2. Derivatives and Risk Management, Rajiv Srivastava, Oxford University Press,2018

3. Options & Futures- Vohra & Bagri, 2/e,TMH

4. Derivatives- Valuation & Risk Management – Dubofsky & Miller, Oxford University Press,2005.

5. An introduction to derivatives and risk management, Chance, Cengage, 9thedition.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Options Futures & Other Derivatives - John C. Hull, 6/e, Pearson Education.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 - 20 Marks (100 % weightage) = 20 Marks

CIA 2 - 50 Marks ( 50% weightage)  = 25 Marks

CIA 3 - 20 Marks (100% weightage) = 20 Marks

ESE  - 50 Marks (60% weightage)   =  30 Marks

Attendance                                         05 Marks

Total                                             =  100 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course is designed to help students learn about sales and distribution management  concepts  and  how  to  apply  them to  solve  business  problems. Students will examine the dynamics of business decision making and demonstrate the ability to identify professional selling and negotiation skills, and man management skills. This course brings in features in Distribution Management like channel design, and the different components of distribution such as logistic management and channel information system


Course Objectives:


        To defining the key concepts in Sales and Distribution Management.


        To analyze the strategic role of Sales management in attaining competitive advantage for a firm.


        To apply and relate Sales and Distribution Management with other key departments of a firm.


        To evaluate emerging and important topics related to Sales and Distribution Management.

            To formulate, plan, manage and control the best processes so that value-addition occurs in the most efficient and effective way.

Learning Outcome

CLO1: Defining the key concepts in Sales and Distribution Management. CLO5 Formulate, plan, manage and control the best processes so that value-addition occurs in the most efficient and effective way.

CLO2: Analyze the strategic role of Sales management in attaining competitive advantage for a firm.

CLO3: Apply and relate Sales and Distribution Management with other key departments of a firm.

CLO4: Evaluate emerging and important topics related to Sales and Distribution Management.

CLO5: Formulate, plan, manage and control the best processes so that value-addition occurs in the most efficient and effective way.

Teaching Hours:7
Introduction to Sales Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Nature and scope of sales management, personal selling objectives, Types of sales management positions, Theories of personal selling, personal selling strategies, sales forecasting and budgeting decisions, emerging trends in selling, ethical leadership, case analysis. – Sales Funnel


Teaching Hours:7
Introduction to Sales Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Nature and scope of sales management, personal selling objectives, Types of sales management positions, Theories of personal selling, personal selling strategies, sales forecasting and budgeting decisions, emerging trends in selling, ethical leadership, case analysis. – Sales Funnel


Teaching Hours:7
Introduction to Sales Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Nature and scope of sales management, personal selling objectives, Types of sales management positions, Theories of personal selling, personal selling strategies, sales forecasting and budgeting decisions, emerging trends in selling, ethical leadership, case analysis. – Sales Funnel


Teaching Hours:7
Introduction to Sales Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Nature and scope of sales management, personal selling objectives, Types of sales management positions, Theories of personal selling, personal selling strategies, sales forecasting and budgeting decisions, emerging trends in selling, ethical leadership, case analysis. – Sales Funnel


Teaching Hours:8
Sales Organisation and control

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Purpose of Sales Organisation, setting sales organisation, Types of sales organization structures. Coordinating selling function with other marketing activities, Sales Territory: Concept and process of devising sales territories. Sales forecasting and Sales Potential, Sales Forecasting Techniques Sales Budget: Purpose and Procedure Sales Quotas: Concept and types.


Teaching Hours:8
Sales Organisation and control

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Purpose of Sales Organisation, setting sales organisation, Types of sales organization structures. Coordinating selling function with other marketing activities, Sales Territory: Concept and process of devising sales territories. Sales forecasting and Sales Potential, Sales Forecasting Techniques Sales Budget: Purpose and Procedure Sales Quotas: Concept and types.


Teaching Hours:8
Sales Organisation and control

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Purpose of Sales Organisation, setting sales organisation, Types of sales organization structures. Coordinating selling function with other marketing activities, Sales Territory: Concept and process of devising sales territories. Sales forecasting and Sales Potential, Sales Forecasting Techniques Sales Budget: Purpose and Procedure Sales Quotas: Concept and types.


Teaching Hours:8
Sales Organisation and control

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Purpose of Sales Organisation, setting sales organisation, Types of sales organization structures. Coordinating selling function with other marketing activities, Sales Territory: Concept and process of devising sales territories. Sales forecasting and Sales Potential, Sales Forecasting Techniques Sales Budget: Purpose and Procedure Sales Quotas: Concept and types.


Teaching Hours:9
Managing Sales Force


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Concepts of sales force management: Recruitment and Selection of sales personnel. Sales Training: Areas of sales training: Company specific knowledge, product knowledge, industry and market trend knowledge, and customer education. Compensating and motivating sales force. Routing and scheduling of sales force. Sales audit. Sales Force Metrics



Teaching Hours:9
Managing Sales Force


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Concepts of sales force management: Recruitment and Selection of sales personnel. Sales Training: Areas of sales training: Company specific knowledge, product knowledge, industry and market trend knowledge, and customer education. Compensating and motivating sales force. Routing and scheduling of sales force. Sales audit. Sales Force Metrics



Teaching Hours:9
Managing Sales Force


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Concepts of sales force management: Recruitment and Selection of sales personnel. Sales Training: Areas of sales training: Company specific knowledge, product knowledge, industry and market trend knowledge, and customer education. Compensating and motivating sales force. Routing and scheduling of sales force. Sales audit. Sales Force Metrics



Teaching Hours:9
Managing Sales Force


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Concepts of sales force management: Recruitment and Selection of sales personnel. Sales Training: Areas of sales training: Company specific knowledge, product knowledge, industry and market trend knowledge, and customer education. Compensating and motivating sales force. Routing and scheduling of sales force. Sales audit. Sales Force Metrics



Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Managing marketing logistics & channels, Channel Integration - VMS, HMS, Channel Management, and Marketing channel Policies & legal issues.Metrics for Channel Decisions   Digital Channels


Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Managing marketing logistics & channels, Channel Integration - VMS, HMS, Channel Management, and Marketing channel Policies & legal issues.Metrics for Channel Decisions   Digital Channels


Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Managing marketing logistics & channels, Channel Integration - VMS, HMS, Channel Management, and Marketing channel Policies & legal issues.Metrics for Channel Decisions   Digital Channels


Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Managing marketing logistics & channels, Channel Integration - VMS, HMS, Channel Management, and Marketing channel Policies & legal issues.Metrics for Channel Decisions   Digital Channels


Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Channel Strategy

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Distribution Channels: Concept, Functions and Types. Distribution channel strategy and features of effective channel design. Channel Conflict: Concept and stages, conflict management International distribution strategy                                                                                                        

Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Channel Strategy

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Distribution Channels: Concept, Functions and Types. Distribution channel strategy and features of effective channel design. Channel Conflict: Concept and stages, conflict management International distribution strategy                                                                                                        

Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Channel Strategy

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Distribution Channels: Concept, Functions and Types. Distribution channel strategy and features of effective channel design. Channel Conflict: Concept and stages, conflict management International distribution strategy                                                                                                        

Teaching Hours:9
Distribution Channel Strategy

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Distribution Channels: Concept, Functions and Types. Distribution channel strategy and features of effective channel design. Channel Conflict: Concept and stages, conflict management International distribution strategy                                                                                                        

Teaching Hours:10
Logistics and Supply Chain Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Definition & scope of logistics, Components of logistics. Inventory management decisions: Concept of EOQ, ROP, JIT, online inventory management Out bound Logistics: Transportation decision, location and warehousing decisions Concept and scope of Supply chain management. Components of Supply Chain Management.


Teaching Hours:10
Logistics and Supply Chain Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Definition & scope of logistics, Components of logistics. Inventory management decisions: Concept of EOQ, ROP, JIT, online inventory management Out bound Logistics: Transportation decision, location and warehousing decisions Concept and scope of Supply chain management. Components of Supply Chain Management.


Teaching Hours:10
Logistics and Supply Chain Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Definition & scope of logistics, Components of logistics. Inventory management decisions: Concept of EOQ, ROP, JIT, online inventory management Out bound Logistics: Transportation decision, location and warehousing decisions Concept and scope of Supply chain management. Components of Supply Chain Management.


Teaching Hours:10
Logistics and Supply Chain Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Definition & scope of logistics, Components of logistics. Inventory management decisions: Concept of EOQ, ROP, JIT, online inventory management Out bound Logistics: Transportation decision, location and warehousing decisions Concept and scope of Supply chain management. Components of Supply Chain Management.


Teaching Hours:8
Recent changes in warehouse and distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Distribution plan, elements of distribution, & cost implication, Network design, Quality control monitoring, supply tracking,Warehouse management systems, Warehouse execution system, Cloud transport management system, Enterprise Resource planning, 3PL



Teaching Hours:8
Recent changes in warehouse and distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Distribution plan, elements of distribution, & cost implication, Network design, Quality control monitoring, supply tracking,Warehouse management systems, Warehouse execution system, Cloud transport management system, Enterprise Resource planning, 3PL



Teaching Hours:8
Recent changes in warehouse and distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Distribution plan, elements of distribution, & cost implication, Network design, Quality control monitoring, supply tracking,Warehouse management systems, Warehouse execution system, Cloud transport management system, Enterprise Resource planning, 3PL



Teaching Hours:8
Recent changes in warehouse and distribution Management

 Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

 Distribution plan, elements of distribution, & cost implication, Network design, Quality control monitoring, supply tracking,Warehouse management systems, Warehouse execution system, Cloud transport management system, Enterprise Resource planning, 3PL



Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Sales Management- Analysis & Decision Making –Johnston & Marshall (Tata McGRAW Hill 9th Edition, India Edition
  2. Krishna K. Havaldar, Vasant M. Cavale (2011) Sales & Distribution Management Tata McGrawHill


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Tanner, J; Honecutt ED Erfmeyer Robert C (2009). Sales Management, Pearson Education.
  2. Johnson, EM etc. (2007). Sales Management: Concepts Practices& Cases, McGraw Hill Co.

A, Nag (2013).Sales and Distribution Management, McGraw Hill.

Evaluation Pattern






Maximum marks


Total Marks in Final Grade


CIA1A-Design a sales process

CIA1B- Apply AIDA model






Mid Semester Examination






Innovative and sustainable distribution management






End Semester Examination















Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

Strategic human resource management is very critical to a firm’s success in the contemporary business world. This course explores the strategic role of human resources in organizational performance, human resource environment in organizations, human resource evaluation, measuring employee performance, mentoring and career management. This course provides an insight on how human resources can be looked at from an investment perspective and how an integration of human resource strategy and business strategy becomes a point of competitive advantage for companies.


Course Objectives:


        To understand different theoretical approaches to SHRM and the linkage between HR strategy and business strategy


        To discuss the significance of viewing human resources as investment and a source of sustainable competitive advantage


        To analyze the relationship between business strategy and human resource planning


        To determine the linkage between business strategy and compensation strategy

      ●    To examine the human aspect of strategic implementation.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Interpret the opportunities and challenges posed by business environment to human resources management.

CO2: Develop different SHRM approaches in implementing business strategies to manage challenges of business environment

CO3: Choose an appropriate framework in analyzing the significance of human resources as investment and as a source of sustainable competitive advantage

CO4: Propose and apply HR strategy in relations to business strategy

CO5: Evaluate social and ethical issues related to adopting a human resource strategy.

CO6: Formulate HR policies and program to address the social and ethical issues.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Strategic HRM


Definition of SHRM, Need and Importance of SHRM – From Traditional HRM to SHRM – Linking HR Strategy with Business Strategy- Developing an HRM Plan - Gaining Competitive Advantage through HR, on becoming a strategic partner, The VRIO Framework, The changing role of HR, Future Challenges of HR.


Case Reading: Human resource management in the changing business environment of the Indian construction industry: a case study. (Shah & Sankar, 2013)


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Strategic HRM


Definition of SHRM, Need and Importance of SHRM – From Traditional HRM to SHRM – Linking HR Strategy with Business Strategy- Developing an HRM Plan - Gaining Competitive Advantage through HR, on becoming a strategic partner, The VRIO Framework, The changing role of HR, Future Challenges of HR.


Case Reading: Human resource management in the changing business environment of the Indian construction industry: a case study. (Shah & Sankar, 2013)


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Strategic HRM


Definition of SHRM, Need and Importance of SHRM – From Traditional HRM to SHRM – Linking HR Strategy with Business Strategy- Developing an HRM Plan - Gaining Competitive Advantage through HR, on becoming a strategic partner, The VRIO Framework, The changing role of HR, Future Challenges of HR.


Case Reading: Human resource management in the changing business environment of the Indian construction industry: a case study. (Shah & Sankar, 2013)


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Strategic HRM


Definition of SHRM, Need and Importance of SHRM – From Traditional HRM to SHRM – Linking HR Strategy with Business Strategy- Developing an HRM Plan - Gaining Competitive Advantage through HR, on becoming a strategic partner, The VRIO Framework, The changing role of HR, Future Challenges of HR.


Case Reading: Human resource management in the changing business environment of the Indian construction industry: a case study. (Shah & Sankar, 2013)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Resource Environment


Technology and Structure, Workforce Diversity, Societal and Demographic Changes, Change in Employment Relationships - Temporary and Contract Labor; Global Environment, Global Competition.


Case Readings: Using diversity, equity and inclusion to drive outcomes at CareerStaff unlimited. (Guglielmo et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Resource Environment


Technology and Structure, Workforce Diversity, Societal and Demographic Changes, Change in Employment Relationships - Temporary and Contract Labor; Global Environment, Global Competition.


Case Readings: Using diversity, equity and inclusion to drive outcomes at CareerStaff unlimited. (Guglielmo et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Resource Environment


Technology and Structure, Workforce Diversity, Societal and Demographic Changes, Change in Employment Relationships - Temporary and Contract Labor; Global Environment, Global Competition.


Case Readings: Using diversity, equity and inclusion to drive outcomes at CareerStaff unlimited. (Guglielmo et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Resource Environment


Technology and Structure, Workforce Diversity, Societal and Demographic Changes, Change in Employment Relationships - Temporary and Contract Labor; Global Environment, Global Competition.


Case Readings: Using diversity, equity and inclusion to drive outcomes at CareerStaff unlimited. (Guglielmo et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
An Investment perspective of Human resources


Human resource investment considerations, investments in T&D, investment practices for improved retention, investments in job secure workforce, ethical implications of employment practices, non-traditional investment approaches.


Case Reading:


  1. Finding, training, and keeping best service workers;(Dandira, 2012)
  2. Retaining human capital: a danger zone for METAL STAR;(Kong et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
An Investment perspective of Human resources


Human resource investment considerations, investments in T&D, investment practices for improved retention, investments in job secure workforce, ethical implications of employment practices, non-traditional investment approaches.


Case Reading:


  1. Finding, training, and keeping best service workers;(Dandira, 2012)
  2. Retaining human capital: a danger zone for METAL STAR;(Kong et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
An Investment perspective of Human resources


Human resource investment considerations, investments in T&D, investment practices for improved retention, investments in job secure workforce, ethical implications of employment practices, non-traditional investment approaches.


Case Reading:


  1. Finding, training, and keeping best service workers;(Dandira, 2012)
  2. Retaining human capital: a danger zone for METAL STAR;(Kong et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
An Investment perspective of Human resources


Human resource investment considerations, investments in T&D, investment practices for improved retention, investments in job secure workforce, ethical implications of employment practices, non-traditional investment approaches.


Case Reading:


  1. Finding, training, and keeping best service workers;(Dandira, 2012)
  2. Retaining human capital: a danger zone for METAL STAR;(Kong et al., 2021)


Teaching Hours:10
Human resource planning


Strategic role of HRP, overview of HRP, managerial issues in planning, selecting forecasting techniques, forecasting the supply of HR, forecasting the demand.  Efficient utilization of HR, dealing with employee shortages, selection of employees, dealing with employee surpluses, special implementation challenges.


Case Reading:Closed Loop: the art of succession planning; (Boyd & Ronnie, 2021)


Teaching Hours:10
Human resource planning


Strategic role of HRP, overview of HRP, managerial issues in planning, selecting forecasting techniques, forecasting the supply of HR, forecasting the demand.  Efficient utilization of HR, dealing with employee shortages, selection of employees, dealing with employee surpluses, special implementation challenges.


Case Reading:Closed Loop: the art of succession planning; (Boyd & Ronnie, 2021)


Teaching Hours:10
Human resource planning


Strategic role of HRP, overview of HRP, managerial issues in planning, selecting forecasting techniques, forecasting the supply of HR, forecasting the demand.  Efficient utilization of HR, dealing with employee shortages, selection of employees, dealing with employee surpluses, special implementation challenges.


Case Reading:Closed Loop: the art of succession planning; (Boyd & Ronnie, 2021)


Teaching Hours:10
Human resource planning


Strategic role of HRP, overview of HRP, managerial issues in planning, selecting forecasting techniques, forecasting the supply of HR, forecasting the demand.  Efficient utilization of HR, dealing with employee shortages, selection of employees, dealing with employee surpluses, special implementation challenges.


Case Reading:Closed Loop: the art of succession planning; (Boyd & Ronnie, 2021)


Teaching Hours:8
Strategy implementation: development and reward management


Employee development, strategically oriented performance measurement systems, strategically oriented compensation systems.


Case Readings: Reward encourages beast.... oops, best! (Purohit, 2018)


Teaching Hours:8
Strategy implementation: development and reward management


Employee development, strategically oriented performance measurement systems, strategically oriented compensation systems.


Case Readings: Reward encourages beast.... oops, best! (Purohit, 2018)


Teaching Hours:8
Strategy implementation: development and reward management


Employee development, strategically oriented performance measurement systems, strategically oriented compensation systems.


Case Readings: Reward encourages beast.... oops, best! (Purohit, 2018)


Teaching Hours:8
Strategy implementation: development and reward management


Employee development, strategically oriented performance measurement systems, strategically oriented compensation systems.


Case Readings: Reward encourages beast.... oops, best! (Purohit, 2018)


Teaching Hours:10
Retrenchment Strategies


Understanding what is “Retrenchment” and “Redundancy”, Selection of Employees for Retrenchment, Downsizing, HR Outsourcing and Employee Leasing.


Case Reading: Hyatt’s housekeeper debacle; (Landau, 2013)


Teaching Hours:10
Retrenchment Strategies


Understanding what is “Retrenchment” and “Redundancy”, Selection of Employees for Retrenchment, Downsizing, HR Outsourcing and Employee Leasing.


Case Reading: Hyatt’s housekeeper debacle; (Landau, 2013)


Teaching Hours:10
Retrenchment Strategies


Understanding what is “Retrenchment” and “Redundancy”, Selection of Employees for Retrenchment, Downsizing, HR Outsourcing and Employee Leasing.


Case Reading: Hyatt’s housekeeper debacle; (Landau, 2013)


Teaching Hours:10
Retrenchment Strategies


Understanding what is “Retrenchment” and “Redundancy”, Selection of Employees for Retrenchment, Downsizing, HR Outsourcing and Employee Leasing.


Case Reading: Hyatt’s housekeeper debacle; (Landau, 2013)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Aspect of Strategies Implementation


Organization Culture, Culture and Leadership, Human Side of Merger and Acquisition, Organizational Power and Politics.


Case Readings: Overcoming the HR challenge: a case of merger of Kotak Mahindra Bank and ING Vysya Bank. (Jain & Jaisinghani, 2017)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Aspect of Strategies Implementation


Organization Culture, Culture and Leadership, Human Side of Merger and Acquisition, Organizational Power and Politics.


Case Readings: Overcoming the HR challenge: a case of merger of Kotak Mahindra Bank and ING Vysya Bank. (Jain & Jaisinghani, 2017)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Aspect of Strategies Implementation


Organization Culture, Culture and Leadership, Human Side of Merger and Acquisition, Organizational Power and Politics.


Case Readings: Overcoming the HR challenge: a case of merger of Kotak Mahindra Bank and ING Vysya Bank. (Jain & Jaisinghani, 2017)


Teaching Hours:8
Human Aspect of Strategies Implementation


Organization Culture, Culture and Leadership, Human Side of Merger and Acquisition, Organizational Power and Politics.


Case Readings: Overcoming the HR challenge: a case of merger of Kotak Mahindra Bank and ING Vysya Bank. (Jain & Jaisinghani, 2017)


Text Books And Reference Books:

Greer, C.R. (2017). Strategic Human Resource Management (3ndedi), Pearson education

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Agarwala, T. (2010). Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.
  2. Paauwe, J. (2017). Strategy, HRM, and performance: A contextual approach (Second edition.). Oxford: Oxford university press.
  3. Armstrong, M. 1, & Armstrong, M. (2016). Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management (6th Ed.). London: Kogan Page.




Case Readings:


1.                  Boyd, S., & Ronnie, L. (2021). Closed Loop: the art of succession planning. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 11(4), 1–25.


2.      Dandira, M. (2012). Finding, training, and keeping the best service workers. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2(4), 1–3.


3.      Guglielmo, M., Edwards, S., DiBernardino, F., & Coughlin, M. (2021). Using diversity, equity and inclusion to drive outcomes at CareerStaff unlimited. The Case For Women, 1–19.


4.      Jain, N. R., & Jaisinghani, D. (2017). Overcoming the HR challenge: a case of merger of Kotak Mahindra Bank and ING Vysya Bank. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 7(2), 1–16.


5.      Kong, S. M., Muthuveloo, R., Chan, J. I. L., Nezakati, H., & Joshi, J. P. (2021). Retaining human capital: a danger zone for METAL STAR. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 11(1), 1–33.


6.      Landau, J. (2013). Hyatt ’ s housekeeper debacle. 9(2), 17–26.


7.      Purohit, N. (2018). Reward encourages the beast...oops, best! Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 8(4), 1–17.


8.Shah, S., & Sankar, R. N. A. (2013). Human resource management in the changing business environment of the Indian construction industry: a case study. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 3(6), 1–17.


Evaluation Pattern



CIA – 1 (20)*

CIA – 2 (25)*

CIA – 3 (20)*

Attendance (5)*

ESE  (30)*

Total (100)*


















Individual  Assignment

Written Examination

Individual Assignment


 Written Examination



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course aims to familiarize the students with the different aspects of financial modelling using computer applications. It is a key skill with application in several domains of banking and finance industry as well as within corporations. It equips students for roles in core finance areas such as Equity Research, Investment Banking, Project Finance, Business Analysis, Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Analysis, and Corporate Finance. 

Course Learning Objectives: This course aims to:


  • To understand the applications of advance excel functions in financial modeling.

  • To forecast the company performance on relevant financial parameters.

  • To asses and apply mathematical models to different financial variables.

  • To evaluate financial viability of various projects

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of excel functions in financial modeling.

CO2: Construct the sound financial forecasting model to forecast Income statement and Balance sheet by using relevant assumptions.

CO3: Analyze the feasibility of pre- and post-Mergers and Acquisition deals.

CO4: Evaluate the financial viability of various projects at different stages of the project.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Financial Modelling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Introduction to Financial Modelling, Need, Uses, application of Financial Modelling in functional areas. Time Value of Money – Compounding and Discounting Techniques

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Financial Modelling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Introduction to Financial Modelling, Need, Uses, application of Financial Modelling in functional areas. Time Value of Money – Compounding and Discounting Techniques

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Financial Modelling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Introduction to Financial Modelling, Need, Uses, application of Financial Modelling in functional areas. Time Value of Money – Compounding and Discounting Techniques

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Financial Modelling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Introduction to Financial Modelling, Need, Uses, application of Financial Modelling in functional areas. Time Value of Money – Compounding and Discounting Techniques

Teaching Hours:14
Financial Modeling using Excel

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Build a financial model from a scratch using the best structuring techniques - Use efficiently key Excel functions to construct sound financial forecasting models - Economy Industry and Company Framework - Step by Step analysis of company- Interpret and analyze the key ratios used in a financial forecast - Projecting B/S , Income statement - Scenario Analysis.

Teaching Hours:14
Financial Modeling using Excel

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Build a financial model from a scratch using the best structuring techniques - Use efficiently key Excel functions to construct sound financial forecasting models - Economy Industry and Company Framework - Step by Step analysis of company- Interpret and analyze the key ratios used in a financial forecast - Projecting B/S , Income statement - Scenario Analysis.

Teaching Hours:14
Financial Modeling using Excel

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Build a financial model from a scratch using the best structuring techniques - Use efficiently key Excel functions to construct sound financial forecasting models - Economy Industry and Company Framework - Step by Step analysis of company- Interpret and analyze the key ratios used in a financial forecast - Projecting B/S , Income statement - Scenario Analysis.

Teaching Hours:14
Financial Modeling using Excel

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Build a financial model from a scratch using the best structuring techniques - Use efficiently key Excel functions to construct sound financial forecasting models - Economy Industry and Company Framework - Step by Step analysis of company- Interpret and analyze the key ratios used in a financial forecast - Projecting B/S , Income statement - Scenario Analysis.

Teaching Hours:8
Forecasting Cash Flows and Cash Flow Statements

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Cash Flows - Developing dynamic models using Excel - Equity Valuation using DDM, DCF, Relative Valuation, Residual Valuation - Preparing a comprehensive high-quality report

Teaching Hours:8
Forecasting Cash Flows and Cash Flow Statements

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Cash Flows - Developing dynamic models using Excel - Equity Valuation using DDM, DCF, Relative Valuation, Residual Valuation - Preparing a comprehensive high-quality report

Teaching Hours:8
Forecasting Cash Flows and Cash Flow Statements

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Cash Flows - Developing dynamic models using Excel - Equity Valuation using DDM, DCF, Relative Valuation, Residual Valuation - Preparing a comprehensive high-quality report

Teaching Hours:8
Forecasting Cash Flows and Cash Flow Statements

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Cash Flows - Developing dynamic models using Excel - Equity Valuation using DDM, DCF, Relative Valuation, Residual Valuation - Preparing a comprehensive high-quality report

Teaching Hours:10
Equity Research Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Fundamental & Technical Analysis – Financial Statement Analysis, Geographic Revenue Sheet, Segment Revenue Sheet, Cost Statement, Debt Sheet, Analyze Revenue Drivers - Compute Margins, Balance Sheet -Compute Ratios, TA– Client based scenario, low, medium and high-risk takers, stock or sectorial analysis, Moving Average.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Average returns, expected returns, risk measure – beta, standard deviation.


Portfolio Constriction and Evaluation – Sharpe Index Model

Teaching Hours:10
Equity Research Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Fundamental & Technical Analysis – Financial Statement Analysis, Geographic Revenue Sheet, Segment Revenue Sheet, Cost Statement, Debt Sheet, Analyze Revenue Drivers - Compute Margins, Balance Sheet -Compute Ratios, TA– Client based scenario, low, medium and high-risk takers, stock or sectorial analysis, Moving Average.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Average returns, expected returns, risk measure – beta, standard deviation.


Portfolio Constriction and Evaluation – Sharpe Index Model

Teaching Hours:10
Equity Research Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Fundamental & Technical Analysis – Financial Statement Analysis, Geographic Revenue Sheet, Segment Revenue Sheet, Cost Statement, Debt Sheet, Analyze Revenue Drivers - Compute Margins, Balance Sheet -Compute Ratios, TA– Client based scenario, low, medium and high-risk takers, stock or sectorial analysis, Moving Average.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Average returns, expected returns, risk measure – beta, standard deviation.


Portfolio Constriction and Evaluation – Sharpe Index Model

Teaching Hours:10
Equity Research Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Fundamental & Technical Analysis – Financial Statement Analysis, Geographic Revenue Sheet, Segment Revenue Sheet, Cost Statement, Debt Sheet, Analyze Revenue Drivers - Compute Margins, Balance Sheet -Compute Ratios, TA– Client based scenario, low, medium and high-risk takers, stock or sectorial analysis, Moving Average.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Average returns, expected returns, risk measure – beta, standard deviation.


Portfolio Constriction and Evaluation – Sharpe Index Model

Teaching Hours:10
Project Finance Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Why Project evaluation; stage of project; construction & development phase; funding during investment phase; costs during investment phase; life of project; decision making, cash flow waterfall & resolve circular reference problem in interest during construction; Understanding Date functions, Modeling Cash flow waterfall, Scenario Analysis of project management - Delays in Projects - Cost escalation, Input Variation

Teaching Hours:10
Project Finance Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Why Project evaluation; stage of project; construction & development phase; funding during investment phase; costs during investment phase; life of project; decision making, cash flow waterfall & resolve circular reference problem in interest during construction; Understanding Date functions, Modeling Cash flow waterfall, Scenario Analysis of project management - Delays in Projects - Cost escalation, Input Variation

Teaching Hours:10
Project Finance Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Why Project evaluation; stage of project; construction & development phase; funding during investment phase; costs during investment phase; life of project; decision making, cash flow waterfall & resolve circular reference problem in interest during construction; Understanding Date functions, Modeling Cash flow waterfall, Scenario Analysis of project management - Delays in Projects - Cost escalation, Input Variation

Teaching Hours:10
Project Finance Modeling

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Why Project evaluation; stage of project; construction & development phase; funding during investment phase; costs during investment phase; life of project; decision making, cash flow waterfall & resolve circular reference problem in interest during construction; Understanding Date functions, Modeling Cash flow waterfall, Scenario Analysis of project management - Delays in Projects - Cost escalation, Input Variation

Teaching Hours:8
Merger& Acquisition (M&A) Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Building Merger Inputs - Stock and Cash Mix Deal - Contribution Analysis - Accretion and Dilution

Teaching Hours:8
Merger& Acquisition (M&A) Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Building Merger Inputs - Stock and Cash Mix Deal - Contribution Analysis - Accretion and Dilution

Teaching Hours:8
Merger& Acquisition (M&A) Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Building Merger Inputs - Stock and Cash Mix Deal - Contribution Analysis - Accretion and Dilution

Teaching Hours:8
Merger& Acquisition (M&A) Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Building Merger Inputs - Stock and Cash Mix Deal - Contribution Analysis - Accretion and Dilution

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Danielle Stein Fairhurst (2017), Financial Modelling in Excel for Dummies

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Alstair L Day. (2013). Mastering Financial Modeling in Excel. Pearson Publications.

  2. Jonathan Swan. (2008). Practical financial modeling -A Guide to Current Practice.John Wiley and Sons.

  3. Alastair Day. (2010). Mastering Financial Modeling in Microsoft Excel: A practitioner's guide to applied corporate finance (English).

Evaluation Pattern

CIA I- 20 Marks

CIA II,III & IV - 25 Marks each

Attendance - 5 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: The course examines the importance of effective performance management systems that help organizations in achieving short and long term goals. It explains and reinforces the concept that performance management is not a one-time supervisory event, but an ongoing process of planning, facilitating, assessing, and improving individual and organizational performance. In addition, the course emphasizes the importance of measuring the effectiveness of human resource activities that are designed to enhance individual and organizational performance. The course seeks to provide theoretical and practical perspectives of effective performance management systems.


Course Objectives:

         To understand the key concepts and frameworks that enable performance management from a multiple stakeholder perspective.

         To illustrate the importance of implementing well-designed performance management systems

         To examine the deficiencies in the existing systems and suggest how these can be improved.

         To evaluate performance management practices in various organizations.

         To design and suggest comprehensive performance management initiatives for organizations. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of strategic performance aims, objectives, priorities and targets.

CO2: Plan effective performance management policies and practices to improve organizational and employee performance.

CO3: Deduce arguments for using appropriate performance management techniques, rewards and sanctions to improve performance.

CO4: Justify the communication skills required when managing achievement and underachievement

CO5: Propose initiatives for improving the effectiveness of performance management.

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 1. Introduction to Performance Management

Definition of performance management, Objectives of performance management, Characteristics of performance management, and Pitfalls of poorly implemented performance management systems; Process of performance management – Prerequisites, performance planning, performance execution, performance assessment, performance review, performance renewal and recontracting. 

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 1. Introduction to Performance Management

Definition of performance management, Objectives of performance management, Characteristics of performance management, and Pitfalls of poorly implemented performance management systems; Process of performance management – Prerequisites, performance planning, performance execution, performance assessment, performance review, performance renewal and recontracting. 

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 1. Introduction to Performance Management

Definition of performance management, Objectives of performance management, Characteristics of performance management, and Pitfalls of poorly implemented performance management systems; Process of performance management – Prerequisites, performance planning, performance execution, performance assessment, performance review, performance renewal and recontracting. 

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 1. Introduction to Performance Management

Definition of performance management, Objectives of performance management, Characteristics of performance management, and Pitfalls of poorly implemented performance management systems; Process of performance management – Prerequisites, performance planning, performance execution, performance assessment, performance review, performance renewal and recontracting. 

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2. Defining Performance and Choosing a Measurement Approach

Defining performance, determinants of performance, performance dimensions, approaches to measuring performance – behaviours, results, traits.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2. Defining Performance and Choosing a Measurement Approach

Defining performance, determinants of performance, performance dimensions, approaches to measuring performance – behaviours, results, traits.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2. Defining Performance and Choosing a Measurement Approach

Defining performance, determinants of performance, performance dimensions, approaches to measuring performance – behaviours, results, traits.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2. Defining Performance and Choosing a Measurement Approach

Defining performance, determinants of performance, performance dimensions, approaches to measuring performance – behaviours, results, traits.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3. Measuring Results and Behavior

 Measuring Results – determining accountabilities, determining objectives, determining performance standards; Measuring Behaviours – comparative systems, absolute systems. 


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3. Measuring Results and Behavior

 Measuring Results – determining accountabilities, determining objectives, determining performance standards; Measuring Behaviours – comparative systems, absolute systems. 


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3. Measuring Results and Behavior

 Measuring Results – determining accountabilities, determining objectives, determining performance standards; Measuring Behaviours – comparative systems, absolute systems. 


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3. Measuring Results and Behavior

 Measuring Results – determining accountabilities, determining objectives, determining performance standards; Measuring Behaviours – comparative systems, absolute systems. 


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 4. Gathering Performance Information

Appraisal forms – characteristics of appraisal forms, determining overall rating, appraisal period and number of meetings, appraisal information sources, model of rater motivation, preventing rating distortion through rater training programs.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 4. Gathering Performance Information

Appraisal forms – characteristics of appraisal forms, determining overall rating, appraisal period and number of meetings, appraisal information sources, model of rater motivation, preventing rating distortion through rater training programs.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 4. Gathering Performance Information

Appraisal forms – characteristics of appraisal forms, determining overall rating, appraisal period and number of meetings, appraisal information sources, model of rater motivation, preventing rating distortion through rater training programs.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 4. Gathering Performance Information

Appraisal forms – characteristics of appraisal forms, determining overall rating, appraisal period and number of meetings, appraisal information sources, model of rater motivation, preventing rating distortion through rater training programs.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 5. Implementing a Performance Management System

Communication plan, appeals process, training programs for acquisition of requisite skills, pilot testing, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, online implementation.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 5. Implementing a Performance Management System

Communication plan, appeals process, training programs for acquisition of requisite skills, pilot testing, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, online implementation.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 5. Implementing a Performance Management System

Communication plan, appeals process, training programs for acquisition of requisite skills, pilot testing, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, online implementation.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 5. Implementing a Performance Management System

Communication plan, appeals process, training programs for acquisition of requisite skills, pilot testing, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, online implementation.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6. Performance Management Skills

Coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, observation and documentation of developmental behavior and outcomes, giving feedback, disciplinary process and termination, performance review meetings.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6. Performance Management Skills

Coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, observation and documentation of developmental behavior and outcomes, giving feedback, disciplinary process and termination, performance review meetings.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6. Performance Management Skills

Coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, observation and documentation of developmental behavior and outcomes, giving feedback, disciplinary process and termination, performance review meetings.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6. Performance Management Skills

Coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, observation and documentation of developmental behavior and outcomes, giving feedback, disciplinary process and termination, performance review meetings.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7. Managing Team Performance

Definition and importance of teams, types of teams and implications for performance management, purposes and challenges of team performance management, including team performance in the performance management system, rewarding team performance.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7. Managing Team Performance

Definition and importance of teams, types of teams and implications for performance management, purposes and challenges of team performance management, including team performance in the performance management system, rewarding team performance.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7. Managing Team Performance

Definition and importance of teams, types of teams and implications for performance management, purposes and challenges of team performance management, including team performance in the performance management system, rewarding team performance.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7. Managing Team Performance

Definition and importance of teams, types of teams and implications for performance management, purposes and challenges of team performance management, including team performance in the performance management system, rewarding team performance.


Text Books And Reference Books:


1.       Aguinis, H (2013). Performance Management (3rd edition). New Jersey, USA: Pearson.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Armstrong, M. (2018). Armstrong's handbook of performance management: An evidence-based guide to delivering high performance (Sixth edition.). U K: Kogan Page.
  2. Adler, R. W. (2018). Strategic performance management: Accounting for organizational control. Oxon: Routledge. 
  3. Ashdown, L. (2018). Performance management: A practical introduction (Second edition.). London: Kogan Page Limited. 
  4. Mone, E. M. (2018). Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers (Second Edition.). New York: Routledge. 
  5. HBR. (2017). HBR guide to performance management. Boston: HBR.
  6. Armstrong, M. (2017). Armstrong on reinventing performance management: Building a culture of continuous improvement. London: Kogan Page.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern: 70 CIA:30 ESE





Maximum marks


Total Marks in Final Grade


Individual/Group Assignment

1, 2





Mid Semester Examination






Individual/Group Assignment






End Semester Examination

All units














Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The emerging powers of internet and related technologies have changed the marketplace in the world by making transactions quick- economical- and convenient.  This course develops an overall understanding of digital marketing/online marketing- social media tools- search engine optimization- mobile marketing- email marketing- pay per click- display marketing and content marketing.

Course Objectives:

·       To present the student with an overall view of the Digital marketing space.


·       To develop competency in students to develop Marketing Strategy using various tools available to manage consumers and content on the internet. 

  •    To enable students with the techniques that can be used for marketing in the digital/internet world.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the basics of digital marketing to enable the effective usage of digital marketing tools while running full-fledged campaigns

CO2: Demonstrate digital marketing techniques that can be used for marketing in the digital/internet world

CO3: Develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing - Digital Vs real marketing - Digital Marketing channels - Technologies -Framework -Online Branding - Digital branding eco -system - Process and Procedure of Digital Marketing, Funnel system.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing - Digital Vs real marketing - Digital Marketing channels - Technologies -Framework -Online Branding - Digital branding eco -system - Process and Procedure of Digital Marketing, Funnel system.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing - Digital Vs real marketing - Digital Marketing channels - Technologies -Framework -Online Branding - Digital branding eco -system - Process and Procedure of Digital Marketing, Funnel system.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing - Digital Vs real marketing - Digital Marketing channels - Technologies -Framework -Online Branding - Digital branding eco -system - Process and Procedure of Digital Marketing, Funnel system.

Teaching Hours:8
Social Media Foundation

Introduction to social media- Multiple platforms- Social media Strategy and Planning- Channel management- Management tools- Measurement tools and reporting- Social Advertising. Facebook Marketing- Twitter marketing- Instagram marketing- LinkedIn Marketing- Mobile marketing foundation- Email marketing - Mastering social media - Mobile Marketing and Digital Strategy

Teaching Hours:8
Social Media Foundation

Introduction to social media- Multiple platforms- Social media Strategy and Planning- Channel management- Management tools- Measurement tools and reporting- Social Advertising. Facebook Marketing- Twitter marketing- Instagram marketing- LinkedIn Marketing- Mobile marketing foundation- Email marketing - Mastering social media - Mobile Marketing and Digital Strategy

Teaching Hours:8
Social Media Foundation

Introduction to social media- Multiple platforms- Social media Strategy and Planning- Channel management- Management tools- Measurement tools and reporting- Social Advertising. Facebook Marketing- Twitter marketing- Instagram marketing- LinkedIn Marketing- Mobile marketing foundation- Email marketing - Mastering social media - Mobile Marketing and Digital Strategy

Teaching Hours:8
Social Media Foundation

Introduction to social media- Multiple platforms- Social media Strategy and Planning- Channel management- Management tools- Measurement tools and reporting- Social Advertising. Facebook Marketing- Twitter marketing- Instagram marketing- LinkedIn Marketing- Mobile marketing foundation- Email marketing - Mastering social media - Mobile Marketing and Digital Strategy

Teaching Hours:10
Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

Introduction to SEO - The business impact of SEO - terms and definition- SEO business concepts How search engine works - Keyword research on-page optimization- Website management- planning a new website- analytics and measurement. Search Engine Marketing

Teaching Hours:10
Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

Introduction to SEO - The business impact of SEO - terms and definition- SEO business concepts How search engine works - Keyword research on-page optimization- Website management- planning a new website- analytics and measurement. Search Engine Marketing

Teaching Hours:10
Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

Introduction to SEO - The business impact of SEO - terms and definition- SEO business concepts How search engine works - Keyword research on-page optimization- Website management- planning a new website- analytics and measurement. Search Engine Marketing

Teaching Hours:10
Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

Introduction to SEO - The business impact of SEO - terms and definition- SEO business concepts How search engine works - Keyword research on-page optimization- Website management- planning a new website- analytics and measurement. Search Engine Marketing

Teaching Hours:10
Pay Per Click (PPC) and Campaign Management

Introduction to PPC, PPC Process - Website Analysis, Keyword Search, Campaign Structure, Campaign Management, Cost Consideration Calculation on CPM, CPC, CTR, CR, CPL, and CPA.

Ad Group, Types of Ad Copy, keyword match types - negative keyword- managing search terms- keyword research- creating compelling Ads- Ad extension - Campaign management, goals of campaign management, remarketing, AdWords remarketing options. 

Teaching Hours:10
Pay Per Click (PPC) and Campaign Management

Introduction to PPC, PPC Process - Website Analysis, Keyword Search, Campaign Structure, Campaign Management, Cost Consideration Calculation on CPM, CPC, CTR, CR, CPL, and CPA.

Ad Group, Types of Ad Copy, keyword match types - negative keyword- managing search terms- keyword research- creating compelling Ads- Ad extension - Campaign management, goals of campaign management, remarketing, AdWords remarketing options. 

Teaching Hours:10
Pay Per Click (PPC) and Campaign Management

Introduction to PPC, PPC Process - Website Analysis, Keyword Search, Campaign Structure, Campaign Management, Cost Consideration Calculation on CPM, CPC, CTR, CR, CPL, and CPA.

Ad Group, Types of Ad Copy, keyword match types - negative keyword- managing search terms- keyword research- creating compelling Ads- Ad extension - Campaign management, goals of campaign management, remarketing, AdWords remarketing options. 

Teaching Hours:10
Pay Per Click (PPC) and Campaign Management

Introduction to PPC, PPC Process - Website Analysis, Keyword Search, Campaign Structure, Campaign Management, Cost Consideration Calculation on CPM, CPC, CTR, CR, CPL, and CPA.

Ad Group, Types of Ad Copy, keyword match types - negative keyword- managing search terms- keyword research- creating compelling Ads- Ad extension - Campaign management, goals of campaign management, remarketing, AdWords remarketing options. 

Teaching Hours:8
Digital Marketing Budgeting & Video Marketing

Resource planning- cost estimation- cost budgeting- cost control. Video marketing strategy- steps involved Video marketing strategy, YouTube Advertising- leveraging mobile video- YouTube and Instagram How-to’s - Video ad on different social media- video for B2B marketing.

Teaching Hours:8
Digital Marketing Budgeting & Video Marketing

Resource planning- cost estimation- cost budgeting- cost control. Video marketing strategy- steps involved Video marketing strategy, YouTube Advertising- leveraging mobile video- YouTube and Instagram How-to’s - Video ad on different social media- video for B2B marketing.

Teaching Hours:8
Digital Marketing Budgeting & Video Marketing

Resource planning- cost estimation- cost budgeting- cost control. Video marketing strategy- steps involved Video marketing strategy, YouTube Advertising- leveraging mobile video- YouTube and Instagram How-to’s - Video ad on different social media- video for B2B marketing.

Teaching Hours:8
Digital Marketing Budgeting & Video Marketing

Resource planning- cost estimation- cost budgeting- cost control. Video marketing strategy- steps involved Video marketing strategy, YouTube Advertising- leveraging mobile video- YouTube and Instagram How-to’s - Video ad on different social media- video for B2B marketing.

Teaching Hours:8
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Fundamentals - Google Branding Strategy - Digital presence: Website - Google My Business account creation and management - Website creation - website optimization

Digital Content Creation - hands on tools training for crating Post- Story- Reels- Shorts. Multiple tools strategy- #tag strategy- Email marketing- email content. Blog creation [ Canva / creative cloud express / Figma / Adobe XD]

Ad Management - Google Ads- Facebook Ads creation- Insta Ad Creation and management - Strategy-Search Ad- Display Ad- Video Ad- campaigns, Optimization. 

Teaching Hours:8
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Fundamentals - Google Branding Strategy - Digital presence: Website - Google My Business account creation and management - Website creation - website optimization

Digital Content Creation - hands on tools training for crating Post- Story- Reels- Shorts. Multiple tools strategy- #tag strategy- Email marketing- email content. Blog creation [ Canva / creative cloud express / Figma / Adobe XD]

Ad Management - Google Ads- Facebook Ads creation- Insta Ad Creation and management - Strategy-Search Ad- Display Ad- Video Ad- campaigns, Optimization. 

Teaching Hours:8
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Fundamentals - Google Branding Strategy - Digital presence: Website - Google My Business account creation and management - Website creation - website optimization

Digital Content Creation - hands on tools training for crating Post- Story- Reels- Shorts. Multiple tools strategy- #tag strategy- Email marketing- email content. Blog creation [ Canva / creative cloud express / Figma / Adobe XD]

Ad Management - Google Ads- Facebook Ads creation- Insta Ad Creation and management - Strategy-Search Ad- Display Ad- Video Ad- campaigns, Optimization. 

Teaching Hours:8
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Fundamentals - Google Branding Strategy - Digital presence: Website - Google My Business account creation and management - Website creation - website optimization

Digital Content Creation - hands on tools training for crating Post- Story- Reels- Shorts. Multiple tools strategy- #tag strategy- Email marketing- email content. Blog creation [ Canva / creative cloud express / Figma / Adobe XD]

Ad Management - Google Ads- Facebook Ads creation- Insta Ad Creation and management - Strategy-Search Ad- Display Ad- Video Ad- campaigns, Optimization. 

Teaching Hours:4
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Strategy for Campaign 6hrs - Strategy for Twitter Ad- Linked-in Ad- Instagram ad- Facebook ad- Google ad- Virtual campaigns

Workshop/hands on learning / Guest lecture - Digital Unlock – Experiential learning- Facebook - YouTube Academy - Google Ad course + Meta Blueprint

Teaching Hours:4
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Strategy for Campaign 6hrs - Strategy for Twitter Ad- Linked-in Ad- Instagram ad- Facebook ad- Google ad- Virtual campaigns

Workshop/hands on learning / Guest lecture - Digital Unlock – Experiential learning- Facebook - YouTube Academy - Google Ad course + Meta Blueprint

Teaching Hours:4
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Strategy for Campaign 6hrs - Strategy for Twitter Ad- Linked-in Ad- Instagram ad- Facebook ad- Google ad- Virtual campaigns

Workshop/hands on learning / Guest lecture - Digital Unlock – Experiential learning- Facebook - YouTube Academy - Google Ad course + Meta Blueprint

Teaching Hours:4
Practical / Hands on Practice Sessions

Strategy for Campaign 6hrs - Strategy for Twitter Ad- Linked-in Ad- Instagram ad- Facebook ad- Google ad- Virtual campaigns

Workshop/hands on learning / Guest lecture - Digital Unlock – Experiential learning- Facebook - YouTube Academy - Google Ad course + Meta Blueprint

Text Books And Reference Books:

Vandana Ahuja, (2015) Digital Marketing, Oxford University Press

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Moving from traditional to digital. Wiley Publishers


Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice (7th ed.). Pearson.

Ryan, D. (2016). Understanding digital marketing: Marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation (4th ed.). Kogan Page.

Evaluation Pattern

Component of Assessment

Description of the Assessment

Units covered

Maximum Marks


Total Marks


Hands-on Experiential (Website & Social Media Design)

Unit 1, 2


100 %



Case Study Analysis

Unit 1, 2 & 3





An Interview with Practicing Digital Marketer

Unit 2, 3, 4, 5





Hands-on Experiential (Website & Social Media Analytics)

Unit 6 & 7








Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: The course intends to provide a comprehensive knowledge on the Debt market and Mutual funds. Mutual funds have become a much sought after investment product in recent years. This course demystifies the concept of mutual funds and helps create awareness and knowledge about the industry and its functioning We will cover topics such as Fixed Income Securities Markets, Bond Mathematics, Risk Identification in Bond, Corporate Debt Market, Bond Portfolio Management Strategies, and Mutual Fund Valuations. Debt markets are an important source of funds, especially in a developing economy like India. Like all other countries, the debt market in India is also considered a useful substitute to banking channels for finance. The intent of the course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the Debt market and how to value those securities. 


Course Objectives:


        To compare and contrast the Fixed Income Securities Market environment in India


        To demonstrate bond valuations and Risk Identification in Fixed Income Securities


        To distinguish the Government securities and Corporate Debt Market in India.

             To interpret the Bond Portfolio Management Strategies.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Compare and contrast the Fixed Income Securities Market environment in India

CO2: Evaluate bonds based on different valuation techniques and the risk parameters

CO3: Rate the Government securities and Corporate Debt securities in India.

CO4: Interpret the Bond Portfolio Management Strategies

CO5: Propose the suitable funds to the investors according to their risk tolerance

Teaching Hours:8
Fixed Income Securities Markets Overview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Features - types – Debt market in India - Institutional Arrangements - Market Participants and Instruments - Investors Perspectives Risk and Rewards  - Treasury Securities Auction - Government Bond Markets - Auction Mechanisms - Uniform vs Discriminatory Auction - Auction and Repo Markets - Markets Implications of Auctions


Teaching Hours:8
Fixed Income Securities Markets Overview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Features - types – Debt market in India - Institutional Arrangements - Market Participants and Instruments - Investors Perspectives Risk and Rewards  - Treasury Securities Auction - Government Bond Markets - Auction Mechanisms - Uniform vs Discriminatory Auction - Auction and Repo Markets - Markets Implications of Auctions


Teaching Hours:8
Fixed Income Securities Markets Overview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Features - types – Debt market in India - Institutional Arrangements - Market Participants and Instruments - Investors Perspectives Risk and Rewards  - Treasury Securities Auction - Government Bond Markets - Auction Mechanisms - Uniform vs Discriminatory Auction - Auction and Repo Markets - Markets Implications of Auctions


Teaching Hours:8
Fixed Income Securities Markets Overview


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Features - types – Debt market in India - Institutional Arrangements - Market Participants and Instruments - Investors Perspectives Risk and Rewards  - Treasury Securities Auction - Government Bond Markets - Auction Mechanisms - Uniform vs Discriminatory Auction - Auction and Repo Markets - Markets Implications of Auctions


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Mathematics


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Time Value of Money - Price and Yield Conventions - Bond Valuation (Advanced Models)


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Mathematics


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Time Value of Money - Price and Yield Conventions - Bond Valuation (Advanced Models)


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Mathematics


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Time Value of Money - Price and Yield Conventions - Bond Valuation (Advanced Models)


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Mathematics


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Time Value of Money - Price and Yield Conventions - Bond Valuation (Advanced Models)


Teaching Hours:10
Risk Identification in Bonds


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Credit rating system – risk factors - Duration, Convexity - Immunization Strategies – Bond price theorems – malkiel bond theorems - Yield Curve Analysis - Par Value, Zero, Spot Curve - Term Structure of Interest Rates - (Constructing Yield Curve Bootstrapping)


Teaching Hours:10
Risk Identification in Bonds


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Credit rating system – risk factors - Duration, Convexity - Immunization Strategies – Bond price theorems – malkiel bond theorems - Yield Curve Analysis - Par Value, Zero, Spot Curve - Term Structure of Interest Rates - (Constructing Yield Curve Bootstrapping)


Teaching Hours:10
Risk Identification in Bonds


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Credit rating system – risk factors - Duration, Convexity - Immunization Strategies – Bond price theorems – malkiel bond theorems - Yield Curve Analysis - Par Value, Zero, Spot Curve - Term Structure of Interest Rates - (Constructing Yield Curve Bootstrapping)


Teaching Hours:10
Risk Identification in Bonds


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Credit rating system – risk factors - Duration, Convexity - Immunization Strategies – Bond price theorems – malkiel bond theorems - Yield Curve Analysis - Par Value, Zero, Spot Curve - Term Structure of Interest Rates - (Constructing Yield Curve Bootstrapping)


Teaching Hours:8
Corporate Debt Markets


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Structure, Rating, Spread - Issuers and Investors Perspectives - Valuation, Convertibles - Financial Distress, Bankruptcy, Current trends in Indian Debt market


Teaching Hours:8
Corporate Debt Markets


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Structure, Rating, Spread - Issuers and Investors Perspectives - Valuation, Convertibles - Financial Distress, Bankruptcy, Current trends in Indian Debt market


Teaching Hours:8
Corporate Debt Markets


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Structure, Rating, Spread - Issuers and Investors Perspectives - Valuation, Convertibles - Financial Distress, Bankruptcy, Current trends in Indian Debt market


Teaching Hours:8
Corporate Debt Markets


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Structure, Rating, Spread - Issuers and Investors Perspectives - Valuation, Convertibles - Financial Distress, Bankruptcy, Current trends in Indian Debt market


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Portfolio Management Strategies


Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Asset Allocation Decision- Portfolio management Team- Spectrum of Bond Portfolio Strategies-Bond Indexes- Primary Risk factors- Top down versus Bottom up Portfolio construction - Active Portfolio strategies- Use of Leverage.


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Portfolio Management Strategies


Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Asset Allocation Decision- Portfolio management Team- Spectrum of Bond Portfolio Strategies-Bond Indexes- Primary Risk factors- Top down versus Bottom up Portfolio construction - Active Portfolio strategies- Use of Leverage.


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Portfolio Management Strategies


Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Asset Allocation Decision- Portfolio management Team- Spectrum of Bond Portfolio Strategies-Bond Indexes- Primary Risk factors- Top down versus Bottom up Portfolio construction - Active Portfolio strategies- Use of Leverage.


Teaching Hours:8
Bond Portfolio Management Strategies


Level of Knowledge: Analytical


Asset Allocation Decision- Portfolio management Team- Spectrum of Bond Portfolio Strategies-Bond Indexes- Primary Risk factors- Top down versus Bottom up Portfolio construction - Active Portfolio strategies- Use of Leverage.


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Mutual Fund


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Introduction - Mutual Funds: Structure in India – Management of Investor's Money custodian - Role of the AMC, Registrar and Transfer Agents. – NFO procedure - investor’s rights and obligations.


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Mutual Fund


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Introduction - Mutual Funds: Structure in India – Management of Investor's Money custodian - Role of the AMC, Registrar and Transfer Agents. – NFO procedure - investor’s rights and obligations.


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Mutual Fund


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Introduction - Mutual Funds: Structure in India – Management of Investor's Money custodian - Role of the AMC, Registrar and Transfer Agents. – NFO procedure - investor’s rights and obligations.


Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Mutual Fund


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Introduction - Mutual Funds: Structure in India – Management of Investor's Money custodian - Role of the AMC, Registrar and Transfer Agents. – NFO procedure - investor’s rights and obligations.


Teaching Hours:10
Mutual Fund Valuations


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Fund Accounting and Valuation. Portfolio Management- AUM - Managing Unit Holder’s money. Performance Measurement and Evaluation of Mutual Fund Schemes- Mutual Fund as an investment · Developing a Model Portfolio for the investor · Unit holders Protection.


Teaching Hours:10
Mutual Fund Valuations


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Fund Accounting and Valuation. Portfolio Management- AUM - Managing Unit Holder’s money. Performance Measurement and Evaluation of Mutual Fund Schemes- Mutual Fund as an investment · Developing a Model Portfolio for the investor · Unit holders Protection.


Teaching Hours:10
Mutual Fund Valuations


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Fund Accounting and Valuation. Portfolio Management- AUM - Managing Unit Holder’s money. Performance Measurement and Evaluation of Mutual Fund Schemes- Mutual Fund as an investment · Developing a Model Portfolio for the investor · Unit holders Protection.


Teaching Hours:10
Mutual Fund Valuations


Level of Knowledge: Conceptual


Fund Accounting and Valuation. Portfolio Management- AUM - Managing Unit Holder’s money. Performance Measurement and Evaluation of Mutual Fund Schemes- Mutual Fund as an investment · Developing a Model Portfolio for the investor · Unit holders Protection.


Text Books And Reference Books:


1.       Frank J. Fabozzi (2016) Bond Markets Analysis and Strategies, Pearson 


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Bond Market Association. (2008). The fundamentals of municipal bonds.John Wiley.
  2. Alexander, C. (2008). Market Risk Analysis Vol. I – Quantitative Methods in Finance. England: John Wiley & Sons. 
  3. Choudhry, M. (2010). An Introduction to Bond Markets. UK: John Wiley & Sons. 
  4. Hull, J. C. (2018). Risk Management and Financial Institutions. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 
  5. Jorion, P. (2011): Financial Risk Manager Handbook. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.


Evaluation Pattern


CIA – 1 (20)*

CIA – 2 (25)*

CIA – 3 (20)*

Attendance (5)*

ESE  (30)*

Total (100)*


















Individual  Assignment

Written Examination

Group Presentation


 Written Examination



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course aims at developing analytical skills which will help students to conduct comprehensive analysis of data to develop and streamline HR Policies and strategic decisions of organizations. The course also enables students to understand how HR professionals make data-driven decisions to attract, manage and retain employees, which improves ROI. This course helps students gain employability skills in the HR functional area to create a better work environment and maximize employee productivity.

Course Objectives

●         To examine the role and importance of HR analytics, and the ability to track, store, retrieve, analyze and interpret HR data to support decision-making

●         To create benchmarks/metrics to conduct research and statistical analyses related to Human Resource Management

●         To choose appropriate tools to analyze human resources information (e.g., staffing, skills, performance ratings and compensation information).

  • To create HR Analytics reports

Learning Outcome

CO1: Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of human resource functions by using HR Metrics.

CO2: Apply analytical tools to analyse problems related to sub functions of HRM.

CO3: Create dashboards and other visualisation graphs using the software.

CO4: Interpret statistical analysis and its relevance in HR analytics.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to HR Analytics

Introduction to HR Analytics and its importance, Evolution of HR Analytics, Models of HRAnalytics, Levels of HRAnalytics-Descriptive, Predictive, Diagnostic and Prescriptive,Conducting HR Analytics,Level of Adoption of HRAnalytics, Building HR Analytics Culture

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to HR Analytics

Introduction to HR Analytics and its importance, Evolution of HR Analytics, Models of HRAnalytics, Levels of HRAnalytics-Descriptive, Predictive, Diagnostic and Prescriptive,Conducting HR Analytics,Level of Adoption of HRAnalytics, Building HR Analytics Culture

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to HR Analytics

Introduction to HR Analytics and its importance, Evolution of HR Analytics, Models of HRAnalytics, Levels of HRAnalytics-Descriptive, Predictive, Diagnostic and Prescriptive,Conducting HR Analytics,Level of Adoption of HRAnalytics, Building HR Analytics Culture

Teaching Hours:8
Human Resource Information System

Interface between HR and Technology;HRIS Concepts, e-HRM and HRIS,Need for HRIS, Types of HRIS,System Development Process for HRIS, HRIS Database; HRIS Architecture.

Teaching Hours:8
Human Resource Information System

Interface between HR and Technology;HRIS Concepts, e-HRM and HRIS,Need for HRIS, Types of HRIS,System Development Process for HRIS, HRIS Database; HRIS Architecture.

Teaching Hours:8
Human Resource Information System

Interface between HR and Technology;HRIS Concepts, e-HRM and HRIS,Need for HRIS, Types of HRIS,System Development Process for HRIS, HRIS Database; HRIS Architecture.

Teaching Hours:10
HR Metrics

Identification and definition of  Key HR Metrics,HR Performance Metrics,Staffing Metrics,Training and Development Metrics, Talent Retention Metrics, and General Workforce Metrics.

Teaching Hours:10
HR Metrics

Identification and definition of  Key HR Metrics,HR Performance Metrics,Staffing Metrics,Training and Development Metrics, Talent Retention Metrics, and General Workforce Metrics.

Teaching Hours:10
HR Metrics

Identification and definition of  Key HR Metrics,HR Performance Metrics,Staffing Metrics,Training and Development Metrics, Talent Retention Metrics, and General Workforce Metrics.

Teaching Hours:4
HR Data

Importance, Types of Data- Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio, Data Capturing Methods, Data Examination and Purification- Missing Data, Data Deletion Technique, Data Imputation Technique, Testing Assumption for Statistical Analysis- Normality, Linearity, Independence,Homogeneity of Variance

Teaching Hours:4
HR Data

Importance, Types of Data- Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio, Data Capturing Methods, Data Examination and Purification- Missing Data, Data Deletion Technique, Data Imputation Technique, Testing Assumption for Statistical Analysis- Normality, Linearity, Independence,Homogeneity of Variance

Teaching Hours:4
HR Data

Importance, Types of Data- Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio, Data Capturing Methods, Data Examination and Purification- Missing Data, Data Deletion Technique, Data Imputation Technique, Testing Assumption for Statistical Analysis- Normality, Linearity, Independence,Homogeneity of Variance

Teaching Hours:10
Building HR Dashboard Using Power BI

Overview of Power BI and its role in business intelligence, connecting to different data sources (Excel, databases, online services), Transforming and cleaning data using Power Query Editor, Overview of PowerBI visuals (charts, tables, maps, etc.), Designing effective visualizations, Formatting and customization options forvisuals, building dashboards in PowerBI


Teaching Hours:10
Building HR Dashboard Using Power BI

Overview of Power BI and its role in business intelligence, connecting to different data sources (Excel, databases, online services), Transforming and cleaning data using Power Query Editor, Overview of PowerBI visuals (charts, tables, maps, etc.), Designing effective visualizations, Formatting and customization options forvisuals, building dashboards in PowerBI


Teaching Hours:10
Building HR Dashboard Using Power BI

Overview of Power BI and its role in business intelligence, connecting to different data sources (Excel, databases, online services), Transforming and cleaning data using Power Query Editor, Overview of PowerBI visuals (charts, tables, maps, etc.), Designing effective visualizations, Formatting and customization options forvisuals, building dashboards in PowerBI


Teaching Hours:12
Predictive Analytics in HR using SPSS

Overview of SPSS, Descriptive Statistics - Mean, Median, Mode;Inferential Statistics-Hypothesis Testing, Correlation Analysis, Simple Linear Regression Analysis, Interpretation of Output, Conducting Independent One-Way ANOVA. Building Predictive Model for Employee Turnover and Performance.

Teaching Hours:12
Predictive Analytics in HR using SPSS

Overview of SPSS, Descriptive Statistics - Mean, Median, Mode;Inferential Statistics-Hypothesis Testing, Correlation Analysis, Simple Linear Regression Analysis, Interpretation of Output, Conducting Independent One-Way ANOVA. Building Predictive Model for Employee Turnover and Performance.

Teaching Hours:12
Predictive Analytics in HR using SPSS

Overview of SPSS, Descriptive Statistics - Mean, Median, Mode;Inferential Statistics-Hypothesis Testing, Correlation Analysis, Simple Linear Regression Analysis, Interpretation of Output, Conducting Independent One-Way ANOVA. Building Predictive Model for Employee Turnover and Performance.

Teaching Hours:6
Trends in HR Analytics

The role of AI and automation in HR, Machine Learning Applications in HR, Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis, Ethical Standards in HR Analytics


Teaching Hours:6
Trends in HR Analytics

The role of AI and automation in HR, Machine Learning Applications in HR, Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis, Ethical Standards in HR Analytics


Teaching Hours:6
Trends in HR Analytics

The role of AI and automation in HR, Machine Learning Applications in HR, Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis, Ethical Standards in HR Analytics


Text Books And Reference Books:
  • Edwards Martin R, Edwards Kirsten (2016), “Predictive HR Analytics: Mastering the HR Metric”, Kogan Page Publishers, ISBN-0749473924
  • Rama Shankar Yadav, Sunil Maheswari (2021), HR Analytics: Connecting Data and Theory, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

 1.       Ramesh Soundararajan (2016), Winning on HR Analytics: Leveraging Data for Competitive Advantage,  1st Edition, Sage Publications

 2.       Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya (2017), HR Analytics: Understanding Theories and Applications, 1st Edition, Sage Publications

 3.     Jac Fitz-enz, (2010). The New HR Analytics, 1st edition, AMACOM


Evaluation Pattern


CIA – 1

CIA – 2

CIA – 3





















BBA681 - PROJECT (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The purpose of writing project report is to communicate the findings of theprojectstudy undertaken on a particular topic by a student in a systematic way, in partial fulfilment of BBAprogram. It is a time-bound and independent study guided by a faculty member.

At the end of the course, students should be able:

  1. To enable students to identify the thrust area of research.
  2. To conduct the literature survey and problem identification and articulate theresearch gap
  3. To develop research proposal and design for a study
  4. To collect and analyze the data and summarize the findings
  5. To develop a research report, Present conference papers and publish articles inrefereed journals 


Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify the research gap by conducting the literature survey

CO2: Select an appropriate research design for the research proposal

CO3: Choose appropriate statistical tools to analyse the data.

CO4: Develop a research report and research paper in a proper format

CO5: Choose appropriate language (verbal & non-verbal) to present the findings with appropriate structure & style

Teaching Hours:5

Introduction to the variables and the context of the study, need for the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study.

Teaching Hours:5

Introduction to the variables and the context of the study, need for the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study.

Teaching Hours:5

Introduction to the variables and the context of the study, need for the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study.

Teaching Hours:5

Introduction to the variables and the context of the study, need for the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study.

Teaching Hours:5

Introduction to the variables and the context of the study, need for the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study.

Teaching Hours:5
Literature Review

Critical review of extant literature in the field of study with the identification of research gap.

Teaching Hours:5
Literature Review

Critical review of extant literature in the field of study with the identification of research gap.

Teaching Hours:5
Literature Review

Critical review of extant literature in the field of study with the identification of research gap.

Teaching Hours:5
Literature Review

Critical review of extant literature in the field of study with the identification of research gap.

Teaching Hours:5
Literature Review

Critical review of extant literature in the field of study with the identification of research gap.

Teaching Hours:5
Research Methodology

Introduction, Operational definitions/terms, Objectives of the Study, Hypotheses, Sampling size and sampling technique, Data and the sources of data collection, Methods of data collection, various techniques used in analysis of data, Limitations of the Study.

Teaching Hours:5
Research Methodology

Introduction, Operational definitions/terms, Objectives of the Study, Hypotheses, Sampling size and sampling technique, Data and the sources of data collection, Methods of data collection, various techniques used in analysis of data, Limitations of the Study.

Teaching Hours:5
Research Methodology

Introduction, Operational definitions/terms, Objectives of the Study, Hypotheses, Sampling size and sampling technique, Data and the sources of data collection, Methods of data collection, various techniques used in analysis of data, Limitations of the Study.

Teaching Hours:5
Research Methodology

Introduction, Operational definitions/terms, Objectives of the Study, Hypotheses, Sampling size and sampling technique, Data and the sources of data collection, Methods of data collection, various techniques used in analysis of data, Limitations of the Study.

Teaching Hours:5
Research Methodology

Introduction, Operational definitions/terms, Objectives of the Study, Hypotheses, Sampling size and sampling technique, Data and the sources of data collection, Methods of data collection, various techniques used in analysis of data, Limitations of the Study.

Teaching Hours:10
Data Analysis and Interpretation

Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics (as applicable), interpretation of results.

Teaching Hours:10
Data Analysis and Interpretation

Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics (as applicable), interpretation of results.

Teaching Hours:10
Data Analysis and Interpretation

Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics (as applicable), interpretation of results.

Teaching Hours:10
Data Analysis and Interpretation

Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics (as applicable), interpretation of results.

Teaching Hours:10
Data Analysis and Interpretation

Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics (as applicable), interpretation of results.

Teaching Hours:5
Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

Summary of findings, Suggestions based on the scope of the study and the findings, conclusion and scope for further research.

Teaching Hours:5
Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

Summary of findings, Suggestions based on the scope of the study and the findings, conclusion and scope for further research.

Teaching Hours:5
Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

Summary of findings, Suggestions based on the scope of the study and the findings, conclusion and scope for further research.

Teaching Hours:5
Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

Summary of findings, Suggestions based on the scope of the study and the findings, conclusion and scope for further research.

Teaching Hours:5
Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

Summary of findings, Suggestions based on the scope of the study and the findings, conclusion and scope for further research.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Gournelos, T. 1., Hammonds,Joshua R., & Wilson,Maridath A. (2019). Doing academic research: A practical guide to research methods and analysis. New York: Routledge.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Gupta, M. L. (2022). An Introduction to Research Methodology. Jaipur: Galaxy Book Company.

Polonsky, M. J., & Waller, D. S. (2019). Designing and managing a research project: A business student's guide (Fourth Edition.). London: Sage.

Strang, K. D. (2015). The Palgrave Handbook of Research Design in Business and Management. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Evaluation Pattern

VIVA - VOCE Examination and Research Poster Presentation=   40 marks

Report Evaluation = 30 marks

Guide Valuation = 30 marks

                 Total=  100 Marks